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Come in late January.
Yeah, when i saw the weather for today l was expecting that and chose lost trail instead. I'd love to get to whitefish on my next trip out here
Idaho/Montana/Washington 3/25-4/1
PSUFrankenstein replied to PSUFrankenstein's topic in Other Mountains
Wrapped up at lost trail around 2 30. Had a bratwurst and Bitterroot Brewing IPA and then fished for a bit on the way back to Missoula...lost a big trout and a few takes on dry flies but nothing officially caught. Saw a muskrat swimming around and some cool birds while fishing at a wildlife refuge. Drove back to Missoula and hit Imagine Nation Brewing for a flight and also got tacos from the food truck. Now I'm at Big Sky Brewing for another flight before I head back to the condo -
Idaho/Montana/Washington 3/25-4/1
PSUFrankenstein replied to PSUFrankenstein's topic in Other Mountains
More lost trail pics. Awesome place, I'd love to come back. Unfortunately I didn't get pics of some of the trees runs or another chute/bowl that I did. I tried using my ghetto go pro but apparently I just took a picture of the ground 😐 I don't have the remote with me so I was trying to turn it to video mode while it was on my helmet -
Idaho/Montana/Washington 3/25-4/1
PSUFrankenstein replied to PSUFrankenstein's topic in Other Mountains
Lost trail was awesome. The chair 4 stuff reminds me a bit of the stuff off Millie at Brighton. Chutes, cliffs, trees, bowls, and some nice groomers. Started off by hitting some stuff off the chair near the lodge...then over to chair 4. Did a trail and then a chute called wall of fame and also a few tree runs. It was a little sketchy and icy at the top but the rest was nice. Also hit some groomers which were firm to start but softened up by mid morning. Went out sacajawea trees, which turned out to be a bad idea as I ended up hiking back pretty far once it flattened out. Trees got pretty tight but at the top they were pretty manageable. - Yesterday
Seriously, WTF is with this Weather?
GrilledSteezeSandwich replied to Ride Delaware ?'s topic in General Chat
@saltyant it’s raining that’s gotta be good for the snowmaking ponds. -
At sugarbush I was stuck on the lift for like an hour and a half on a warm day and they gave me a coupon for a free hot chocolate and I had to sweet talk my way into a soft drink instead. A couple times I received vouchers for future days due to weather issues like wind holds and what not even if I skied a few runs already.
Coverage is fine. Sidewinder and switchback obviously closed. They moved around a lot of snow. The glades skiable with a shovel and some imagination. I haven’t checked the webcams but the big melt is happening now so we’re lucky they’re open for us to ski this weekend You can see by my pictures it’s been alot worse. We kind of want to hope for overnight lows to be chillier than forecast it’s just cloud cover and maybe some rain will prevent that so it’s prob gonna get 80 degrees or more some spots tomorrow then gotta hope it gets cooler than forecast next night. At least in here watching the snow melt and not in Jackson hole watching the snow melt.
Adding to this because I was short on time earlier when I post report…today was like the revenge of the non early birds and people who began on the Main Street chair. While maybe ten chairs worth sat on the challenge express which is older than a lot of the girls I talk to..I’m not even capping here that lift is 31 years old but it provides access to some great runs if the OG six isn’t running. At least the best runs within 16 minutes if the Whitehall Sheetz The 50 minutes we were stuck in the lift the late arrivals along with a beautiful empty paradise with corny corn corn corn. Main Street express safari spring six was spinning and full capacity no lines or anything but those runs were busy and the narrow area on Main Street will provide fun spectating tomorrow from the lift. People were out of control in the chop. Robert2 would have hated the conditions. So glad I got that challenge run at the end..the first 13 seconds before 6-7 goobers were stacked up in the middle better than a SUJOPO
Happened to me at killington a long time ago. Waited about an hour on the k1 chair. Once it started moving they had people handing out vouchers a the top redeemable for a free soft drink. A free latte from first tracks would have been a nice gesture for you guys
indiggio started following Idaho/Montana/Washington 3/25-4/1
Right church, wrong pew...
oops sorry potato chips lol threes a baked potato restaurant in allentown, some of my co-workers get lunch there a lot but not my thing although they smell and look good.
Idaho/Montana/Washington 3/25-4/1
GrilledSteezeSandwich replied to PSUFrankenstein's topic in Other Mountains
Hey All, I’m back from another fun morning at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 830am and it was in the low 40s at the base and upper 40s up high, mad inversion Yo..what what if Que Que for the Spanish speaking snow sports enthusiasts. In the house were Bethlehem ford crew minus Bethlehem ford guy, Johnny Law, NMSki and Atomic Jeff. Third civilian quad and it stopped and sat idle for about 50 minutes near the bottom of paradise. We thought we were gonna have to be roped off. Finally at the top at 857am and wow were my legs stiff from sitting so long. Paradise was nice smooth spring snow..and then to the super summit safari six pack. Sheesh there was a mini liftline and Main Street and lazy mile were busy with people. I skied Widowmaker which was ok to chute which was thick not very good spring snow and lower Main Street not that good and narrow. Lazy mile was decent spring snow, the falls is getting lots of carnage as lower sidewinder closed is sending the herbs onto the falls. I skied a top to bottom Main Street and the top had a lot of hero snow then back into the fuckery of lower Main Street. Another lazy mile and then the OG six opened so I hoped on that and got a very smooth hero snow run on challenge. I would have stayed for a few more but had to peace out as I was already about a half hour behind schedule. I’m glad 2 out of three of the lifts worked today, just a shame lift roulette failed today. JADIP Ski most of you this weekend.
I was two mins late and missed it but they got stuck for a hot minute.
We were third chair and report in a but on way home and have to do one or two things at work first.
Hear the quad has been down with people stuck this morning for an hour or so. Can't wait for @GrilledSteezeSandwich report...
primed and ready to go...
BMR Frankie will be the MC again this year I guess my obnoxious "Bring back Frank-eeee!!" chants last year worked lol