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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/17 in all areas

  1. The cabin was built in 1979, we bought it in 1988. The mugs, with trail maps, are all the places we've skiied over the years.
    5 points
  2. The Little Cabin In The Woods Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    4 points
  3. Stop saying that. What's the harm in them being open a week earlier? Just because you don't want to ski Vista, doesn't mean other people don't. It's the same reason you don't go to BB.
    4 points
  4. Great, now my whole morning is wasted while I watch snowgun-o-vision.
    4 points
  5. 3 points
  6. Guess I'll be heading up there a few times a week now
    2 points
  7. say hello to 1999 for us
    2 points
  8. Lost all of my good ones on a cellphone switch. We're going to be there Friday through Tuesday to officially open up for the season. And we have some deck repair planned. I'll get some interiors soon and post. To give you some idea, there are four levels and you climb ships ladders to get from floor to floor. Inside walls completely trimmed in solid mahogany and knotty pine.. a b i t c h to fix frozen pipes. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  9. What time were you there? Seems way too crowded for first thing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  10. Hit up Boulder this morning for their second weekend of operations, and it ended up being pretty a valuable trip in the end even if only Tannenbaum and Freedom were open, and I ended up doing nothing but lapping Tannenbaum for 2 hours and bailing. I had been planning all week on hitting Boulder assuming they were able to preserve enough snow to open, but then the forecasted rain and their announcement that they had put features on Tannenbaum had me second guessing that on Friday night. I woke up at about 8 am and there was no rain so I decided to head up. Left the house about 9 and got there right about 10, stopping at the BK at the rest area right by the exit off the Extension for a breakfast. Got a $25 ticket and was on the lift about 10:15 or so. I picked up some Apex boots secondhand over the summer on eBay, the two-part system really intrigues me. I actually bought two different models and after trying them on at home brought the one I felt fit better with me to try out. They didn't work out too well at all. Major foot pain from the moment I strapped the walking boot into the chassis. The pain was actually not that bad when actually skiing, but on the lift it was completely unbearable. After two runs I went back to the car and changed into my old boots for the rest of the session. That's why it ended up being a valuable trip, I learned that I'm going to need to get these things adjusted and heat-molded if they're going to work out for me, so I'd like to get that done sooner than later. The rest of the morning ended up being 18 more laps down Tannenbaum. The four features they added were pretty much 4 small ride on boxes set in a line on the slope, right at the bottom. Maybe the last one was a low rail or something, I didn't really take much notice but to be glad that it wouldn't be hard to avoid them or stay out of the way of those planning to use them. There's not too much that can be written about 20 laps on a 160 foot vertical run, but I had a good time, learned about my equipment, and got out of there just before the rain picked up a bit so definitely a successful trip. Was good to be back on the snow again, and it's tough to complain about any turns made in the Poconos before Thanksgiving. On the way out a cop car passed me hauling ass on Big Boulder drive right before getting to the turn onto Lake Harmony Rd, and about 5 minutes later an ambulance blew by with lights on about 1/2 mile before the turnpike entrance. Hope no one was seriously injured on the slopes.
    1 point
  11. Shoot, pretty sure Easy Out has more pitch than Tannenbaum and Jack Boulder! Sky Top is the one that always cracked me up as a trail. I'm surprised that's a named trail and the Vista lift down to top of Lazy isn't.
    1 point
  12. Easy out is like 900 feet long. Blue probably has 6 runs shorter than that.
    1 point
  13. MILF game is top notch
    1 point
  14. Yea but off mountain facilities are amazing
    1 point
  15. Wow. The big news is they figured out how to turn the webcam on.
    1 point
  16. Brighton opens tomorrow. Pass it on.
    1 point
  17. Bad idea the vista lift doesn't have enough capacity for opening day crowds.
    1 point
  18. One year when all the weather stars line up, they should just annihilate Vista with every thing they have, just to open once before BB.
    1 point
  19. No heat November will be coming to an end in my house this evening when our houseguests arrive for the week. We made it all the way through last year.
    1 point
  20. I think they're gonna open around December 1. This weekend would be a bonus. Actually anything before March is bonus.
    1 point
  21. Really pushing to get open this weekend. If they would line Vista on either side with guns we wouldn't be having this conversation right now and we would be there skiing.
    1 point
  22. 1:30 AM and about an inch down here at the house. Still snowing.........GBD......Stoked for riding anti gravity machines at Stowe later today.
    1 point
  23. I've still never been to bear creek.
    0 points
  24. I have the right to give my opinion.
    0 points
  25. Wow probably some crazy orgies there.
    0 points
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