Currently your only going to get little spurts of cold air until what appears to be mid december, the turn could be as early as the 7th but looks more like the 15th. All the cold air is up swirling at the poles and you need the oscillations to sort of knock it out or more accurately you need them to send the cold air our way. So this is just a model but you get the idea of how the cold air works, think of cold air as this kinda super limited resource locked away at the poles and for us to get it, particularly in the early season we need a conveyor of air to coral it into the NE/MA. That conveyor doesn't look to show up until mid dec so until then were all just sort of jerking off, the question will be of course is how long does this cold air stick around. It appears as if it may stick around for a bit and give rise to some snow possibly, zonal wave flux looks promising, models show lots of easterly flow but that hasn't shown up in real life yet. NAO/PNA also looks good with NAO looking negative
If you like wildcard kind of bets there is a volcano in Indonesia named Gunung Agung that is low key erupting and one of the super dopest winters was 54 years ago when it last erupted. Currently it ain't doing enough in terms of ash to do much this year but that can change real quick so outside bets on an Indonesian Volcano making skiing dope at Blue Mtn.......