In the 12 years I've been on PASR this may be the first or at least most extensive tubing report I've seen. Saltyant did you really go tubing at Camelback or are you just messing with us??
Opening weekend has finally arrived. Thanks to Enjorales for breaking this great news for all Camelback season pass holders on here.
Two trails will be open: Upper Marc Antony and Honeymoon. I'll take most of the credit for this since I suggested they open these two trails on FB on 11/25. The big kick off will be Saturday at 8:30 am.
Might consider this for Sat if Blue doesn't open Main Street. Then I will have done days on all three open top to bottom runs in the Poconos this season. Make up for no variety days by at least having variety between the days.
I was trying to find one of the messages on their Facebook page where they were saying that they were glad that other mountains were able to open but they wanted to make sure they weren't opening with just a few trails so I could post this:
Why the mind games saltyant? We're human beings with actual feelings you know. Human beings who warmly welcomed you into our little world. And this how you repay us? I'm not gonna lie I'm a little heart broken right now.
Blue mountains big announcements don't give me blue balls they literally have me cumming kind of skigasm..cleanup aisle light special on not pass go do not collect $200 and remember please help control the pet population have your pet spayed or neutered..the price is wrong bitch!!
According to the scientific weather experiment I conducted this morning (aka drive into work, look at temperature on dashboard) it was 25 at the base. Guns were blowing hard. The top of Blue Mountain Pass however it was a different story... bone dry and 30 degrees. 32 on the back side.