Did you buy the damn skis yet? This is the dumbest fucking thread on this stupid piece of shit site.
The second problem is that you're buying Volkl's, get a pair of Kastle BMX 115's with a set of pivots and be done with it.
Dougs neglected pow skis are not a good comparison on maintenance issues.
it seemed to be pretty crowded and getting worse when we left. Id say go to jf honestly.
also jeffs skis are fuckin baller. Didnt even get to rip on them and could tell they were amazing.
Nice are you filling in for a friends paper route Root? We always used to be open the week between xmas and New Years but the phone would ring like two times a day and maybe sell 3-4 tombstones for the week max so we've closed this week for the last few years. I have a nice stretch of not working that much through the beginning of February..me and office manager are gonna alternate between leaving early this winter as much as possible...