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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/18 in all areas

  1. Started the day late today because all the resorts in the valley were on hold because of snow. It looked like Le Tour had the most terrain open so we hopped on a bus and headed there, it was super socked in when we got to the top so we decided to leave after one run and head back to Grands Montets. We heard they got 28cm since noon yesterday and most of the mountain was closed yesterday. We took a few runs in the magical forest then headed back to the honey hole we found yesterday. It was just as deep if not deeper, but a little wind effected. Had some more great turns and ended the day at the hut for a beer. Last ski day is tomorrow and it’s still snowing a bit, kind of hoping the sun pops so patrol can get some fresh terrain open. Time will tell. Speedo vending machine at the swim tub Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    8 points
  2. You have to ride with people that are better then you at whatever skill you want to improve. Formal instruction is fantastic, if you have the time/money and want to spend your time doing that kind of skiing but I still think you progress faster if you ride everyday with people that ski better then you and you have the desire to improve, to take risks. Instead of an hour or two of instruction your getting lower key instruction every run. Atomic is a really excellent carver, dude can really crank out turns and my ability to arc a turn has vastly improved riding with him alot. When you can follow somebody you can stop thinking and just do as they do, you can see what it is they are doing with their body and the line they are taking, how the skis are moving but probably more important their body position. Sometimes I think PSIA type instruction, while very useful, fills the intermediate who wants to rip with too much bullshit going on in their head. It becomes too much of a thinking game and skiing isn't something you think about while your doing it. I mean my brain is definitely working with all due haste but I'm not thinking about press the tongues or make sure you get enough edge purchase, it's alot more of a constant animal on the savannah scanning, identify snow and smoothness add up all the factors and get in whatever turn shape/technique the scanning plus experience tells you is best and all of that is a feeling. For those that plateau at a place they want to advance from, I say ride with people that are better then you and concentrate less on thinking about skiing and more on actual skiing.....plus there is no way around it but your probably going to have to take some real beaters lol
    5 points
  3. That food looks absolutey fuckin gross
    5 points
  4. Shadows these windows look like a good opportunity Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  5. If only I had RTMs to improve my skiing.
    4 points
  6. I think skiing with others of better ability has a certain amount of improvement benefit. As you state, seeing how others ski and trying to mimic their movements will indeed improve your skiing, but I think only to a point. Also, what others do may or may not be the correct (whatever that is by your own definition) way to ski. For example, there are bumpers that do not ski them per the currently accepted form of skiing the bumps. The old schoolers kept their hands out at their sides, using telephone pole length ski poles, which is not the way you'd be taught if you take a PSIA instruction, as they'll be having you ski a totally different line, in a totally different way. Then there are those that bend over at the waist, limiting their ability to absorb the bumps with their knees, but they get down the bump line very well and will never change regardless of what others say their doing, in the hopes of helping them improve. It's just the way people are. As an alternative, a coach or instructor provides an view of what you're doing that you cannot obtain, unless you video record yourself skiing and review what you're doing. There again, you're going to possibly make changes based on what you perceive as correct, by what you see others doing and deciding what they're doing as correct. In my opinion, the best way to improve is to be provided feedback on one's skiing either by friends with whom you're skiing, instructors, coaches, videos, etc. While learning to ski moguls, coaches would, in real-time, provide instantaneous feedback (head up, hands out, pole plant, etc.), that gets ingrained into memory and also muscle memory. However, without that feedback and the knowledge (feeling) that goes with it, you don't have the ability to correct the error, since you don't know that you're actually making the error. You think you're doing everything correct, when you actually aren't. For example, you can ask Tarpon, 'll tell him that his feet weren't together at the end of a bump run. Does he know that? Perhaps. But if he doesn't and someone else tells him, that feedback can be incorporated into his next run so that he does think about it and hopefully make it into his memory so he can work on something else.
    4 points
  7. @tinymoose and I rolled into the upper lot around 6.20-ish and headed into lodge and @Grimblygunk was already there booting up. made in on snow about 6:45 for a warm-up lap before meeting with the race clinic at the racing office. I forgot my phone in the car, so I couldn't do any live TR reporting (which I was intending to do, oh well). pretty much lapped the 6-pack all nite doing more drills and exercises that are supposed to make one a better skier, but in reality made me feel like a moron, lol! my run of the nite was a quick blast down razor's early on to catch up to a clinic straggler. good thing we were working on technical skillz b/c we needed them given the variable surface conditions (sugary chop, polished slick hard pack, to boiler plate ice). ran into atomicskier, GSS, mbike, nastarglen, and jlaw a couple times at the bottom of the 6-pack. called it quits about 9:15 and did two laps through barney's bumps, which was a mistake. there were a few good turns to be had in there, but for the most part the moguls had been severely skied out and/or destroyed entirely to expose the nasty boiler plate. def high impact skiing, and my ankles and right knee are a bit angry with me today. after that, we retired to the upper mtn bar for après. got home about 12:30 and the cats were angry with us b/c we had left them alone all nite long.
    4 points
  8. Nothing says good seafood like a buffet in Wilkes barre! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    4 points
  9. So myself and 7 fun ladies drove down to Ouray for the Ice Festival again this year. My clinic this morning was a total shit show. Our guide was great, has an amputated leg below the knee and had climbed Everest earlier this year. It was a novice class and he wanted to demonstrate some techniques on the wall. He asked who knew how to belay. I know how but always get the double figure 8 knot screwed up so I didn’t jump up to volunteer. The only guy in our class was from Florida. From the way he was talking I could tell he claimed to have much more knowledge than he actually did. He spoke up right away. As soon as he got in the rope I saw how much slack was there. I said to my friend “Look at all that slack, does this guy know what he is doing?” I told her I didn’t want him belaying me at all that day. The guide was only about 15+ feet up; I didn’t see how he fell but he slipped and the belayer did not catch him. He fell hard! My friend was videoing in her phone and he landed weird on his leg and knee and immediately said he was not ok. The asshole that caused this did not apologize and asked the guy if he wanted any weed. The guide was holding his knee and you could tell it was really bad. They had to lift him out of the gorge with ropes and the ambulance took him away. He wasn’t lifted out right away, but for the next 30 min or so our group was kind of like, “Ok we’ll do we get to climb?” Another guide came over and told us to just belay each other, in a fucking novice class! I went over to her and said the guy who dropped the guide should not be belaying at least not without more instruction. So she went over to him and told him to make sure he held he rope tight! WTF?! We finally got a little time on the wall but only about 15 min each. The guide belaying ya was texting and not paying attention at all. Now maybe she was relaying info about the hurt guide, but still. When we climbed out of the gorge we went to the info booth and voiced our displeasure at how the morning was handled. The clinics are $75 so we thought we should get some kind of compensation. They didn’t seem to want to do much for us and finally offered a free clinic next year. I was ok w that since I will be back. But then I asked him how we claim our freebie. He reluctantly gave me his card. The whole thing was not handled well at all. There is a practice wall so we ended up going over there after lunch and getting some climbs in which was nice. Snow tomorrow and heading to Telluride. Our guide being prepped to lift. This is the gorge you walk down. Steeper than it looks. Fixed ropes on the sides. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  10. Yep, see you guys next weekend.
    3 points
  11. Gonorrhea? Syphilis?
    3 points
  12. Having owned ski houses (or condos) in the past I'll say a few things. - When you have a ski house you have lots of friends, many you never knew about. - There's about a one or two year lag between when you acquire the house and when the list starts to grow exponentially. - sleepover is just an acronym for eat all his food and drink all his booze. - Freeloaders and guests are two different animals. I can spot the freeloaders a mile away.
    3 points
  13. For some reason ski club cancelled tonight, so I'm going drinking with friends. So you know, also not grading exams tonight. I'm proctoring an exam right now and writing cover letters to potential employers. I'm an absolute model of professional responsibility lately!
    3 points
  14. But baby octopus 🐙 from a Chinese buffet isn't lol.
    3 points
  15. The only hot chicks in Jackson hole that aren't servers and bartenders are typically within 5 feet of their husbands or boyfriends or their my moms age. The saying for jackson hole skibums is that you don't get a girlfriend you get a turn lol
    3 points
  16. Hey All, I'm back from a fun night session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot around 645pm and Atomic Jeff, MBike Mike and Nastar Glenn were booting up and we met up with Johnny Law, Matt edge, Mrs. snowbunski, Guitar and Tele Matt later. Temperature was in the low 20s to start and crowds were fairly light. A lot of buses in the house. The best conditions were on Nightmare to dreamweaver and Lazy mile. Switchback, sidewinder and Razors were ok. There was some random spot snowmaking...all in all it was a pleasent session and I skied until around 910pm the lot for another hour and had some beer. It's been so cold this season that it felt downright pleasent in the lot even though the temperature was in the mid teens. It's been a fun three days in a row this week..should be super nice this weekend with sunshine and moderate temperatures..JADIP..
    3 points
  17. Perfect conditions today, corduroy packed powder everywhere except Tunk is being allowed to bump up for first time this season. Lots of smiles today.. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    3 points
  18. That's great..thanks for that..I'm gonna JO now.
    2 points
  19. I can tell when the race clinic is ahead when I see people carving with their tails on homestretch from afar lol 😂
    2 points
  20. I really enjoyed the race clinics in the past, maybe tarpon (bump clinic) or guitar can chime in on their experience as i know there have been alot of changes over the years. the repetition of the exercises and gate bashing was awesome to help translate some of the instruction into muscle memory and helped immensely. for me that's the challenge to maintain the fun factor balance of your zen style steeze with the "skeletal pressure you fat asshole" voice in your head. the best part of it for me was when we would go one at a time and listen to the coaches critique of the skier ahead and relay it them at the bottom. riding behind bernie r. and trying to emulate his skiing and have someone who knows what theyre looking at give you some pointers is a game changer.
    2 points
  21. You wouldn’t be skiing in them..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  22. You can ski actual powder in PA. But Doug will let you room with him. You like mashed potatoes, right? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  23. im 100% certain a speedo vending machine is a PASR TR first
    2 points
  24. Speedo pics please.
    2 points
  25. I could probably set up a word-replacement filter to auto-change "RTM" to "mashed potatoes" every time.
    2 points
  26. Don't get too excited about RTMs being a common theme. So is Doug and mashed potatoes.
    2 points
  27. Idk how to ski bumps either but they force me to link turns and pole plant. Plus it warms me up if its cold
    2 points
  28. I was bopping around Main St. around that time and I had fun going in and out of the lower set of bumps just on the edge of the mogul field so as to avoid the ice and have a quick emergency escape route in case of disaster. I don't know how to ski bumps: I treat them like little jumps followed by a quick turn and I'm going to hurt myself probably, but it sure is fun.
    2 points
  29. Legs are easy, break the leg into the three obvious pieces, snap in the middle of the piece the one side and then snap it back the other way to break the other side, do not try to snap it in half. If you do it right you can pull the entire thing of meat out in one piece.
    2 points
  30. True, I have submitted my resignation and that has had a significant dampening effect on my work ethic.
    2 points
  31. Not a good rule. There are some really good places in the valley to get some good seafood that isn't frozen shit. My favorite is 3rd & Ferry Fish Market. The worst places are chains and fast food. Oh, and buffets.
    2 points
  32. Ski in the morning..grade exams in the afternoon/evening...YOLO
    2 points
  33. If you happen to be in Allentown sometime at dinner time I'll take you there.
    2 points
  34. Nah, they pull the fish out of the mighty Susquehanna!
    2 points
  35. Nope, afraid of getting too drunk from too much rummy!
    2 points
  36. Hit up Brevent and La Gliere today, lots of sun and ripping groomers. A bit of off paste today but it was hitnor miss depending on the aspect. Hired a guide for tomorrow and they are calling for 5” overnight and 8-13 during the day tomorrow. Also took a ride up the midi because today may have been the only clear day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  37. This was one of the best TRs I've read in a while, so awesome. Way to get after it Barb, that looks killer. Definitely something I couldn't do.
    1 point
  38. Used to do their windows and carpet. Whales line up for opening.
    1 point
  39. Please, this is a great opportunity to put out a pasr calender
    1 point
  40. Only available via pm Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  41. I’ll be there Saturday at some point
    1 point
  42. I'm a fat fuck and I don't even mess with buffets anymore. If I want Chinese food I go to Lui's house by Wegmans..it's high quality..their hot and sour soup, wonton soup and Tom Yom soup are all great and their pork fried rice and Avocado salad are elite. You might have to spend $20 though SALTY
    1 point
  43. RTMs are great in powder. It's pretty much all you see in Jackson hole..
    1 point
  44. The town square tavern but Jackson is wacky tacky it what makes it great. It's not nicknames Wyodisney for nothing.
    1 point
  45. Well played, mods. Well played.
    1 point
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