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No offense but you don't understand skiing, skiing has almost nothing to do with numbers, how fast, how much vert is all entirely meaningless bullshit. There is skiing as a lifestyle and skiing as a sport and your not even doing the later. Skiing is about the turn, i don't give a fuck if I do 60mph if I didn't ski at 60mph the right way, your technique is pure survival, what can I do with my skis to get down X. Useful, fun to an extent but if you want for it to get real interesting you gotta get the ski up on edge. Skiing, at least if you do it right, isn't also always about skiing. When you understand it as a lifestyle its about the people you ride with, the time spent with people you like fucking around skiing or drinking beers, being outside in nature and sometimes lots of time alone thinking about whatever. It keeps you grounded and connected, it's not an escape from the rest of life and it's bullshit but it puts it in proper place. If your bored your not pushing yourself and you aren't doing skiing the right way.8 points
I had a fun and slightly scary moment on the getting on the lift yesterday. We had 6, but we were in the corral kinda funny. 3 PASR's were on my left, I was in the #4 seat, with Enjoralas and dad on my right taking #5 & 6 So the chair comes around and we move out to load. Enjoralas and dad were a little slow, and a snowboarder saw an opportunity to make it one chair quicker. Only, he didn't move over to open spots 5 & 6, but sat down in position 4. I hear Enjoralas start yelling "Root Root Root" and I look over my shoulder and see a snowboarder sitting in my spot. He realizes he's about to get crushed by 230 pounds of Root's ass, when he tries to slide over (unsuccessfully, of course). I think he hooked an edge of his snowboard, but the next thing you know, he was getting sucked off the front end of the chair like a USB cord going into a vacuum cleaner. At one point, he was laying perpendicular across the front of my skis and I thought that this may not end well. He eventually got off my skis and ran over by the chair before they stopped the lift. I was laughing hysterically. I'm still laughing about this. Enjoralas and dad let him ride up alone. Good call. When he got to the top, he crashed getting off the lift. What a fucking Jerry.7 points
Saltlick you're burning yourself out with these long sessions man. Do you feel obligated to get the max value from your pass or whatever? If so thats a surefire way to kill your hobby quick. Get stoked to ski, go skiing and leave when you get your fill. If that's an hour then it's an hour. If it's longer then great. If you don't feel like rolling out of bed one day then stay in bed. Just my opinion and I'm not saying this is you, but in general, when skiing becomes a job, obligation or a cost - benefit analysis you may a well give up now.6 points
5 points
Are you glued to your monitors watching snowfall on that intersection in the middle of Jackson Hole and counting days until your flight? I'm trying to memorize the major zones in the Arlberg ski area that we'll be leaving for this Saturday. Have never skied in that part of Alps and can only anticipate things based on friends' feedback and various reviews. The area is huge. The fact that it's hard to find online maps of all individual zones isn't helping at all. Roughly it's divided into the very busy, popular and advanced St. Anton, more intermediate-friendly and less busy Zurs+Lech+Oberlech, quiet Warth+Shrocken and a Sonnenkopf, which can only be reached from St. Anton by bus. The villages are all scattered around 4000ft elevation, the peaks in the St. Anton area can reach 9200ft, but generally stay around 7500ft. The easiest Warth+Shrocken have a 1800ft vertical. At St. Anton the vertical is about 4900ft. The skiing areas are all connected (except for Sonnenkopf), and like Sella Ronda in Italy, they have a circular route here called White Ring that one can take to tour Lech-Oberlech-Zug-Zurs in one day. Except that if Sella Ronda is about 40km long, here it's more like 20km, and so we should be done with it in half a day. You basically hop on a lift, ski down, hop on a second lift, ski down, etc until you make a complete circle and come back to where you've started. From what we've gathered when we planned this trip last year, St. Anton is the most expensive area with lodging that costs several $K per accommodation per week. The price is driven by its popularity, difficulty of the trails and intensity of night life. People on a budget tend to stay in nearby Lech or even Sonnenkopf, with the latter having a big disadvantage of being disconnected from the rest of the skiing area. We picked Warth as the smallest and the quietest connected village of all. Price-wise it's somewhere in the middle. The 2BR apartments for a week cost us around $900. During summer it's possible to drive from Warth to Lech and then farther south to St. Anton, in winter this road is closed. This would make Warth disconnected from the rest of the resort, but a few years ago they've finished a lift that can be used to expand from Warth+Shrocken area into Lech, Zurs and then farther to St. Christof, St. Anton and finally Sonnenkopf. We'll have to continuously keep track of time to make sure we can always ski back to Warth, for otherwise we'll get stuck for night in a place with no easy way of getting back "home". The plan is to ski for 6 days, weather permitting, and take a small break in the middle to drive to Neuschwanstein castle. The skipass is gonna cost €280, plus the rent will be about half of that. Now, that's when I'll get to hand-flex all those Austrian Kastles any way I want! Warth+Shrocken: http://www.ultimate-ski.com/ski-resorts/austria/bregenzerwald/warth-schroecken/ski-area.aspx Lech+Zurs: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ski/resort-guides/Ski-Lech-resort-guide/ St. Anton: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ski/resort-guides/Ski-St-Anton-resort-guide/ Sonnenkopf: http://www.ultimate-ski.com/ski-resorts/austria/vorarlberg/sonnenkopf.aspx White Ring: https://www.skiarlberg.at/en/regions/ski-area/lech-oberlech-zuers/the-white-ring Map: These maps are difficult to read because they try to show perspective, but this ends up distorting the scale of the resorts in the back. E.g. Warth+Schroken in the top-right corner of the picture above actually look like this on a dedicated map. And hey, do I see three peaks here as well? MC for sure!4 points
3 points
Can you imagine how much fun that place could be with legal weed in NJ during a July heat wave? Open a weed shop in that mall and make bank.3 points
Holy fuckkkkkkkkk Candide is one of my most favorite skiers.3 points
I don't think Salty works on his skiing. He just tries to get back to the lift as fast as possible for his stats and then hopes to navigate the liftline quickly with both poles in one hand. When the lift stops it must drive him nuts. Yeah staying occupied during downtime is good. One season about 11 years ago I used to ski with an iPod but I haven't since. Right now I'm on hold with my bank getting info for my accountant it's brutal..I'm on hold for the third time over a very small amount of money...3 points
3 points
Tailgating? This is what people complain about?? There are a lot bigger things to complain about than fucking tailgating which is harmless. If the tourists are concerned about getting a good spot then they should get there early. If they're upset about alcohol then the lot is the least of your problems. The trail of trash under each lift is a more viable concern. Sorry I missed Barb. Eaf will tell you that we're all in some sort of Blue cult but it's ownership like hers that makes Blue another reason for being a loyal blue passholder. I've been around PA skiing a long time and most owners aren't walking out to the lot and talking to the people like that. Blue's customer service is top tier 100% of the time.3 points
Well, there is gas and tolls (vignette) that I didn't count, but other than that it should be all.2 points
2 points
One of those days I wished I switched over to Blue. Conditions were good, but there was a race on Challenge, so it and the glade was closed. Got to east mountain right at eight and found Already closed for the race team practice. Skied River Shot until they started the second lift about 9:30, then with both lifts feeding one slope it became downright dangerous. The only other black slope, t-bolt, was packed too. Decided to call it a day. On a brighter note, my new Bluetooth tunes controller seems to work better than my old Square Jellyfish. Had to put some gel epoxy on the buttons so it would work with my gloves.2 points
2 points
Nosedive is the easiest black..and there's skiable woods on both sides of it..hayride and centerline are also both groomed black diamonds. If you want to try a long natural bump run try Chin clip off the gondola. That's a neat run. Also there's some really fun blue trails off the big spruce chairlift.2 points
2 points
https://opensnow.com/dailysnow/whistler https://www.facebook.com/WhistlerSnowReport/ I think opensnow is ok. The guy that used to do Wasatch snow forecast does the opensnow for Utah, so i guess that could give opensnow a little street cred.2 points
The BTNF avy forecast calls for 4-8" the next 24 hours. https://opensnow.com/dailysnow/jacksonhole2 points
If kids aren’t supposed to see people drinking alcohol then my kids will be super fucked up! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk2 points
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1 point
This is an awesome place! I hope you watched North Face and took a special tour to visit that station with a balcony on the way up. We've been there in July two years ago. It was insanely hot and humid down (like 90-100F, a real anomaly), and just like your picture on top.1 point
Nice, you were just like Producer Joe. http://www.freebeerandhotwings.com/pg/jsp/media/videoplayer.jsp?pid=22680 Can't wait to get some free cheese and also to take the B&J tour. Thanks for the tips.1 point
If you get there early enough on arrival day take the tour at Ben and jerrys. I don't know if you like cheese but check out the Cabot creamery in Waterbury center it's just after Ben and jerrys on the way to stowe on the left and if you like apple disarm and cidar donuts check out the cold hollow cidar mill which is on the right side of 100 north.1 point
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I would think the TMR 170's would be in need of some wax by now, at the least. Factory wax isn't that good.1 point
1 point
Don't go higher than 170 though If you are feeding 60 grams of Smartlyte, a commonly recommended dose, you would still not be providing the 113-170 grams of salt that your horse may need, depending on the salt content of the total diet. Y1 point
I like a nice marathon session once in a while, though. I stayed at Blue yesterday past dark. The Eagles fans cleared out so there were NO crowds or lines and the snow was great. I took a long-ish break at one point, but basically was having a lot of fun so I didn't want to stop. Every run I was working on something (turning from the legs, hand/arm position, bumps, etc.) so it never got boring. It was great because with so many runs I could see and feel real improvement. I just rocked out to music or listened to podcasts on the lift so that wasn't boring, either, and when I got home I fell asleep hard and slept well. That was awesome, too.1 point
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Yes, she is. My hope is that conversation will be the end of it. She was going around to the usual groups, it appeared. She said they received a few complaints from families about the tailgating (well, alcohol). I guess I shouldn't have offered her a beer? I said we'll park in the back if she throws in free season passes. She laughed and had a pretty funny response. I asked her if the families were from New Jersey. Everyone had a good laugh. The topic quickly changed from tailgating (which she said she loved doing with her family) to skier visits. Perhaps we should switch to solo cops.1 point
Ski as much as you can. You'll miss skiing when the ski season is over. Maybe you and Matt Edge can take a spring trip together to Tuckermans ravine. Soon you'll have your blue mountain season pass which will put a little more pep in your step.1 point
Wow just wow. Salty is getting jaded. He's too good for the poconos.1 point
Big shout out to enjorales on the meat once again, dude is redic. For salty or whomever wonders about a blue pass, when the head cheese is legit enough to come have a chat when she could just do whatever she wants you get my $.1 point
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Iron Chef Walt prepared a wonderful smorgasbord of meats for sausage Sunday. Great job dude. Thanks as always! Skiing was meh compared to yesterday.1 point
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Some trip facts Some quotes from the trip. “I’d come back for the food and the wine, but the skiing sucked” “I got some white stuff on my face again” “It’s still snowing” “Is it snowing?” “I should have drank more water and less wine” “Raclette is ready!” Quote from the guide (read these in a broken French accent) “I propose a coffee” “Snow is thin, stay safe” “Im not sure what’s ahead, but it’s ok I have rope” At a minimum we have bought 4 bottles of wine per day, not including what we had after skiing and or with dinner. All bottles were under 10€. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
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