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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/18 in all areas

  1. Awesome - you are right on the access road. There is a free bus that will shuttle you right to the mountain. Your first day I think you will have to start on the Spruce side of the street and get your Stowe card. Then after that you can go right to the lifts. And you are a 1/2 mile from the Matterhorn. Best Apres spot there. Great food too. Don't be freaked out that they are serving sushi in a hard core locals bar - it's excellent. Matterhorn Bowl is the best. Pizza and appetizers are great too. And they have live music most nights. Awesome place. The Shed is the bar at the base of the Forerunner Quad and that's the best on- mountain bar. If I were staying on the access road and was using the bus, I would end every day at the Shed, then take the Bus to the Matterhorn for an appetizer and beer, then hotel and head out to town for dinner. Do you enjoy beer? As mentioned, don't miss the Bench. Best beer menu around. If you are overwhelmed, Hill Farmstead is IMO the best beer on tap in northern Vt. 'Edward' is their pale ale and it's great. If you like shuffle board, go to the Roost. If you don't mind a 20 minute drive, dinner at Waterbury - which you will pass through on your way to Stowe. Prohibition Pig is exceptionally good BBQ and again, killer beer menu. I'd skip the Ben and Jerry's tour - we did it this winter. Kind of lame. Excuse me if I mis-read your skiing, but if you are looking for mellower blacks, in addition to the aforementioned tails off the Quad and Gondola, Whirlaway - if open - and Smugglers off the Sensation Quad, and also on the lift - Sterling is a great blue trail. If you need to check one of the front four off your list, and you are feeling intimidated (again, I apologize if I am mis reading your skiing - I don't mean to insult) Lift Line is often groomed on the skier's left side, and honestly after the head wall and first two pitches, it's a pretty normal trail. The head wall is crazy steep, but you know....just slid down that SOB.... You can also try your hand at lower national off liftline - which, if there is snow - will be wall to wall bumps, but a mellower pitch compared to upper national. Goat is probably my favorite trail in the world, and really, just a quintessential New England ski trail - if the snow is soft, and you are up for it....might be worth giving it a go...maybe skip upper goat (if it's open - it often isn't) and slide through the trees at the top of the Lifeline head wall. 9 times of 10, that's the start the trail as upper is usually closed. It's as steep as lifeline, but 1/4 as wide, and always bumped side to side. So, you can kind of get a sense of what you are in for if you ski the groomed half of liftline. But really, there is so much great blue and mellow black terrain at Stowe - just an absurd amount really....Perry Merril, Gondolier, Sunrise, Nose Dive, Chin Clip....so many great cruisers. On mountain food - Spruce lodge has great food - both variety and quality. But gets wicked crowded. The Octagon a the top of the Quad is very good, and often a bit less jammed. I've never eaten at the top of the Gondi - the cliff house I think it's called. But it's a sit down affair. Skip the lodge at the base of the quad for food - kind of lame and jammed most days. Have fun man - Stowe is an incredible mountain and a really, really fun town. And +1 on the cooler and Heady Topper and Focal Banger. Their Crusher is also an incredibly good, and smooth drinking, 9% ABV double IPA. They have a bunch of other beers now, but HT and FB are still my favorites. Sorry for the long post. I love that place.
    7 points
  2. Team PaSki&Ride.com with the come from behind victory in a tie breaker final round! Being a theme park geek paid off for the tiebreaker round of acronyms, no one else knew EPCOT.
    5 points
  3. I'm the same way. I have a pair of shoes I wear to work that I've had since 9th grade (I'm 37). I'm not very big into fancy shit and status symbols. Would rather spend my money on travel, beer and fun. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  4. 16" last 24 hours. Boom. Expect the Hobers to be open!
    5 points
  5. Are you glued to your monitors watching snowfall on that intersection in the middle of Jackson Hole and counting days until your flight? I'm trying to memorize the major zones in the Arlberg ski area that we'll be leaving for this Saturday. Have never skied in that part of Alps and can only anticipate things based on friends' feedback and various reviews. The area is huge. The fact that it's hard to find online maps of all individual zones isn't helping at all. Roughly it's divided into the very busy, popular and advanced St. Anton, more intermediate-friendly and less busy Zurs+Lech+Oberlech, quiet Warth+Shrocken and a Sonnenkopf, which can only be reached from St. Anton by bus. The villages are all scattered around 4000ft elevation, the peaks in the St. Anton area can reach 9200ft, but generally stay around 7500ft. The easiest Warth+Shrocken have a 1800ft vertical. At St. Anton the vertical is about 4900ft. The skiing areas are all connected (except for Sonnenkopf), and like Sella Ronda in Italy, they have a circular route here called White Ring that one can take to tour Lech-Oberlech-Zug-Zurs in one day. Except that if Sella Ronda is about 40km long, here it's more like 20km, and so we should be done with it in half a day. You basically hop on a lift, ski down, hop on a second lift, ski down, etc until you make a complete circle and come back to where you've started. From what we've gathered when we planned this trip last year, St. Anton is the most expensive area with lodging that costs several $K per accommodation per week. The price is driven by its popularity, difficulty of the trails and intensity of night life. People on a budget tend to stay in nearby Lech or even Sonnenkopf, with the latter having a big disadvantage of being disconnected from the rest of the skiing area. We picked Warth as the smallest and the quietest connected village of all. Price-wise it's somewhere in the middle. The 2BR apartments for a week cost us around $900. During summer it's possible to drive from Warth to Lech and then farther south to St. Anton, in winter this road is closed. This would make Warth disconnected from the rest of the resort, but a few years ago they've finished a lift that can be used to expand from Warth+Shrocken area into Lech, Zurs and then farther to St. Christof, St. Anton and finally Sonnenkopf. We'll have to continuously keep track of time to make sure we can always ski back to Warth, for otherwise we'll get stuck for night in a place with no easy way of getting back "home". The plan is to ski for 6 days, weather permitting, and take a small break in the middle to drive to Neuschwanstein castle. The skipass is gonna cost €280, plus the rent will be about half of that. Now, that's when I'll get to hand-flex all those Austrian Kastles any way I want! Warth+Shrocken: http://www.ultimate-ski.com/ski-resorts/austria/bregenzerwald/warth-schroecken/ski-area.aspx Lech+Zurs: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ski/resort-guides/Ski-Lech-resort-guide/ St. Anton: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/ski/resort-guides/Ski-St-Anton-resort-guide/ Sonnenkopf: http://www.ultimate-ski.com/ski-resorts/austria/vorarlberg/sonnenkopf.aspx White Ring: https://www.skiarlberg.at/en/regions/ski-area/lech-oberlech-zuers/the-white-ring Map: These maps are difficult to read because they try to show perspective, but this ends up distorting the scale of the resorts in the back. E.g. Warth+Schroken in the top-right corner of the picture above actually look like this on a dedicated map. And hey, do I see three peaks here as well? MC for sure!
    4 points
  6. Sorry, I forgot what an expert skier you are.
    4 points
  7. Just over 36 hours until wheels up. Start getting your ride to the mountain playlists organized. For me.. For PARidge For Nastar Glenn For JFDan For MBike Mike For Atomic Jeff And for NMSki
    4 points
  8. That happens often enough that you have a policy!?
    4 points
  9. Probably. Or else there are ponds in each trough.
    4 points
  10. Man. You're doing it wrong.
    4 points
  11. Why don't you two just text each other? This constant shit is getting old.
    3 points
  12. Why are you wearing Lady Gaga glasses?
    3 points
  13. In theory, the sticker might add to the structural integrity of the helmet, and .170 microns of extra cushioning.
    3 points
  14. Supposed to turn a direct hit into a glancing blow sort of, but having a slipping layer inside the main helmet. http://mipsprotection.com/technology/ I don't know how much better, if any, it is than a regular helmet but I decided I wanted the best protection I could get and figured it couldn't hurt.
    3 points
  15. 3 points
  16. You slid down so whatever
    3 points
  17. BM responded to the bumps on Chute request, so I added a response to theirs about the collision. Hopefully that'll invoke some action.
    3 points
  18. I'd rather ride Mountain Creek and Camelback in the same day.
    3 points
  19. Bahahaha they look just like Nazareth Jays wife's Prada sunglasses lol I'm laughing so hard..thanks for that!!
    2 points
  20. i would think the other person feels horrible, or worse, about the entire situation.
    2 points
  21. I feel like there is an easier way to lay that pipe
    2 points
  22. Feel free to test their statistics, but I'm wearing one. At least I'm beyond that age demographic, but it doesn't make me any smarter at the speeds and places I ski.
    2 points
  23. I was there Sunday night and skied Razor's; they did open it in the evening after the races were done.
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. I'm gonna be spending my winters in the Rockies in the next few years. I just need to save a little more money. My retirement in about 11ish years will likely be spent all over the place.
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. A couple people in line for the gondola. Lifts open in a minute.
    2 points
  28. Bahahahaha shots fired.
    2 points
  29. Why do you care? Froniter doesn't fly there . . .
    2 points
  30. Tuned in for recommendations for next year!
    2 points
  31. Holy shit. Multiple European TRs within a two week span? Take that Alpine zone!
    2 points
  32. I stopped by on my last European Delivery.
    2 points
  33. You can still hangout at the Stowe mountain lodge...probably free wifi
    1 point
  34. Mad Taco is great. Tres Amigos in Stowe is probably good too. But I think this is a reincarnation of the the old place - they are now in the old Rusty Nail building. Or something like that. Maybe the Rusty Nail moved in with them> I don't know...haven't tried it yet. But have had Mad Taco. But to get to Mad Taco you would drive past the Prohibition Pig, and even if you don't drink beer, that would be foolish.
    1 point
  35. Brush up on your self arrest skills..
    1 point
  36. The conditions weren't getting any better...it didn't snow hard until later at night when Toast was there.
    1 point
  37. I will tell you this it's a bad idea to take your skis off on a steep ski slope..one misstep and you will go sliding..it's much safer to navigate steeps on skis than in plastic ski boots. When you and Matt Edge are in Verbier next winter I really hope you keep your skis on when going downhill...you know what they say,"ski good or eat wood"
    1 point
  38. Yeah, I've been in there twice already. Definitely the coolest restaurant in all of Denver, maybe even American. I think jet setter is more appropriate.
    1 point
  39. Less than that. I’m not the expert on polymers but my gut tells me it’s more like 3-5.
    1 point
  40. Barney's marked as closed on the report today. Wonder if they mowed them down?
    1 point
  41. "The increase in the number of people who wear helmets hasn’t resulted in fewer fatalities. Helmets are designed to protect riders at about 12 mph, while a skier or snowboarder who collides with a tree or another rider is typically going 25 to 40 mph." Source: http://unofficialnetworks.com/2017/03/26/7-surprising-facts-ski-deaths-injuries/
    1 point
  42. Salty there's a Subway in the convenience store/gas station next to the Town and Country inn on the mountain road..
    1 point
  43. My suggestion to Salty is to not take the bus..it stops at a ton of places and with Salty arriving for opening at 730ish he'll get front row parking and be able to ski back to his car. Salty doesn't drink beer suggestions are a waste of bandwidth. I agree with goat and whirlaway being nice runs. Also lookout under the lookout double to the skiers right of Starr is nice.
    1 point
  44. It's the shit that's the problem!
    1 point
  45. Yuck! For the price you pay for crap, er, fast food these days, for a couple bucks more, you can get some good, local food.
    1 point
  46. Thats crazy. I would have to live there for a bit. Not sure a vacation would cut it
    1 point
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