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Thanks everyone. I'm OK. I'll post again in a bit. Major thank you to everyone everyone for the well wishes as well as the awesome crew here.18 points
8 points
Glenn went in to see him. Apparently he doesn’t have any pain (may also be the drugs). Some stitches, but so far no bad news.7 points
Best post in this thread. Past present and future. Glad you are ok Dom.5 points
5 points
Good news is he's coherent and is going for an MRI and not paralyzed.5 points
4 points
Super nice of Nastar Glenn to sit with PARidge at the hospital. He's a compassionate man..I'm ready for some jack and cokes.4 points
Mike heard/saw it happen. The doc said he’s hurt, but not seriously hurt. MRI and X-rays upcoming.4 points
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4 points
@RidgeRacer We're all here for you buddy. If you need anything when you get back, please let us know. PASR is a community of assholes, but we really do care about each other here, so don't hesitate to ask.3 points
I actually have a similar outfit in one of our closets. Should I wear it tomorrow?3 points
TP4 at the PASR thanksgiving dinner you're sitting at the kids table with salty3 points
JFDan and toast sound like jealous haters. They don't even have RTMs or a season pass at Camelback.3 points
3 points
Day 6 of 7 January 31, 2017 Hey All, This is a first for me..writing a trip report from the ER waiting room. We arrived at the parking lot around 805am and it was dump dump dumping on the mountain with a good bit of wind and lowering temperatures. First civilian gondola up and we were pleasantly surprised by a few inches of medium density snow on top of the groomed on Amphitheater. Up thunder and Grand was even better so nice at this point it was a quarter powder day but by Ten sleep bowl to cirque it was a half powder day with some solid boot deep snow..was bordering on blower pow pow. Up thunder again and a repeat of the Grand..which was even better..then we did back to back laps in bivouac woods which was playful and not a bad turn to be had. Back to thunder and we hit up the thunder woods where PARidge hit a tree. I was ahead of the group and waited at the thunder chair for like ten minutes and Atomic Jeff text me and said to meet them and while riding the thunder chair I saw about ten ski patrollers and two sleds coming to PARidge who was at the base of a tree near the bottom of the thunder chair. I honestly though PARidge was dead due to the panic and everything and didn't want to see that so I skied the pow skiers left of Grand two laps and then went back to ten sleep bowl to the cirque for another sweet run. By now the powder was really light as the temperature was dropping. At the bottom of the cirque I text Atomic Jeff and he said that they were all at the patrol clinic so I skied down there. Then we all had lunch at the mangy moose and now are in the ER waiting room. Nastar Glenn is with Dominic has his glasses and shoes. He's getting MRI and stuff done. I will say the cafe here at St. John's Jackson hospital has chicken quesadillas for only about $7 which is a bargain in this town. Still snowing in the mountains..me and Atomic jeffs last ski day tomorrow should be really good I wish I had my shiros with me today and will be on them tomorrow. For those keeping score at home we had a half pow day, two full pow days, a chowder day, a crap snow day and another half pow day today. JADIP3 points
Nah, not here. Almost nobody is skiing piste on anything wider than the lower 80s. You probably freerode a lot with a guide, judging by your thread, and that's a completely different story. The gapers must've all learnt how to speak German, as it's close to impossible to hear a conversation in English on the lifts. Many don't speak English at all. So brush up on your German skills if you care about not looking like a gaper in Arlberg in between snowstorms. Those extra mm of waist won't help. Anyway, today we didn't venture too far from the home zone, and were able to find a cluster of trails that remained in pristine condition throughout the day. The key was to avoid migration paths and stay on more challenging terrain. Even though crowds are very light, trails that are parts of some route see more people that tend to slide more, and that destroys the snow. Unfortunately the weather is changing. It's gonna snow tomorrow, and the weather was already party cloudy to cloudy today. When it gets cloudy, you can't see a thing here, and skiing slows to a crawl. Literally, can't see a thing. Haven't experienced this before, so am a little worried about tommorow. I ditched my Vantage 83mm in favour of Doubledecker Redster GS 72mm, and couldn't be happier with the switch. I thought I was okay on Vantage until I've tried Redster. Sooo easy at speed, slicing through rough snow like it's not there, grippy on scraped slopes and trivial to start/switch turns. My friend is on Redster SL, and while it's great in the mornings, it's getting pretty tiring in the afternoons. Not on these GS. No new pictures today, as the Alps remain as beautiful as the were prior this week. The snowman is real snow.3 points
Morning at blue was excellent, with 13 degrees in the valley. Good conditions on open trails from paradise to Main St., challenge was slightly cookied but very skiable, switchback was great once again. Barneys had a nice layer of fresh man made on it, NM/DW and Razors were closed, Razors had top to bottom snowmaking with good sized piles on it. I skied with two 70+ year old gentlemen, and I must say they brought it, nothing slow, every lap was top to bottom at a good clip, I was the one keeping up. I left with close to 20 runs and they were going back for more. Each lift ride included some great conversation, it was one of the best days of the season. On the way home route 78 between 33 and Hellertown was down to one lane, caused quite a backup, didn't bother me after such a fun day on the slopes.3 points
Booked Winter Park. Got all but $60 of my 3 night hotel stay (Vintage Inn) paid for by credit card points and redit card travel rebate, to go along with flying out on Frontier miles and the 5th graders ski free in Colorado deal. My expenses will be my tix, food, parking at airport, rentals, and either rental car or shuttle. Memories of CO skiing with kids will be priceless.3 points
No, if your in the back seat you can't engage the shovels correctly and everything else sucks accordingly. Generally if your in the backseat it's because your afraid and human's reaction is to sort of half ass the turn. I'm not busting on you every single skier in the world "holds up" when they don't like the snow they are seeing or whatever. Are you sure your not just tired ? Cycling is a fantastic sport that really can prep some of the muscles and shit for skiing but it's a totally different motion and application of force, skiing is a holding application that's more hip abductors and rectus femoris. If your muscles are shot your going to ski like shit and your definitely not going to engage the ski with the same kind of snap and power as when your fresh. Same thing inbetween the ears, run after run after run on the same handful of trails is going to put your brain to sleep, no passion = shitty skiing. Take a break, go to Stowe and ski with passion, drive the ski and see if you don't feel better about skiing.3 points
Mr MBike in the foreground getting ready to ski in the falling snow3 points
3 points
Thank God man..... I surely don't want to lose a friend like that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
So bummed to hear this happened to Dom. Heal up quick! and nice pictures Doug. Happy you finally graduated from thumbnails.2 points
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2 points
30% of the content on this site is just people randomly bashing RTMs. Btw, there's a big difference between the RTM 81 and the 84. And my 84s get waxed after every three ski days and the edges get a pass or two with a diamond stone after every trip. My bases look good.2 points
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2 points
Everybody send Vibes to PARidge..he hit a tree and several patrollers are carting him down in a sled from about 2500 vert up. I was way ahead and didn't see. Jeff and mike and Glenn are with him. He's conscience Jeff said he was scratching his face. Sucks this is a surprise pow day. This is where I'm posting from. Theres really nothing I can do except ski some more runs and visit Dom later in the hospital.2 points
Idk, for some reason I assumed you would be able to notarize documents. The reason I ask is I was hoping you would be able to notarize some documents for me: a proof picture of me at blue tomorrow, a statement from the witness I will be bringing with me to blue, a log of my ez pass transponder showing me exiting at Lehigh valley toomoorow, as well as my receipt from Whitehall wawa2 points
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2 points
We got our meat on last night at the gunbarrel steak and game saloon.2 points
2 points
What do you mean. Once I get my bases waxed and take an intermediate group lesson at Stowe I'll be the most efficient skier on the mountain and ready to ski Corbet's Colour and increase my stats at an even more efficient rate. My stats will be so good the mods will get jealous and start deleting sessions like they're currently doing to TP4.2 points
Looking good mike! Who is the old guy you are with? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
You should do what Indiggio does and just drive away [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]2 points
@saltyantSeriously, I like waxing and deburring/sharpening skis. If it ever works out logistically, I'll be happy to do yours for nothing. I live near where 22 and 33 intersect in Bethlehem Township and I should ne at CBK most Fridays. If you want to hang in the basement with my asshole cat I can show you how to do everything yourself and lend you some tools/wax/etc.2 points
1 point
1 point
1 point
Damn....++++vibes for Dom. Hopefully everything is okay man. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
we do need a seperate list for days and nights, because as of now, you cannot even log night sessions, only day sessions. using that reasoning, the same PASR's hating on me are using #fakestats, because they are logging their nights as days1 point
Fun day. Visibility was the biggest detractor more than anything. First run for a few of us was off the tram and into Rondezvous Bowl which wasn't close to as good as yesterday but decent. Wind blown crust is probably the best way to describe it. Met up with the rest of the crew on Sublette where we skied a bunch of runs with good snow but couldn't see a thing. Doug and Jeff's JH navigation abilities were greatly appreciated today. After we split up, a few of us skied off casper and back across to thunder for a run on Laramie bowl which was crowded but fun, then up Sublette and off to the Bivouac area as Doug mentioned. Bivouac was nice. Probably the best snow on the hill and talked to a few people in there who were saying the same. Doug, being the Jackson hole expert that he is, gave us that little tidbit. NMSki and Dan met up with the others in one of the fancy Teton Village restaurants and I went up Sublette to ski Bivouac again but rode the lift with a local from whitetail in PA who was here for two weeks. I told him Bivouac was good but was considering the Hobacks and he offered to ski it with me so off we went. I lost him somewhere along the way but I wasn't upset about it as it was sooooo damn nice to be lost in the woods, in the Tetons with no one around. Upper part of the hobacks was decent but the middle to lower was manky AF. After skiing, walked around town a bit with MBike and Nastar Glen for souvenirs. now praying we get snow for tomorrow. JADIP1 point
You learn to ski in powder by skiing in powder. If you go out west and there's new snow take a powder skiing lesson. It takes some time to master as it's totally different than skiing in hardpack. Luckily you already have the worlds best powder skis. I actually saw someone on a pair of RTMs today and it made me smile and reminded me of this.1 point
I have a feeling tomorrow could be pretty good. JFDan and NMskis first day at JH will be a pow day,1 point
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