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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/18 in all areas

  1. Just got home from a sunny session with my 8 year old daughter. We got her rentals taken care of, redeemed the $29 pass and hit the snow at 10. Went right up the six pack and skied paradise first. Big thanks to the Ernie Blake Ski School at Taos for teaching her to ski, she’s actually pretty good! We skied paradise 5 times, lazy mile, switchback (from the top of the Main Street lift), sidewinder, and Burma 3 times. Only one fall for her the whole day. We split a cookie and a Powerade in the lodge when we were done. Conditions were a bit rough, especially on sidewinder which was ball bearings, but the sides of paradise where it was soft was fun. Great one on one time with my daughter! My son gets his day on Tuesday. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    12 points
  2. Leaving for Vancouver. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  3. Thank you sir. Definitely feeling better.
    4 points
  4. New summer sport. Gonna get me a Yard Yacht. Here you go, SaltyDude:
    4 points
  5. So because I’m keeping score: 1) fell and yard saled while trying to walk up stairs to lodge 2) tried to ski onto gondola with skis on 3) fell while standing in lift line 4) slid on your butt while holding skis to escape glades Did I miss anything?
    4 points
  6. My 1st job 1st semester freshman year was 4 night shifts at the Gulf gas station in town. I had to count every pack of smokes at the end of my shift, then go to an 8AM class. Then I got a job carding at the door at Wollf's Pub 2nd semester and was behind the bar soon thereafter. Good times as well Seriously, if yer up this way, visiting yer kid, etc, door is open for you and a travel mate any time. No teepee required! Powder Notchy's legs are toast. Before dawn hike to the Madonna hut, still snowing lightly, place was SRO, several doobs and vapes later a few ninjas headlamped their first run. I held out for daylight and skied the single best T2B run of my life at Smuggs. Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Knee to thigh high drifts in some spots, but a legit foot of pow on average. Ltft served some untracked thereafter, they groomed a lot more than they usually do, maybe they want to base build. Then I particle farted on the Sterling lift around 10 and decided it was time to go home and burn my shorts. Every lot was filled, so when I came back with some carving skis and fresh underoos, I pulled the disabled card trick and parked all the way up front in the upper lot. I've mastered not feeling bad, ashamed or guilty doing this a few times a season. It's like my personal parking space! Song choice for 1st run of the day. Really loud, JADIMFP
    4 points
  7. 8”. Get off spruce and explore
    4 points
  8. No snow but sun should be out for the majority. On our way up now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  9. These would be my thoughts as well. Soul Riders for daily driver, and look at something a little wider. And kind of what Doug touched on - maybe something like 50/50 powder and after powder ski.
    3 points
  10. The cream of sum yun gai Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. Nice advice but Salty needs to boot up in the lodge in case he accidentally steps in snow in his socks...not everybody has the luxury of having circa 1980s lawn furniture to use to boot up in like Nastar Glenn.
    3 points
  13. sunday is tele demo day if any one gives a shit and wants to get their shtink on! hopefully the weather holds out
    3 points
  14. brings back great memories of when the kids were small, then i didn;t ski paradise for like three years lol!
    3 points
  15. What did he say when you called?
    3 points
  16. Don't you dare. This is the most fun I've had all day.
    3 points
  17. Yet again, learn to ski moguls. Feet together, pivoting (NOT CARVING) skis simultaneously to form a platform on which to turn, which in perder, all you really need to do is shift your weight from foot to foot. Also, view the trees as moguls and you turn past them, so you don't hit them.
    3 points
  18. Truer words have NEVER been spoken!
    3 points
  19. Sunday walked around Burlington and had a blast. Saw Steeze on a mural of famous Burlington residents. Watched the Super bowl and got wings and stromboli from Piecasso. Monday met Moe Ghoul and made some epic runs in tracked out powder. Was way too late for first trax due to poor planning and late breakfast, and forgot poles in car. Tuesday had the best run of my life down Gondalier in fresh powder and ate mussels and brownie and posted a pic of my meal which earned me an ultra rare like from toast. Also took a lesson. Wednesday skiied freshies and many free refills and had a great time. Today Was 3rd in line for first chair when epic rfid reader fail ensued which caused me to almost rage quit skiing. Lost place in line and was pushed back to 24th place. And many more epic events. Definitely worth a read through, this thread is a classic probably hall of fame worthy. Very happy to see you're doing well Ridge.
    2 points
  20. No read it all and savor it!!! This thread is near hall of fame worthy.
    2 points
  21. All good, post pictures.
    2 points
  22. Fast food is just plain disgusting and unhealthy and a place like Sunup isn't that much more expensive than McCrap's and you're also helping the local Vermont businesses instead of lining some multi-national corporate executive's bottom line.
    2 points
  23. Stop at the Sunup Bakery right across from the Wobbly Barn on Killington Road and get yourself and egg and bagel sandwich on your way to the slopes.
    2 points
  24. Salty, for K tomorrow get their early and park next to snowdon quad. 100’ walk. Also go to patsy’s woods off snowdon quad to get your glade mojo back. Wide open mellow trees.
    2 points
  25. I’m reposting this because I don’t want this buried
    2 points
  26. Landed in Vancouver and bags were on plane. So far so good. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  27. Gotta stop acting like a freshman to stop being treated like a freshman
    2 points
  28. King bacon or someish. Double patty with bacon no mayo. could feel my aerteries closing
    2 points
  29. Sally and Root and Shadows and JFDan and Indiggio this is great pure gold!!!
    2 points
  30. What a great Chuck Norris beverage.
    2 points
  31. As ski boots get more packed out you have to tighten the buckles more and in choppy snow they usually need to be tighter than in groomed snow..if the perder is deep straight run until you have the desired speed then just shift your weight from left to right and make real light turns..don't even think about using your edges.
    2 points
  32. It’s fucking early. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  33. “If you don’t do it this year, you’ll be one year older when you do.” I couldn’t resist being cheesy
    2 points
  34. And dont worry about getting there first thing either. So stressful. Everything will be just as good at noon. First chair is for suckers. Demo some really narrow skis, and for god sakes leave that powder off trail for others. Dont want that stuff in your face.
    2 points
  35. 1 point
  36. Fellas. Hug it out. I think it was Jesus who said "Let he whose state is without underground coal fire cast the first stone."
    1 point
  37. Patsy’s will be tracked out so you’re good
    1 point
  38. You need to hang out at some better places. Some of my very attractive and lovely colleagues go to the Speakeasy Bookstore on the south side of B-hem a lot, and some other place that has a martini happy hour, I forget the name. In the Promenade down in Saucon I think. I will listen more closely on your behalf when they talk about places.
    1 point
  39. OMG NaCL-y, I have to tighten my boots numerous times in a single ski day. In the morning I have to tighten them, as everything is cold and the liners have expanded slightly overnight. As the outside temperature increases, the shell softens and the liners pack a bit and my body warms up and I can put more flex into them. This can be worse, if the day starts our super cold, with an inversion and the sun hasn't come up over the ridge. Boot buckles aren't something you set once and forget. They don't have micro-adjustments for nothing!
    1 point
  40. Good mayo is gross. They brought me the wrong burger at the mangy moose last week and it was loaded with mayo..was a $17 burger and I sent it immediately back.
    1 point
  41. #1 is wrong. I was trying to walk up a hill and kept falling because it was steep. Wouldn't call it yard sailing but it was just so damn hard to get up that hill while carrying skis and poles. #3 is also wrong. I was "skating" in the line for 4 Runner and my left ski snagged a sign so I fell. I was making the V form to move forward. The lift attendant was cool and did not even call me a gaper. #4 is mostly true. However I threw the skis ahead of me so I didn't have to hold them and then slid down to escape Glades. Wow what would PASR do without my daily entertainment? Is there a way to tell how many people have me on ignore??
    1 point
  42. Hey easy Salty rode 4700 miles on his road bike in 2017. 5) got snow in his ski boots because he can't stand on one foot booting up. I don't remember seeing #1...
    1 point
  43. Salty don't take your skis off. Especially in the woods. Not safe at all.
    1 point
  44. Camelback friday lollol sat blue. Eating bkt right now.... so ready to run 17 miles with jeff
    1 point
  45. I actually prefer smaller, family owned places to chain motels when I'm skiing. I don't know what it is about the area around Belleayre. Creeps me out. It's like a Steven King book.
    1 point
  46. Basically you and Doug slobbing each other back and forth. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  47. Not a single mention of heady topper in this TR. Sad!
    1 point
  48. We have to take what we get at Blue, but I too prefer natural bumps as they're far more fun. Skier-made (say Alta's) are the very best, as the separation between turns is more consistent.
    1 point
  49. Day 3: Today was another excellent day at Stowe. Pregamed before breakfast by getting the car loaded, and then had breakfast at 7:30 sharp. This time woofed down coffee, Cherrios, 2 glasses of OJ, sausage, scrambled eggs with Tabasco sauce, and a blueberry scone. Then ate a slice of bread on the walk to the car. Chewed as fast as I could and made it to Four Runner quad only 5 minutes after 8, which was fine because the line was non-existent. Guess everyone took the day off. First run of the day was Lord to North Slope, which was much easier to ski today as it was groomed overnight. Then I headed to the gondoobie just because it's fun to ride the gondoobie. Got there at 8:20 and there were about 20 people in line who were also there just for the gondola ride. The line gradually got longer and at 8:30 I was crammed in with other 7 people which sucked. Then fellow riders started smoking MJ, which was not cool because they closed the window and I got some second hand. My first run on Gondolier was probably the best run of my life. Since the gondola was shut down yesterday, all the powder was untracked. I skied down it like a badass playing my favorite song Hard Times by the Jetzons, and made some awesome turns in the fresh powder at a high rate of speed. Skiing next to the gondola made it an even more memorable run and got me so stoked for skiing, a feeling I hadn't had in weeks. I felt like the best skiier on the mountain. Then I skied into the gondola RFID reader with my skis on and turned into a complete gaper. Hopefully toast won't use the gaper tag on this thread as a result. The rest of the day was a lot of fun. Made a few more runs on the gondola side, then ran Spruce trails for a while until my 10 am lesson. After the lesson and lunch at the Cliff House Restaurant, made some runs on Upper Perry Merill (???), Cliff Trail, Lower Cliff Trail, then over to 4 Runner to Lord, Ridgeview, Toll House, and Easy Mile which was lame-o! Also tried a few blacks today which weren't as difficult as I thought they'd be. Hayride was a piece of cake and would be a blue at another mountain. Upper Nosedive was full of moguls so was more challenging, but I made it down ok. Another gaper moment was in the 4 Runner line when I had my skis pointing in a V shape to move forward, and then my left ski took out the "Alternate" sign and I fell. Took a minute to get up and the lift attendant yelled "jerry of the day". Just kidding, they are very professional at Stowe, he only thought that.
    1 point
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