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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/18 in all areas

  1. Eaf if you hate PASR that much then post elsewhere. Personally I think you can provide a lot to the site but you insist on calling out the nuances that you don't like which isn't going to do you any favors. You clearly love the sport and that's cool. Jeff's right. PASR isn't epic (RIP) or AZ or Pugski. PASR is a group of people who care more about just having fun skiing, regardless of where, and less about centimeters or ankle flex. It's a group of people who watched me get a fucking tetanus shot in a hospital lobby because they give a shit. That's what PASR is. It doesn't need more organization or stricter rules. It definitely doesn't need a corporate sponsor or any BS like that. It needs to stay the way it is IMO.
    9 points
  2. Good... Stitches are out. Dr said the people in Jackson did an amazing job with the stitches making sure that there would be no scarring. Props to St. John's! Going to see the Ortho this week. Best news thus far is that I feel really good, as in I'm not in pain, feel like I can move normally etc but being careful and taking it slow obviously. Still in neck brace for now.
    9 points
  3. Found some little and not so little things to jump off of too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  4. This isn't epicski, alpinezone, pugski, etc. Sorry.
    6 points
  5. Are you sure your first name isn't Jerry?
    6 points
  6. Here are some from Big Bang, Couloir Extreme, and Jersey Cream Bowl. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  7. On the Lady Site we would call Eaf a "mansplainer," but not to his face because we're too polite and we'd want to give him space to grow and evolve into his best self. This site is more like nature itself; if you fuck up, the consequences will be immediate and painful. And you will lash out in anger, but nature won't care.
    5 points
  8. Is this real right now? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  9. Heard a great story on the radio about the Vt hut association. They are doing a massive expansion between killi and Stowe adding 12+ huts so back country skiers and mountain bikers can traverse between the the two points. I have a retirement plan! Not the radio story but linkie all the same https://vermonthuts.org
    4 points
  10. Got to blue at 7:40 and parked in Jeffs spot. I was the only one in line for opening and got first (and only) civilian chair. 1st run was paradise and I could barely see. Second run was night weaver. Thanks to Jeff and toast, I didn't haul ass down it cause I knew features were coming. The second half was a border cross course. Kind of fun I thought. Wanted to ride til 10 but left at 9:30 mainly cause I kept having to wring the water out of my gloves. I had fun despite the weather. I may have literally been the only paying customer there lol. There were a lot of race kids there cause it looked like both razors and night weaver were prepared for events that got cancelled
    4 points
  11. Most Core PASR Member Award.
    4 points
  12. Humility and gratitude go a long way here, man.
    4 points
  13. Yesterday we skied only Whistler. Spent some time on the Peak Chair and that zone down to big red. Spent some time in Harmony and Symphony. Skied some pretty good chutes in the Horseshoes and whatnot. Ryan's first bowl was Bagel Bowl which was a bit crispy but still good. We found some really good snow on certain faces. Still not expecting any snow, but should be party or mostly sunny. Today we spent almost the whole day on Blackcomb. We found the best snow over on the glacier and spent most of our times over there. I don't remember all of the runs and lifts that we took like rain man Doug, but it was pretty legit today. Found some good steeps, and lots of stuff to jump off of. Ryan has been crushing it as well. Tomorrow we are probably heading back to Blackcomb and skiing 7th Heaven area to start. Tonight is cougar night at one of the clubs, so that should be fun. Pics coming soon.
    4 points
  14. Thought about a flow chart, but today really only followed one downward trajectory. 1. Eaf gives advice about skis like a pro and calls PASRs divas and says skis can’t be both burly and nimble. Eaf then reveals he doesn’t know what touring skins are. 2. Eaf gets teased and called a Jerry and tries to pretend he didn’t just ask a dumb question, like a cat that runs away and licks itself after losing its balance and awkwardly falling off the counter. 3. Sally is nice for some reason and gives Eaf actual information on touring setups and suggests some humility may be in order because Eaf seems to talk out of his ass an awful lot and Sally has seen this before and a Tsunami of trash talk is headed Eafs way and she can't watch. 4. Eaf says he’s super humble so no worries! Sally is about to tap out when 5. Eaf for some reason tries to psychoanalyze Sally for being honest about her skiing abilities in front of people who have actually seen her ski. 6. Eaf then tries to make an Escher painting out of simple logic by threatening to boycott The Ski Diva Site, which will not allow him to be a member anyway because he’s a boy, but he pretends that he is the one boycotting the site. It is unacceptable to him that he will have to settle for literally every other ski site. 7. Eaf benefits from Sally’s Montage ticket thread but weirdly insults her for being helpful by suggesting that she won’t be polite/helpful in the future (legal precedent here? Johnny Law?) 8. Eaf can’t comprehend that Sally can be both aware of her physical appearance and also at the same time happy, which is clearly insane, so he tells her to “brighten up a little" because apparently he's on duty today representing The Patriarchy. 9. Eaf is lucky he didn’t say that to Sally in person because the best possible outcome for Eaf would have been a supersonic neck punch. 10. SALTY STILL TYPES tracks because he is just fucking with Sally at this point. Which to be honest is solid trolling. Respect. 11. This place needs more snow and less Eaf.
    3 points
  15. Nope. He's crushing it for the first time at a real mountain.
    3 points
  16. I don't know he went to a parade instead of skiing the other day.
    3 points
  17. Mad props getting out in this shit
    3 points
  18. You’re welcome (SallyCat too).
    3 points
  19. Women also like to be told to smile. It used to be that if a woman asked if her butt looked big the correct answer was,"No honey it looks skinny" now the correct answer is,"oogly moogly that thang iz juicy"
    3 points
  20. Eaf you just have a very abrasive personality and are very negative. Being a giant Jerry makes for good entertainment.
    3 points
  21. NO. YOU. DINT. I'm 49 years old and this is my second full season of skiing. I've seen video of myself and received feedback from instructors and friends who are better than me. What you call punching myself, I call self-awareness combined with making an effort not to sound like an asshole. 90% of my posts here are for entertainment and because I'm sitting next to a pile of essays I don't really want to grade. I also find self-deprecating humor to be enjoyable because at my age I don't really give a shit what people think of me, and there is real humor in starting an "adventure" sport (or sitting at bars, or learning to mountain bike) in late middle age, so why pretend that there isn't? And if you don't like it, scroll on by. I don't care about my stats (except for that one time when I beat Steeze in "likes" for the week! ) You're not registered at the Diva site because if I'm not mistaken, you are a male and boys aren't allowed.
    3 points
  22. wow, shots fired! You got me right where it hurts! You pretend to be a know-it-all about skiing and ski equipment but have no fucking clue what touring bindings are. Maybe you should start listening to what we're saying. Perhaps you'd learn something.
    3 points
  23. It’s gotta be a joke and/or trolling. I hope 🤞
    3 points
  24. FYI blue is closing at Noon today!!
    3 points
  25. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  26. Hey, that I never said. If I remember correctly, things have unrolled today in about this way... Jeff called me a Jerry, and I hit him where it hurt most. GSS offered me a ban on behalf of the fallen comrade, and I graciously declined saying that there are finer folks standing in front of me, himself included. Sally tried to give a piece of advice on how to behave and stay on the right way, and I rebutted that the only way here is the PASR way or highway, so no need to try. She then threatened to gossip about me on the diva forum, and I attempted to mend things by calling her hot. That's where things got serious and she snapped that if she wanted to be hot, it would't be for me, rather only for another diva or GSS the General. In between we talked about cathedrals in Moscow and 5km races. Finally I took my car out where it instantly fogged from inside out, realized that it's summer and 60F, and fell into depression. Now, all of those things did happen today. But me hating PASR? Never.
    2 points
  27. Another good day today. Spent the entire day on Blackcomb. After we got all the way up to the top we we worked our way over to the 7th Heaven area which had great snow yesterday so we wanted to get there first today. We had some really good turns down Xhiggy's Meadow back down to the lift for a ride back up. It was windier over there today, and when the wind blows through the mountains and bowls it sounds like a fucking wind ensemble and is absolutely beautiful to listen to it while standing in an open bowl 8000' in the air. I've never heard it so clearly before. I love this place. I guess that is where a lot of the names come from - Flute Bowl, Symphony, Harmony, Piccolo, etc. Back over in 7th, Kevin, Doug, and I traversed out to the Lakeside Bowl and dropped just out of bounds where there was some fantastic snow that people didn't want to put the effort in to get to. After 7th, we dropped off the backside of Horstman and took the Tbar to the glacier area again and dropped into that zone again to get some great leftover snow and chalky goodness. After that run Ryan and Jon left to take the rest of the day easy and relax before two more days of skiing. Kevin, Doug, and I took a bunch of runs to and lift rides and eventually made our way back over to the top of Jersey Cream Bowl and dropped in through Big Bang and Couloir Extreme for some fantastic turns in The Jersey Cream Bowl. After that and the long run out, it was about 2:00 so we called it a day, after the best run of the day. Grabbing some sushi and whatnot tonight. I was wrong, cougar night is tonight. Drinks and such later. Pics to follow.
    2 points
  28. Way to get after it! Still only counts as one day tho 🤣
    2 points
  29. Post an update from Whistler!
    2 points
  30. It's the same thing...different name. It's a name game played by those who prescribe to man-made climate change. The thing is that earth's climate has changed many, many times in the past, and it will continue to do so in the future without man's activities. We do not have the scientific capabilities nor the statistical data set with which one can definitively say man's activities significantly impact the global climate. Now, that's not a license for us to not be good stewards of this earth. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  31. No worries. I’d betcha a beer that I spend more time in front of a computer than salty does. Oh oh and I’d love to hear the history lesson, but only if there’s lift beers involved.
    2 points
  32. If I were hot, the story wouldn't have been funny to me and I wouldn't have shared it because that would be obnoxious. The point of telling the story was in its humorous absurdity. You should tell women to "brighten it up" a lot, we like being reminded that our appearance and personalities ought to be curated largely to please men. And that we should never, ever joke about ourselves because boys might not like us.
    2 points
  33. I was not aware of that, my apologies. I really should visit with the PASR crew in the lot, then I would be more up to date.
    2 points
  34. Epicski is no more and those pages suck.
    2 points
  35. Thanks man. To my knowledge no. I'll know more this week but I'd be surprised if I had to Awesome. Ski you soon (even if only for lot beers)?
    2 points
  36. Not if a moderator puts you on timeout!!! Play nice Eaf!!!
    2 points
  37. The really good run of avoiding washouts on weekends is over and per usual Mother Nature doesn't like TP4 I don't think that much base will be lost with today's rain..maybe 6 inches. Tomorrow night the temperature is supposed to drop below 20 so operation blizzard 2.0 will go into affect. Be glad it's before presidents weekend so Blue will go full strength on snowmaking vs spot snowmaking that occurs later in the season..One cold night will cement the base into bulletproof hard pack or what optimistic snowmakers like to call machine groomed packed powder. Just a little bump in the road with spring skiing on tap for Wednesday and Thursday and back to winter for next weekend..everybody have fun doing laundry today.
    2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. No beer mugs in our place, but Pyrex measure cup works. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  41. Days like today are good for watching the Olympics.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. I can't find where I said anything about crud; maybe that was someone else? And were they talking about the RTM 81 or 84? I think the 84s would be savage crud-busters, actually. I had trouble in very wet, heavy, deep snow last Wednesday afternoon, but that was because I'm not a very good skier. Not sure any other ski would have made a difference. Maybe. The RTM 84s grip like John Goodman holding onto a donut in a hurricane and they don't chatter (not that I go fast enough to induce chatter). But they nimble in that they are easy to get on edge and I get a lot of energy out of a turn. I can make all sizes of turns quickly and easily.
    1 point
  44. Plus in the Catskills there are lots of jersey people. Wait there are lots of jersey people everywhere.
    1 point
  45. They should have a team just for over-forty adults in racing skin suits. That would clear a trail right off.
    1 point
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