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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/18 in all areas
Pay to ski Elk so your fucking kids get to experience it you cheap fuck. If you charge your kids to ski Elk, you’re banned from Sausage Sundays forever.7 points
Yes. I’m sure missing the braggadocios posts about how little he pays for a day on the slopes, the reports describing the intricacies of splitting a single entree five ways, and the promised future music videos ham-fistedly cobbled together in MS Paint will leave me a hollow shell of my former self, but somehow I’ll have to scratch out a meager, meaningless existence anyway. I’d take solace in my children, but I guess I’m ruining them.5 points
Beautiful day at Six! They had in fact closed for the season before all of this new snow, then they opened up again just for weekends and powder days. Soft packed powder, the kind you dream about, on every trail that was groomed. Many trails were left ungroomed. Sunshine, zero crowds, Bob Marley in my earbuds...a sweet day! On the way home I almost hit a turkey, so I stopped by the Worthy Kitchen for a Clown Shoes Galactica IPA to settle my nerves5 points
no offense to the deceased......but that is such a load of BS for rationale to close the trees. if that reasoning was valid, then every single ski area in the nation would have not tree skiing.5 points
No, I'm paying that through May. All my stuff is still there, completely unpacked. Once we close on this place in Quechee and get my mom settled, I'll go back and pack up. Hoping to get a few days at Blue's bike park, a little nostalgic Wegman's shopping, and a big patio blowout party to get rid of all the liquor in the house and say goodbye to friends and neighbors. PASRs of course welcome. Stay tuned.5 points
Just got back from St Platty's. This place is absolutely ridiculous right now. The pow is thigh deep in some places. After two massive storms Plattekill has been getting 6-12 inch "refreshers" every day since last weekend. The result is a damn near pristine mountain and woods filled in about as much as you'll ever see them. Everything was in play and I mean everything. People were dropping into the woods everywhere. Everyone was getting at it. The stoke level was high and I had a lot of nice conversations with folks on the lifts. Arrived at 8:40 and caught the fourth or fifth chair up. I stuck to the double and mainly the woods accessible from there. Plunge and Freefall were left go and had basically a foot and a half pow on top of bumps leftover from Wednesday's Powderdaze. I didn't even feel the bumps, they were so filled in although as the day progressed they re-bumped up. Didn't matter. There is powder everywhere. The groomers were actually not so great. They were getting wind scoured and a little icy. No matter, the woods were where it was at. Next time I go I need to find somebody who knows the mountain, or explore after the woods are tracked out and its easier to navigate. It's difficult enough for me to ride two feet of pow but when you don't know where to point it to find the ways through the woods you find yourself stopping and getting stuck a lot in tight spots. For a skier this might not be as big a problem but on a board you absolutely need to keep your momentum going, so line pause is a no-no. Anyway, I found a bunch of fun stuff out there. Put together another little edit in lieu of pictures. Actually I can take some screenies. Enjoy4 points
Enjorales....I've only met you and your Dad a few times, but you're pretty fucking ok in my book. [emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk4 points
One day we all die and that kind of sucks but it's going to suck alot more if you haven't lived your life. Logic, reason, science these are things near and dear to my heart but sometimes you have to put the experience ahead of dollars and cents. Shit some of the best times in my life have been when I absolutely shouldn't have spent x on doing y but I did it anyways. Kids are only young once, you only get to watch them grow and develop for so long and then if you did a really good job they leave and go live their life. How much is a smile on your kids faces worth ? How about time spent together doing something you both actually like ? Money can't buy time and it sure as fuck can't buy you a specific moment in time, it's a tool, a means to an end, nothing more. Lastly and maybe most important your kid's are going to be messed up if every life decision requires actuarial tables and GAP accounting.4 points
4 points
I use my house alot, but, yes, it is actually empty a good bit of time. A townhouse at JF would really be empty alot. Those type home are empty really except for ski season. Theres actually alot of “stuff” going on in my developent year round, alot of people there use their homes almost every weekend. You should get a second hotel room, somewhere nice for the weekends after ski season. Live it up a little.4 points
3 points
No one started a debate on financial practices in parenting. You brought it up as a straw man to obfuscate the fact that you’re a cheap shit.3 points
Yea but i like assuming other anonomyous people are idiots. Makes me feel better.3 points
3 points
i can show you some maps of Eastern PA getting crushed, and it snows from Tuesday to Thursday, or Baltimore getting 2', and nothing in Allentown. Its March, so its gotta line up pretty good. By Sunday there might be some kind of an idea of whats gonna happen. Could definitely be some good skiing next week though. Break out the RTM's.3 points
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Just got in from riding Elk Mountain, PA all day. They must have received some more snowfall overnight. Looked to be 4-6 inches around the mountain when I pulled up this morning. Probably 6 or more up top. This is on top of what has been accumulating over the last 10 days. Unfortunately all but the two bump runs were groomed out. Conditions were still excellent: real packed powder and cord all day. There was hardly anyone there. Never had to wait for a chair. Bummed on Elk's no open mountain policy. There are some fun possibilities up there to bag turns through the trees. They certainly have the snow for it. Also love those rocks off the runout to Mohawk. Lots of fun just wish the landing wasn't so flat. Staying over locally and then driving up to Plattekill tomorrow morning.2 points
Elk it is. The Helicopter vid was the deciding factor for the holdout.2 points
I liked the video but you never answered my question whether the tall brunette singer offers private voice lessons?2 points
I don’t give a shit what he thinks. He’s unredeemable, he’s on ignore. He’s the only person on PASR not welcome to eat the food from my grill. Well, unless he wants to contribute $10 per plate and “get some skin in the game.” And the Beagles is a dumb band name. That music video sucked, too. Music was alright tho.2 points
Don't worry about it I think it's interesting. I like when PASR is active even if things are off topic.2 points
I'm starting to look at the accuweather forums for this potential upcoming storm. Timing could be anywhere from early Tuesday to late Wednesday. The strength and duration of the storm along with cold air could mean a ton of heavy wet snowfall for the Lehigh valley and the poconos and a mixture down in the I-95 corridor. Usually people on the accuweather forums are excited about the potential for a major snowstorm but many seem to be sick of winter and ready to play golf. Some are also concerned about potential power outages as tree roots are already weakened from the last two storms. Here are some of the more bullish snowfall predictions.2 points
2 points
The pond right at the very bottom of the six pack..I bet Ski2Live will be up there after the ski season is over with a metal detecter looking for quarters.2 points
I think it's pretty cool to teach the kids a little about responsible spending and to an extent financial literacy. I got a joint bank account with my Dad when I was 13 so I had somewhere to put my paychecks from working at the golf course. Eventually I even got myself a debit card. I was one snazzy 15 year old walking around with my own plastic.2 points
I'm still confused by the term "hoarding" being used interchangeably with the word "saving" $300 isn't hoarding money any more than $300,000 is. No matter what the age.2 points
2 points
And they have gone skiing over 40 times on my dime. A trip to Elk when you figure in all those things will easily cost me $100 more than a trip to Blue. $10 each is a token contribution, out of over $300 they each have saved from allowances. My philosophy is to provide the basics but ask them to contribute to do something more luxurious than normal. And given that I define the basics as including skiing every weekend, they make out ok.2 points
Exactly. I've been crazy busy with work this week and a pow day next week would be just what I need.2 points
I'm looking at condos in VT right now for full-time occupancy. When Mt. Ascutney went under the home prices dropped, but it's still a great area. Hoping to snag a nice unit and live right on a MTB trail network with an easy commute to Okemo.2 points
No footy. Last time I was at Elk I was 14, and the place was only half open at the time (it was December), so I spent the time finding my way around a bit and looking where the fun stuff was. A bunch of places nearby have open mountain policies. Off the top of my head Jack Frost and Plattekill which are both fairly close by. Frost get significantly less snowfall too. I know Platty and Magic Mtn in VT organize volunteer glade clearing crews every off season. It's worth it, in my opinion. It would make the mountain stand out a lot more. To me it feels like a mellower version of Blue, with better snow. But if you could rock it off piste it'd be the nastiest place in PA. For sure its got the best snow in the Poconos. Not that its saying much but I'd make the drive when the conditions came together if they did. Otherwise I have to drive to the Catskills. I can do Elk in a day. Oh, run of the day was Lehigh. That green cruiser way off on the east side of the mountain. Only natural snow, narrow little trail through the woods. It's like meditation down there, man. Good stuff. I recommend it.2 points
I do remember at the start of 6th grade I wanted nice sneakers like Nike Airs or Reebox pumps. In 5th grade I had LA Gears and I got made fun of for wearing them. The problem was my mom would only spend $50 for sneakers and Nike airs were a lot more so I paid my own money for the difference. I must have gone to 6 different shoe stores before settling on a modest pair of Nike airs that were about $70 but they had the little windows that you could see into. While they weren't the Air Max, or Air Jordan, Andre Agassis or Bo Jacksons they were still pretty nice. The funny thing now is that my current sneakers are rarely much over $50.1 point
Would you believe I also ask them to carry their own skis and poles from the car to the snow?1 point
1 point
Thanks. Now I know what my weight is in every country in the world except the United States, Myanmar, and Liberia.1 point
I don't think it's an issue of intelligence/dimness, but rather how good you are at very quickly assessing a situation under a lot of stress and uncertainty. Jumping off a chairlift is such a counter-intuitive thing to do, you'd have to fully understand what was happening to the chairs when they hit the bullwheel. If you're facing uphill and all you know is that you're moving backward, I think a reasonable person could conclude that the safest thing to do is stay on the chair. In part because not jumping off a chairlift is such an ingrained habit. And then by the time you realize you're wrong, it's too late. It's easy for us to watch with a bird's eye view and see people being dumb, but they didn't have all the information we have when we watch the vid. EDIT: Jesus, though, that last person in the red jacket. At that point people are yelling and you can hear the chairs smashing. That was hard to watch.1 point
I'll sprint for a dollar if it's easy access..the last time I saw a $5 from the lift some kid got to it about 2 seconds before me..it was on Cum around.1 point
This thread went sideways real quick... Its going to be 45 and sunny the next two days at Blue(!), anyone want a donut tomorrow am?1 point
Jokes aside... both main lifts broke multiple times in consecutive days.1 point
Wow I never had plastic until college. I remember when taking $60 out of the ATM was a lot..now I'm pissed if an ATM has a maximum of $200.1 point
Was thinking the same thing my initial thought was,"What a cheap bastard"1 point
Just pay for them. They're your kids. My dad pays for me when we golf and I'm 38. You should also have them contribute towards gas, wear and tear on your car and juice bags1 point
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I just use it to put on my boots and occasionally have a snack in there and use the bathroom. I like that you can take your skis in. The layout is just so convenient to get on the lift. And if they make it too nice, they may ban tailgating.1 point
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