Most wont believe this since most PASR's have really only seen my worst eating habits, like on a ski trip, and yeah, im the one that brings the chips an weekends, but cutting my carbs way back was my last step. It has really helped me maintain where i think i should be. I'm not the no carb nazi, but i definitely stray away from the big carb items. Pasta, bread, and rice. three things i love, but have managed to stay away from for the most part. I love veggies, and have found zucchini a great vegetable to cook with. I have found zucchini noodles are a great replacement for spaghetti.
Doug - would it give you motivation, if, maybe we were to place some bets on whether or not you can pull this off, or would you just like us to cheer you on while you continue with your same old ways thinking this is going to work?