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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/18 in all areas

  1. If you snow shoe on a skin track you will get shamed and should get shamed. Get on Craigs list and find something used. Furthermore, I know its the East Coast nothing is going to slide, thats bullshit! Get the training and the equipment and travel with a friend in the back country, your life is worth more than $1000.
    5 points
  2. How much vert is it? Skinning isn’t necessarily much quicker if what you’re climbing is packed down, but I think it’s less tiring because you have less weight on your back, and if you’re doing it right (unlike me) your skis don’t actually leave the ground on the way up. If you’re hiking, figure at least 30lbs in your back between skis, boots, at least some water, but also probably beer. Try hiking it in the summer with a weighted pack to test it out, then take that experience and multiply it by the awkward weight distribution factor of skis strapped to your pack. My reco would be to start scouring the interwebz for something with a pair of marker tour 10s or 12s on em, that way you’re still working with an alpine binding that you could comfortably ski on resort days too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  3. It’s a PITA, especially if there is no boot pack. I would try the snowshoes if I were you, and if you find yourself liking that, move on to a used/cheap touring setup.
    1 point
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