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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/18 in all areas

  1. At least it’s not in the biking thread Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  2. I’ve done some night riding on the Columbia Trail, in NJ. That’s a neat spot to ride after dark. Pitch black, with very little visible sky, but once night vision kicks in, you can see clearly, as this was an old railroad line. The light cinder is such a contrast to everything else. The first night I rode there I was taking a safety break on a bench near Ken Lockwood George when I heard something very large crashing through the woods in front of me. Scared the shit out of me. I jumped on my bike so fast I forgot to grab my water bottle. Was probably a deer, but bear was on my nerves. Found the bottle the next day. I have also done a bunch of night rides on the Capoolong Creek/Landsdown Trail with just a 1W CREE light with great success. I believe this trail goes through @Shadows family’s lands. Once, I accidentally found a group night ride of about 10 people at the Nassau Trails. I was going to leave, but I rode with them for a while and had one of my more fun rides ever. I’d love to do some VT rides at night.
    1 point
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