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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/18 in all areas

  1. bikeflights.com Looks like about $60 each way, not counting cost of acquiring packaging.
    2 points
  2. where's C1'er been? havent seen him post in awhile? the telemark analogy is spot on! between C1'er and paskiingsucks(?) there used to be some good paddle stoke on here!
    2 points
  3. It feels downright chilly outside. 70 degrees going down to 56
    1 point
  4. Please do it and take pictures.
    1 point
  5. Just rent a bike once you get there.
    1 point
  6. You do have a foam pedestal that you're sitting on as well, so it's not too bad; and the bigger/wider the boat, the more comfortable your legs are. Plus every time you flip over and swim, it's an opportunity to stretch your legs!
    1 point
  7. Sorry about that, but you are completely missing the sarcasm associated with my post. Please remove pic. Thank you.
    1 point
  8. This is Dane Jackson paddling C-1 (which is closed-boat canoeing. Single-blade, and you're kneeling in a kayak with a spray skirt attached to the cockpit.)
    1 point
  9. It's not funny. It's easier to just let it go and scroll past it.
    1 point
  10. Maybe I'll stay there. $225 sounds like a bargain now compared to $300. So I'm thinking 2 nights each in Bozeman, Jackson Hole, and Yellowstone. 3 full days in Yellowstone. I like hiking, looking for wildlife, walking around small touristy towns, and museums.
    1 point
  11. That’s why you should get a whitewater canoe. Fun as hell, takes a beating, fits on your car, no buying gas, etc. I think most people who like skiing would dig ww paddling (NOT rafting). Some of the physical principles are similar (edging, etc). Plus no lift tickets to buy and countless rivers to explore. Check out Www.blackflycanoes.com for vids of modern whitewater canoeing
    1 point
  12. Seems like a good deal to me. I ate about $250 worth of biscuits n' gravy each day when we were there.
    1 point
  13. wow. nobody here would have ever guessed that. My co worker is going to Jackson soon with her husband. i am amazed at how much its going to cost them. even the flights are more expensive. I liked the 49'r and everything, but holy crap $265 to like over $300 a night. The coffee was good, but not that good.
    1 point
  14. I hung out at the shore every summer before i bought the house in the Poconos, but still, never went to the beach. i do get the relaxing listening to the waves. If you dont get any kind of motion sickness, sleeping on a boat, listening to the water slap the side of the boat, might be the best night sleep you will ever have. But, that can easily go the other way when there are 3 footers rolling through the bay, and the gentle slap of the water is now pitching you up and down and tugging on all the dock lines. This was the last boat i owned, which i stayed on for 4 years. I miss boating, but i dont miss funding boats.
    1 point
  15. Thats correct. Make sure you are more than willing to spend money like crazy on a regular basis to enjoy your boat. That boat there was going to put me in the poor house eventually. Never assume you will get near what you paid for it when you go to sell it either. Every repair cost at least $1000. That boat almost sank. shortly after i bought it and put it in the water, it developed a leak around the outdrive. So, to fix it, it means hauling it out by the boat yard, and then pulling the one engine out to fix the seal. Break out at least a thousand. In perspective, it makes a second home look pretty cheap. I sold that just as, or right before gas prices skyrocketed. That boat burned like 25 gallons an hour at cruising speed. I didnt take it out tons.
    0 points
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