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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/18 in all areas

  1. Hey look, its raining out. This weather sucks.
    1 point
  2. to this day I still refer to blue as the Boot. on weekdays you can hear me singing Riders of the Boot by the Doors on the lift
    1 point
  3. Monday through Thursday is awesome everywhere....except work😝
    1 point
  4. Magic is awesome. I went there back in 2010 on a huge powder day. That storm dumped over 100” in the Catskills, but it switched over further east. Super wet and sloppy snow. Snowing so hard and so deep that it was near impossible to move. Afroman7 hurt himself and we had to bail after a run or two to take I’m to the hospital. I’ve been wanting to get back, but having a home base in N Central VT doesn’t make it easy. They are finishing the Green Lift this year and hoping to potentially have something open by Thanksgiving. They also bought a quad from Stratton that was being replaced and are replacing the Black Lift with that.
    1 point
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