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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/18 in all areas

  1. You could always forward that business along to Shadows. Could be easy side money. It sounds like retirement at 50 could be doable. Keep maxing that 401k and Roth IRA.
    2 points
  2. RideDE keeps asking me questions. Sorry for the threadjack. If not for death I wouldn’t have money to ski.
    1 point
  3. You guessed right...although the markup goes to pay commissions, payroll, taxes, insurance, truck expenses and building expenses...what’s left after that is profit. Like any business economies of scale comes into play. If we purchase 30 pieces of granite annually from a particular supplier we might receive a 15% discount but if we purchase 500 pieces of granite annually our discount could be as high as 40%. Most of the people who do work for us are independent contractors. We have two artists who do ethings for us, one does hand ethings with a diamond tipped dremmel tool and one does laser etchings. We have three guys who do in cemetery inscription for us..inscribing information on existing memorial stones. One in New Jersey, one that does philly and the Lehigh valley and one who does areas west of us. Most of the cemeteries do their own foundations but if they don’t our delivery guy does them and we profit off that although we give him extra money on them. We also sometimes assist funeral homes with putting bodies in mausoleums as we have experience with that. We are also asked on a weekly basis to clean memorial stones and although we have power washing equipment, we are too busy with deliveries to clean memorial stones and the amount of money we get from cleanings isn’t worth driving an hour to a cemetery. I typically recommend using a scrub brush, mild dish soap and warm water for cleanings.
    1 point
  4. You were mislead. This is the thread where you list your hopes and dreams, then reread after ski season only to realize your dreams have been snuffed out.
    0 points
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