You have the shortest toe nails I’ve ever seen. I’d still dip those little piggies in Burger King zesty sauce...boner city!!! I used to have them like this but they kept hurting when I hiked. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Surprisingly I've only ever pooped a couple times in ski boots. Absolutely miserable, as you can't get the right angle with your knees and legs. Plus, I usually like to tippy toe a little bit when sitting on the toilet which isn't possible with ski boots on. Not to mention its always 1,000,00,000 degrees in a ski lodge bathroom so you sweat your ass off while throwing one through the hoop. I usually hold it in if at all possible.
You hear stories about Elvis and John Wayne, how they had upward of 30lbs of impacted feces removed from their colons when they were autopsied. NO THANKS
I'll stick with eating some veggies/fiber, staying hydrated, and laying off the opioids so I can be as regular as a Swiss train.
These people who don’t poop everyday. Where does the poop go??? Sounds terrible. The worst is when you’re constipated and you push so hard that you sprain a neck muscle