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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/18 in all areas

  1. Estes Park is an awesome place and I loved it there too.. definitely one of my favorite towns out west. But when I went to Crested Butte I enjoyed it 10x more. Small mountain town filled with lots of active people doing everything with their dogs, good food and drinks, and so much to access from the end of every road in town.
    2 points
  2. Looks like they will be announcing more resorts in the next few days.
    1 point
  3. AA and southwest. I have lots of points/tokens/miles/chips with both. Having both is good. Gives options. I’m with you. I have said it before, i will favor convenience over cost almost always. I live 15 mins from phl. It doesnt make a whole lot of sense for me to fly out of any other airport imo. I dont see driving to newark or baltimore for a direct flight. Seems to add bullshit and probably in the end doesnt save me any time or money. Last time i looked AA had direct to slc for what i thought was some pretty attractive pricing. Slc is probably about as far as i could go non stop.
    1 point
  4. Atomic Jeff might have a sweater vest you can borrow.
    1 point
  5. Did you bring any long sleeves? I saw you wore stoned washed jeans on the plane. Crazy to wear long pants in the summer when you’re not at work.
    1 point
  6. What a son of a bitch. It looks like AA doesnt fly direct to SLC anymore. That makes me want to go all Salty on them.
    1 point
  7. I see you attempt at another shitty joke. I'd love to go on a trip with some of my ski buddies who I haven't been out west with in a while.
    1 point
  8. Definitely not a deal breaker. Indubitably not a deal breaker Boo-yah page topper.
    0 points
  9. Salty I think you and Matt edge would have a blast together in Estes Park. You could show him all around and he’d say it was badass. He might make you wear a sundress though.
    0 points
  10. That blows. SLC direct was one of the reasons i switched to hoarding AA points.
    0 points
  11. Yeah that is true, but I usually fly out of ABE when I can because of convenience so a layover out of philly or a layover out of ABE doesn't make or break anything for me. We'll chat.
    0 points
  12. Is AA your airline of choice??
    0 points
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