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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/18 in all areas

  1. 42 degrees this morning. cranked up the fireplace to take the chill off. Fleece, raspberry cream cheese stuffed croissant french toast, local sage sausage patties, fresh ground coffee........feels like fall today.
    2 points
  2. Our forecast high tomorrow is 59!!!
    1 point
  3. Yes, it depends on the strain and conditions. Since these are growing el fresco, I need to check bud development and pull the trigger when they look ripe. I'm hoping to start clipping before the end of september. I'm racing against the clock temp wise. When growing indoors and under lights, it's a little more predictable if you are familiar with the strain.
    1 point
  4. I can smell 'em from 10 feet away. coo coo daddy long legs.
    1 point
  5. Tits weather today. Even seeing a little color change. Low of 36 degrees tomorrow night. Fuck off, summer, with yer humidity.
    1 point
  6. You can throw it in my dumpster at work if you’re ever up in this area...
    1 point
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