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  1. I have yes. theres one other active window guy in it yea. he only does windows though. Ive started to re-brand as a building envelope/facade maintenance company since we do more than just windows and pressure washing. Hes helped a lot last month with overflow work. Aug wouldve been dead without those referalls.
    3 points
  2. While I like the idea of a Vail picking up Blue one day and classing up the joint, there's something pretty cool about Blue still being "mom & pop" owned yet annihilating the competition in skier visits. Plus blue is doing stuff (or trying to). Makes me feel better about dropping dough at Blue year in and year out. What investments have Peak made in JFBB over the last however many years? Not being a dick but truly wondering. I really like Frost but it looks exactly the same as it did when I was there for my 6th grade ski trip making my friends jealous cause i was rocking out to Dr. Feelgood by Motley Crue on the bus ride up. How will Roundtop, Whitetail etc. actually benefit? Or do they?
    3 points
  3. A friend of mine said this as well. Why, or how he knew that was a mystery me, being as he isnt a Blue groupie, big skier, etc. It was the same as if Doug was to turn to you and give you a real good home maintenance tip.
    2 points
  4. Naa, Vail has a vested interest in buying up feeder resorts near population centers and using them to leverage customers to their larger resorts. They are already doing this with wilmot and afton alps in WI and MN. By the way, peak is in fact a publically traded company, they trade under the ticker symbol SKIS.
    2 points
  5. The Jeffsy is awesome! Go for it, you won't be disappointed. I considered it, but I need the Capra with the frequent bike park beating I'll be doing. You can get it with a decent build kit and carbon frame for just over $3k, insane value for a 150mm trail bike. Helllll yeah! 29ers are making serious waves now in the gravity world. Lots of them are popping up in the World Cup now and quite a few wins are happening in the EWS this year. 2019 is going to be littered with 29ers. Most companies are even offering their DH bikes with 29er options too, and not just a frankenstein'd 27.5 frame with bigger wheels. Actual race tested stuff. Interested to see how the flip chip will be. Most of them seem gimmicky, I don't really think the .5 degree on the the headtube and seattube will exactly turn it to a XC bike, but the increased BB height is definitely intriguing. From what I've read, the 29 Capra vs. the 27.5 is a wayyyy better with climbing and pedalling efficiency though for obvious reasons. I just need to sit, spin, and get up the hill anyway so I can hurt myself on the way down. I'll save the lycra and cadence meter for my road bike. Love how this thread is turning to a bike discussion haha BTW - im waiting for fedex as we speak...I'll post pics in the bike thread!
    2 points
  6. this is what i saw as well
    1 point
  7. Green is latest proposed route. I saw a video a year or so back that flew the route (can't find it now) that had it coming right up MS. Note the connection for BM. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. They would be running a spur line off the pipeline so Blue could build a power plant to feed the hot springs spa and the hotel/other improvements. That’s what the last article I read said at least.
    1 point
  9. Won't be getting a pass, but hoping to get a few days in! I'm down to some old-ass Line fat skis only from 2009, but I'll still come rip a little.
    1 point
  10. dont they still have to dig up blue for the pipeline?
    1 point
  11. Today’s rain is just what we need to get those snowmaking ponds filled!!!
    1 point
  12. There is a lot to cash out for Barb but I think she likes playing Ski Resort Tycoon. I hope she hangs with us in the lot more this skison..it will be badass when she finally has a ski run named after her.
    1 point
  13. i'm not drinking the "i want vail to buy blue" cool aide. Yet. "classing the joint up" will come with a price tag. Easiest way to fund "classing the joint up" will be through ticket sales. Dont bitch when the price of a fancy lower lodge (which i only go in to use the bathroom) or paved parking lot (which serves the same purpose as the lodge) comes at an increase in pass price. I'm cool with a pass increase provided it benefits the skiing. IMO, a fancy lodge, or paved parking lot doesnt benefit the skiing. Snowmaking, grooming, etc benefit the skiing. Lets sit back, and watch what goes on at Okemo this year before filling our Vail champagne flutes with Vail champagne. I am surprised Barb hasnt woke up one day and said, i dont need this, and cashed out. . Unless she truly loves running a weather dependent, high risk business. Or maybe there is just nothing to cash out. Peak has added some new snowmaking equipment to Frost. nothing super significant though. I think one of the lifts at JFBB is being replaced. Peak still blows my mind. Take a day at Frost mid season on a Saturday and you just have to wonder how they make money. Go to Blue on the same day, and they are carting off cash from ticket sales in dumptrucks. And now they own 5 of the smallest PA resorts. Personally, i thought after Hunter they would look to dump the smaller stuff, but it makes sense to keep them on their pass. The internet hub-bub is those three resorts will have resort specific season passes, vs the multi pass, which is the only pass you can buy at JFBB.
    1 point
  14. No doubt, may get a new mtb in the next year or so and YT Jeffsy 29 looks like a pretty sweet trail bike https://us.yt-industries.com/products/bikes/trail/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8MC1jIXW3QIVgZyzCh1GVwupEAAYASAAEgJYNfD_BwE
    1 point
  15. Apparently. Just redesigned the capra this year and it's pretty dang awesome. Gotta say I'm into the direct-to-consumer stuff a lot more now. The value you get is freakin' amazing and they actually listen to their riders and customers. A similar build kit from Trek, SC, Kona, or Specialized would be an easy $1500-2k more.
    1 point
  16. Trust me Blue is on Vail resorts radar..if they had a hotel and could put together some midweek and weekend ski and stay packages...they could really tap into a gold mine..:sell more night skiing tickets..more meals gears rentals lessons I wouldn’t mind a bit of an Alps theme sort of like how camelback has an Egyptian theme...I already pronounce challenge with a French accent..make it into Epcot on snow..would be like living near Disney world without the alligators.
    1 point
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