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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/18 in all areas

  1. When Snowbird and Steamboat engage in a Twitter war..
    3 points
  2. In theory it sounds like a great deal (free pass, paid to ski, discount passes for your family etc.) but in reality it, like anything else that pays you, is work. You have to be there at a certain time. Your name is on a schedule, there are shifts, tests, certifications etc. It becomes an obligation. Part 2 of the instructor thing is the whole technique and training thing. Sorry but for me spending time on the hill, when not teaching, to focus on ankle flex or whatever the hell technique related activity that was going on that day is not for me. I found it to be a very "hey look at me and my awesome form and this is what you need to do to look like me" vibe. Then there was the infamous whirlybird session day that actually had me rethinking my life. Lol Others may disagree and if you're cool with that then great. No judgement here. Truly. But my stupid ass just wants to get to the mountain without being on a schedule, ski until I'm ready to call it a day, not obsess about what I look like (granted I'm not trying to look like a shit head either), and have as much fun as I possibly can during that time. I don't regret it at all but I will say that I can't recall a day when I was busy with lessons or there as an instructor period, where I had that glow after leaving the mountain because of the ski day that was. It happens all the time otherwise.
    2 points
  3. For anybody who hasn’t yet purchased a season pass for this season..passes valid everyday are still on sale for only $499
    1 point
  4. Good info thanks. I assumed they would have big crowds early season if they're one of the only players open. I love Mt Snow and look forward to doing early/late season trips there.
    1 point
  5. PC being there made it much better (although he was in different group than me). I was jealous of Dan who just skied and didn't have to check in on the hour.
    1 point
  6. Tent sale wednesday. Gon git me sum sticks!
    1 point
  7. I'm gonna find out this season what it's like to work in the ski industry. So far the pros are: 1. 9-5 office job, but I can ski on my lunch break. 2. My days off will be weekdays, so no crowds. 3. Discounts on equipment plus free food at the lodge. 4. I'm f/t salaried with benefits, so I don't have to deal with the unpaid shiftwork bs that ski instructors do. Cons: 1. Relatively low pay (compared to my previous job) 2. ? Not sure what else yet.
    1 point
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