We'll holy shit!. PASR doesn't like one of the bands that me and millions of other people do? How could I possibly go on?? Good call on my man cave posters BTW
Loveland Transferrable 4 pack $169 https://skiloveland.com/4-pak/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqr2N74aR3gIVycDACh3iOg8zEAAYASAAEgKDpvD_BwE
A-Basin non-transferrable 4 pack $189, transferrable 4 pack $229 https://www.arapahoebasin.com/tickets-and-passes/season-passes/
That's about all you'll find as far as lift ticket deals <$100 per day.
Lawyer by day. Rockstar by night.
Latest video I edited. I get to take a turn singing lead on this one. Performing 13 of these Motown tunes with 20 of these 25 people at 11 PM tonight in case anyone wants to swing by the Hopewell Valley Bistro
Arapahoe looks pretty badass
Remember my opening day video last year? No one commented on it or even gave it a thumbs up. Makes me sad because I put so much work into manually embedding telemetry data, and then the most epic high five to a live camel.