My place is all mature oak trees that I have to clean up after many times every fall. I have two hand held blowers and a 5 horse walk behind blower. I am lucky in that my property slopes to the creek and the prevailing western wind blows toward the creek. Blowers weren't an option when I was young, we used to rake every thing. I still have a home made wooden rake that is 6 feet wide with 12 inch tines and a 7 foot handle that I can move large hip deep piles with. Back then we could burn so we made a long pile in the driveway that circles my house and burned them. Now burning is not allowed. which I am ok with because I burned once or twice as an adult and was in fear of all the glowing embers flying into the air threatening to land on the roof. I have a system of using blue tarps and an ATV with a trailer to put them in the creek for right around my house, takes about 3 hours. On the lower half of the property I can blow all of the leaves directly into the creek which takes another 3 hours. I always end up doing large parts of three neighbors properties because their leaves end up on my place anyway.