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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/18 in all areas

  1. Great afternoon conditions- great to see some PASR’s and other Blue peeps. Looking forward seeing the rest of you shitheads soon! ‘Cept salty he’s a dosh Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    8 points
  2. Running on the beach this morning, skiing at Blue this afternoon. LTD.
    6 points
  3. World Cup! Getting ready for second runs. VIP tent: free open bar and great food. Having a Lagunitas.
    4 points
  4. 4 points
  5. Hey All, I’m back from a fun session at blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the upper lot at 720am and it was in the upper thirties with the fog rising. In the house were Phillycore, Atomic Jeff, JFDan, Justo, GSSucks, Matt Edge, Indiggio, Slim, Mrs. Snowbunski, TheRealKT, TP4, VTMark..and many others. Opening bell third day in a row with TruTV stay Jim Daily...perfect groomed snow to start..soft and fast...Main Street top to bottom first thing best run of the season as upper main got beat up come around to midway to lower Main became the GOAT greatest of all time of time began on Friday. I skied the chute once and it wasn’t bad and x-ing still had fresh cord at 930am... By the time I was in the parking lot it was in the upper 40s with a mixture of sun and clouds and almost 60 degrees now in the Lehigh valley. Thanks again to the snowmakers for making the last three days at Blue a reality.:.and see everybody next weekend!!! JADIP
    3 points
  6. After randomly deciding we should head to Blue for some more vertical, we pulled into the upper lot around 130ish and were on the snow by about 145 with the agreement to leave around 4. I believe I saw some other Pasrs hanging out with @indiggio although im not sure. Apologies for not stopping, I wasn't too familiar with anyone. Like BB the snow was a lot of fun and we enjoyed riding some longer runs and some side trail fun. The park was meh, but I didn't have any expectations. Although I could ride the rail below in my backyard for 8 hours straight and never be bored. My biggest complaint about Blue is their snow making and the rain made that a non factor. They far exceeding our expectations and we had a blast.
    3 points
  7. Blue is planning on opening Friday at 8:30 and the rest of the weekend as weather allows.
    3 points
  8. I thought your modus operandi was to wait for everyone to drop and then take a different trail
    3 points
  9. 1. Very astute observation @JFskiDan 2. I can’t believe people put this level of thought into Blues webpage. 3. Jeff should block use of VPN providers.
    3 points
  10. Once I'm unfairly banned for VPN use I'll just post my annual Vermont trip TRs on Teton Gravity Maggot Research forums instead from now on.
    2 points
  11. They have guns there. Put guns on the new trail that was supposed to open in 2016.
    2 points
  12. Jeff pointed out the new snowguns. Not sure what to think of unplanted trees. Very Elk-ish.
    2 points
  13. Its neat how you keep trying to steer this thread in a different direction.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Seems reasonable to believe you wouldnt troll here......... i cant find my sarcastic font, so........
    2 points
  16. Great to ride Main Street top to bottom in November! Awesome job blue. Good to see everyone. Stopped at kfc on the way home for chicken and waffles
    1 point
  17. Good evening all.... Rolled into BB lot at about 10:10 and was on the snow with my cousin by about 1030. We rode about 12+ runs by 1230 mostly off of the merry widow ii lift. My god that lift is slow...FFS. The snow was fast and a lot of fun. The park was fun and set up well as always. We only took a few runs down freedom and on the last 2 I "stuck" on the same rail and ate sh*t both times. The first time I figured it was my fault, the second time definitely not. At about 1230 I jokingly mentioned that we should go to blue, since he has a pass there too and much to my surprise he agreed and we finished our run and hi-tailed it Blue.
    1 point
  18. At least something happened this year out that way - that's more progress than we've seen since it got clearcut. Sent from my Life Max using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. If I'm banned for using a common VPN then I'll never ski Paradise with any PASR ever again... yes, it's skiing together even if I am 500 yards behind.
    1 point
  20. Last I checked, it’s your turn to ban salty. I did it last time.
    1 point
  21. These might be the best opening weekend conditions I’ve experienced at Blue. Feels good to get spring closing weekend conditions on my first day of the season here.
    1 point
  22. Yeah, it's giving prospective customers the 'perception' that Blue is in the shadows of 14K' peaks.... I don't know - I think it's cheesy and deceptive.
    1 point
  23. Gettin’ after some bloody marys!
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Rajeev is the man. And think he met VTMark over in Russia!!!
    1 point
  26. My gut for the troll was on Johnny Styles, although I just met him yesterday and everyone seemed to have the type of opinion of him that wouldn’t point to a shit stirrer for the sake of stirring. Seemed like quite a coincidence. Not accusing, cause it’s all gut, no logic. But got the impression he’s not a Doug fan, thought it might be him trying to poke at Doug thru his Blue love
    1 point
  27. I'm 100% busting your stones.
    1 point
  28. Not for anything but it is stupid as shit. It's like someone from the marketing department googled "skiing" and copied / pasted a random photo of people smiling on some random slopes and posted it not realizing the above treeline peaks behind the random people. I didn't want to feed the troll but it is bad form on Blues part. That's said I don't know if I'd call that false advertising either. Most ski areas are more egregious when it comes to false advertising with their base measurements or snowfall totals.
    1 point
  29. He created Salty Ski and Ride complete with fake accounts, avatars, and posts for toast, atomic, gss, jfdan, root, etc... I discovered this after one of our party days, and in my hungover and creeped out state, so I banned salty to fantasy-land for a few days. Now it’s a joke. During my hungover state, not so much.
    1 point
  30. Nice salty you’re up early did you leave for blue yet.
    1 point
  31. I have to do more reading on this Rajeev character. Seems very, very interesting. Found this from, wow, almost 10 years ago. Apparently Steeze was similarly accused as I was tonight for the Rajeev debacle, and the post below appears to prove the unreliability of IP addresses on this site.
    1 point
  32. Agreed. My daughter and I had fun on Barney's. Top section was really nice by the end of the day. (And our day ended at around 12:30.) Great first day for us.
    1 point
  33. Salty...just to dig your hole a little deeper....Invisible charc has used 2 IPs that you have also used.
    1 point
  34. Correct. While making fun of many prominent members. Why is he still around here?
    1 point
  35. No, he bought a Ford from another dealer. What an asshole.
    1 point
  36. Let’s see... I got to ski on Black Friday and not drive 3-4 hours to get there. I’m not complaining.
    1 point
  37. i bought a killington lift ticket last sunday.
    1 point
  38. This is one of the funniest things I've ever read on the internet. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Thanks for that.
    0 points
  39. Wow Toast looks like they opened lazy mile for you.
    0 points
  40. Is someone telling tall tales???
    0 points
  41. Well that was entertaining..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    0 points
  42. Thanks salty. I don’t want to see you using a proxy from Nigeria...and don’t try to go through the Taco Bell drive through on your Schwinn.
    0 points
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