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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/18 in all areas

  1. Beautiful morning with sun shining and cold fog in the valley. Groomingvis nice but everything is pretty firm. They got a little dusting up here - enough to groom out Razors! Should be a good week.
    7 points
  2. Forgot to post this earlier. Looking down into the Coming Soon
    6 points
  3. I spread it out across the year pretty well, between ski trips, Musikfest and such. I'd probably ski the mornings like @toast21602 if I lived closer to the mountain.
    2 points
  4. Thats alot of dough. The morning ticket there was definitely worthwhile. interestingly enough, the $200 season pass deal Enjo posted earlier now seems to be $150. https://halfoffthevalley.com/index.php?index_type=promo-detail&h=2834812
    2 points
  5. We still have the Laziest of Miles now and it's before Christmas. I'm a happy camper.
    2 points
  6. Well you see I'm well aware of White Lighting, as I'd seen it numerous times from the base of Phoebe Express, but it was a Perder Day and I was feeling exceptionally confident. What could go wrong? Young whipper snappers ski the White Lightning on a daily basis. Upon approach it was groomed and flat and looked very easy. Then suddenly a 40 degree drop, and moguls the sizes of yurts dissuaded me from descending on RTMs. One day I will return and conquer the White Lightning (no I won't).
    1 point
  7. He got a really snazzy condo in Duryea from what I hear.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. what a great view. You can almost see Roots house..I looked at Barbs Bush a few times the other day and it was really smooth
    1 point
  10. That looks way better than i though it would. Looks like they have some features ready to go for it too. Thanks for posting that.
    1 point
  11. If only I was retired like @Shadows thought...
    1 point
  12. Another reason to ski during the week
    1 point
  13. Heading into work after skiing and running. No worries.
    1 point
  14. Just drove over the mountain and the roads were white. Web cam looks good. Better than all rain, I guess!
    1 point
  15. Good evening all.... Rolled into BB lot at about 10:10 and was on the snow with my cousin by about 1030. We rode about 12+ runs by 1230 mostly off of the merry widow ii lift. My god that lift is slow...FFS. The snow was fast and a lot of fun. The park was fun and set up well as always. We only took a few runs down freedom and on the last 2 I "stuck" on the same rail and ate sh*t both times. The first time I figured it was my fault, the second time definitely not. At about 1230 I jokingly mentioned that we should go to blue, since he has a pass there too and much to my surprise he agreed and we finished our run and hi-tailed it Blue.
    1 point
  16. My 170s fit in my car. That's the reason I went with the 170s. I dont like bike/ski racks due to the risk of theft.
    0 points
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