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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/18 in all areas

  1. Bold move on Blue to blow in marginal temps today but they are making moves. They definitely did blow more on challenge but are not right now. Resurfaced Main Street and Chute. For some reason they are blowing on nightmare but not dream weaver. Random fan guns on at all intersections. Tubing getting slammed. Come around closed for snow and rebuild. There are some guns in along Razors near the flat section and Razorback. I wish they were still blowing on Challenge but oh well. Its pretty nice out right now. Good conditions but not as good as first tracks. The sun is out and it’s super windy, so be careful if you are coming up tonight and driving through Danielsville because they are getting slammed with snow making.
    8 points
  2. Hey All, I’m back from a fun night session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 625pm and it was in the upper 20s. In the house were Ryan, Atomic Jeff, NMSki and Eaf. Pretty much three runs to ski. Paradise, lazy mile to the falls and x-ing to vista to midway to lower Main Street to shuttle to homestretch. I guess Burma as well. Paradise was alright hardpack a little sugar sugar and smooth the big turn was slick..Lazy mike was similar not quite as smooth. Snowmaking was taking place all over the mountain with chute, come around and upper Main Street closed for snowmaking along with soot snowmaking here and there. Crowds were light, I’d guess maybe one out of three six packs had people on them tops. I legit skied some fresh manmade Weser upper right side of midway. After about a dozen or so runs went to the lot for a beer or two and now posting report. I’m uncertain when I’ll ski next. Maybe tomorrow night..Thursday night and Friday look like rain. Saturday for sure. JADIP
    2 points
  3. I love how Eaf's first post since summer solstice is a troll post. This is going to be a great season.
    2 points
  4. My Kastle 115s arrived today and Look bindings with 120 brakes...
    2 points
  5. That six pack btw was a total disaster today. Stopped at least 4 times while I was there, once they couldn't restart it for 5 mins. Would hum and shutdown on it's own. Scared to go back on Sunday now...
    1 point
  6. It was pretty good. Only logged 2,904.8 miles on the bike this year, compared to 4,475.8 miles last year. I'm certainly not the best biker on this Site as that award goes to GS Sucks. I just ride for fun and not competitively.
    1 point
  7. Hi GSS. How's that group trip to JH going this year? You promised to take me with you.
    1 point
  8. Oh wow. Did somebody wake up on the wrong side of the bed today or was it wrong bed altogether? Couch maybe? I was singing praises to the great Blue if you haven't noticed. Hey, I was expecting worse and was postponing my VIP visit till I couldn't wait any more. And Blue didn't disappoint! It's like they've actually read my mind. All the best trails like Paradise, Lazy, Burma and Vista are 100% ready. No that icy crap called Razor or reconditioned Sidewinder. Only pure gold. Ask Jeff if you don't believe. He wouldn't ski junk trails, and I've seen him blessing Paradise today.
    1 point
  9. All he does is bitch. Nothing new. Same annoying soul.
    1 point
  10. Then why are you on a lift? Go hike.
    1 point
  11. Glad I came here today. So many opportunities for hiking!
    1 point
  12. No but he should get some commish from Kastle.
    1 point
  13. Main Street is also closed to midway. So essentially all that is skiable is paradise and lazy unless you want to take strawberry shortcut all the way over to vista and down.
    1 point
  14. Blue is blowing snow...I’ll be up this evening. Looks like really good snowmaking tonight!!!
    1 point
  15. That looks way better than i though it would. Looks like they have some features ready to go for it too. Thanks for posting that.
    1 point
  16. Right, right, right. Hearing that one rides just for fun after he was thoroughly logging every skiing half day all winter long is very much believable.
    0 points
  17. How was your summer? Were "best bikers of this site" asses got kicked after all or what?
    0 points
  18. Wow seems like the plan is focus on keeping deep base depths on existing trails. Looks like the normal mid to late January for 100% open.
    0 points
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