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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/18 in all areas

  1. Pretty good morning today. Surf and turf Sunday tomorrow.
    4 points
  2. @saltyant make sure you park in the valley lot tomorrow!!!
    3 points
  3. 1968. Lots has changed in Bethlum since then. You can see the steeple of Central Moravian Church in the far left, the old passenger and freight station that is now The Wooden Match, and City Hall in the back. The old bridge crossing the river was replaced with the Fahy Bridge over the following years, and the trestle crossing the canal fed the Fritch Fuels which is still there.
    2 points
  4. Only had one chance and messed up the second 2, oh well. First upload to YouTube ever lol.
    2 points
  5. Way firmer this morning than anyone could have imagined, which was odd. Good skiing on Main street. both lazy and paradise had interesting spots. i took the time to look back at last year.......11 degrees for first chair on 12/29/17. 100% open 12/30/17. Good god we need some real snowmaking temps.
    2 points
  6. Place looks packed now on the cams. Will be up tomorrow morning.
    2 points
  7. Today was interesting. Glad I left early to get a nice 10+ mile run in with Jeff so I can enjoy sausage in my mouth tomorrow.
    2 points
  8. Hey All, I’m back from another fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot around 7:20AM and the temperature was in the lower 40s with moderate winds. In the house were Toast, JFDan, Atomic Jeff, Schifdawg, Indiggio, Bethlehem ford guy, Mrs Snowbunski, Enjorales, Enjorales dad, Justo, GSSucks and many others. I mainly skied Main Street as it was the smoothest and least amount of traffic. Trails weren’t that crowded mainly season pass holders and race team. Yesterday’s rain put a dent into blues skier and rider visits. Snow was super firm and fast given the temperatures..paradise was sort of rough and lazy has a few skeet spots showing through..upper Main Street as well. I skied one run from tuts lane than crossover to the main lodge down vista to midway to little gap to Burma to shuttle to homestretch. That’s a long run. Had a few parking lot beers..enjoyed the sun not as good people watching as two days ago..when I saw sports bras and Asian invasion...I’ll be back tomorrow morning it’s sausage Sunday. I just need to buy beer and mustard. JADIP
    1 point
  9. I’ll send it to you in private.
    1 point
  10. Open at 730. Asked today when Pops and I dropped the skis on for a tune, wanted to make sure it was before 8
    1 point
  11. Someone link me online to where it says blues shops hours. Place is like pulling teeth for information
    1 point
  12. Looking forward to a long lot session and the largest sausage fest this side of the Munich.
    1 point
  13. Tentative: Jan 2 2019 @ Belleayre $32 lift tickets
    1 point
  14. I always take my skis into that bathroom. Probably will even they put a rack there.
    1 point
  15. Questions? Give us a call : Tuning Shop - 610.826.7700, x.1246 Best I could find while not sitting on a bench in Walmart. GL
    0 points
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