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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/19 in all areas

  1. It was just Jonathan Lawson and myself for a quick morning session. It was moist as fuck. Snow conditions were beautiful though. MS was super smooth and GSS's favorite color....butter. We lapped that enjoying effortless turns in great visibility. Quick session as the waterproofing in our crap old ski gear wasn't quite up to par. Nevertheless, worth getting a little wet for good turns. I then went to the Lehigh Gap and ran 13.11 miles on the D&L. At one point it was a full downpour and I was getting even moister. I'm ready for sausage in my mouth tomorrow after skiing all 22 runs.
    6 points
  2. I've read all the new posts and watched all the videos and it's pouring rain outside. Guess I'll take down the Christmas tree, crack a beer, jerk off and take a nap.
    6 points
  3. Day 4: Jay Upper 20sF. First day of trip with full price. Checked Burke’s trail status and opted for jay. 50 min drive from Lyndon. Hit Bonnie chair first and ran a groomer to the jet pod. Hard pack or ice. Yup, that type of day. Strategy was to move from lookers right to left and search for the best stuff. #2 went down kitzbeuhel despite me telling him ice ice moguls. I skied the ice rink of jet. No winners. We then went to kitzwoods. Much better. But up top I failed to execute a required turn and was a tree hugger (to paraphrase GSS; ski good or hug wood). No worries. Lower kitzwoods was the bomb though. Bonnie chair to canyonland glades which normally flow good for me was a bust. Not enough base. To many unexpected crevasses/streams. But power line bumps where $ so that was fun. CanAm and river quai while technically open was a “yeah, no”. Saw no point in tram (but hardy souls where hitting the head wall goods) so traversed to the flyer. Pomaline was damn fun. Huge ice bumps but skied in tight so fun and partially avoided the the bowling ally trails everyone else on. Andres and beaver pond skied great. So did north and northwest passage glades. Lower Everglades skied great but I track to far left and had to noodle back. JFK was great or horrendous depending on how far or tight the ice bumps were (tighter is better). We skied until 3:30 and called it a day. Not epic. Sometimes quite fun, sometimes sweet Jesus get me out of here (most trails). Heading home tomorrow. Jay may get 6” by noon tomorrow, but we are done. No pics aside from iconic head wall tram shot.
    5 points
  4. I found this place when a certain member started a ruckus on tgr, I was at first amazed by his stupidity lol but also by his relentless character. I must have drank the koolaid because all these years later I'm a Doug lyfe fan. This place is foul, irreverent, sometimes cruel, often drunk or high, almost entirely nonsense and I wouldn't change a thing. In a world of sell outs and fake bullshit this place is entirely real. We are nice but pretty much exactly the same in person. Real is what everybody else is pretending to be. I've met the best skiers on the mtn. I'm definitely a better skier, particularly with a buzz on. The best in this life is to do dope stuff with dope people and we do that every weekend. The size of our mtns may be small but we have way more fun than places 4x our size and that is something truly precious. Here's to 15 more.
    5 points
  5. Oh man, I’m going to have to dig through my way-back machine for some stoke. Classics on classics.
    4 points
  6. Just gonna drop a few memories in here for everyone's enjoyment and to keep the stoke rising. You're welcome/I'm sorry: 09/10 Closing Day beer-induced trainwreck: The second deepest week of my life with some fine gentlemen: Toast skis a little bit better now than he used to:
    4 points
  7. Shit was good but monsoon skiing, my shit will be wet for awhile lol. First run down main was worth it and the king was good enough to join me for some slight stupidity. Tomorrow should be excellent
    3 points
  8. Mine too, eventually. With one I could run the Sous vide in the parking lot, dramatically increasing Sausage Sunday options, lol
    3 points
  9. You haven’t seen his car that he keeps at the lake house:
    3 points
  10. When I joined this site Jeff was a grown ass man who happened to still be in high school.
    3 points
  11. Salty see you tomorrow morning. You have all day to buy up plenty of fruit by the foot to handout to PASRs in the lot..might even earn you an impromptu backrub from Nastar Glenn.
    3 points
  12. And one of Blue Mountain’s bluest and truest days.
    3 points
  13. Looking at the Carbon County GIS maps, Blue owns a pretty good amount of property under the name "Tuthill Corp", "Blue Mountain Waterpark Limited Partnership" and "Aquashicola Little Gap Inc (C/O R C Tuthill)". Let me know if I missed anything. Nice to see how much room they have to the east to expand, but it could only be to the base of the pitch without runout like homestretch given the lack of land ownership unless they snuck the lift back far enough to the west to get back to their land near the snowmaking ponds.
    2 points
  14. That’s the only reason to post.
    2 points
  15. I gather eaf was (trying) to joke about a mistyped topic where I assume Atomic had put 18 instead of 19 for the year but which he has since corrected, as it’s good to be King.
    2 points
  16. 1/15/18. But someone has recharged the flux capacitor, so welcome back.
    2 points
  17. Oh for sure. Just look at the hearts in his eyes (and mine) when toast’s applebottom make an appearance.
    2 points
  18. I’ll be heading to Whole Foods soon for a combination of basic white girl food and hipster coffee..nitro ice brewed fair trade organic beans brought over on the mayflower and roasted by an artisan barista who uses lavender pedal oil aromatherapy to get in touch with living in a post industial post modern society where the oligarchs and proletariats pick out avacados in unison.
    2 points
  19. Yeah if you beat me there it’s your spot...Root has secured atomic Jeff’s spot before. One time he was so excited about it but turned out Jeff was in San Francisco “on business”
    2 points
  20. Ok, cant wait to ski 1 or 2 runs on sugar and then maybe eat fruit by the foot in the parking lot!
    2 points
  21. No desire this morning. Not how I want to feel on January 5th.
    2 points
  22. I’m doing all those things except cracking a beer and taking down the Christmas tree.
    2 points
  23. I'm still not even sure how I found this site 15 years ago. Although I haven't skied with any of you in the past few years, PASR has been a super awesome site to be apart of. I don't chime in too often but enjoy reading all (well, most) of your posts.
    2 points
  24. I don’t ski with anyone here, but sometimes I ski behind them 😂🤣😂
    2 points
  25. This was a gem from summer 2009 after some serious day drinking. TheRealKT doing an awesome parody of a GSS blog...
    2 points
  26. Congrats on 15! I may be new to the site but I’ve met a lot of you assholes years ago. Here’s the oldest photo I could dig up. Can’t wait for Rainman to say the year, day, and time, plus or minus 3 minutes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  27. It wouldn’t have been sugar today. The sugar comes tomorrow.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Don't forget....there is going to be 5 gallons of mango milkshake IPA on cask tomorrow. Feel free to bring a growler if there is any left over. My buddy wants it gone before we leave!
    1 point
  30. Probably wasnt the best afternoon to go skiing. The forecaster clearing lasted long enough to do one run then started raining while on lift. Did run 2, now taking break. Deep slush on trails. Some brown spots on Lazy. Kids made it down Falls with no falls - their first double black at Blue
    1 point
  31. I never knew Jeff was an ass man.
    1 point
  32. Gotta head out to the store in a bit, see what's gonna shake out for tomorrow's Sausage Sunday/PASR 15th. Shoprite has shrimp on sale, so probably a little of that. And some of the sausage I grabbed new years day
    1 point
  33. Wake up a little earlier. Then you can watch me and Root boot up.
    1 point
  34. It is always good after rain, but it should be raining on and off most of the day. Tomorrow should be alright in the morning. Sunday night they will be able to blow, and probably all day Monday into Tuesday morning.
    1 point
  35. This thread is the stoke we all needed.
    1 point
  36. wow look at how thin he was back then!
    1 point
  37. I also have a 53 second video of Doug free-styling to Gin and Juice next to ILIC. I’ll save that one for the 20th. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  38. Also the day that everyone got to experience this gem:
    1 point
  39. Now there's real potential for a significant storm, one that will look initially like a decayed and mostly occluded Pacific storm that will seek a makeover along the New England coastline and hopefully attain nor'easter status before exiting by Wednesday January 9th. Making all of this happen and happen in the 15-30 inch snowfall kind of way, will require an important polar kicker (an upper air impulse in the northern stream that can be thought of as a PED for east coast storms) and a somewhat optimal track that allows both the necessary amounts of moisture and while limiting the amounts of warm air. We have some leeway here regarding the latter since we have established some loose consensus regarding the track of this storm and that some limited amounts of colder air will indeed be available across interior New England and interior New England only. The "polar kicker" remains a question mark however at least somewhat. If, how and when this infusion takes place are questions that remain still unanswered. The good news is that a "downside scenario" still should involve some accumulating snow (just less than 10 inches). The other good news is that the lack of arctic air might actually serve us well and make for a more unstable atmosphere Wednesday and thus enhancing our terrain enhanced snow prospects.
    1 point
  40. Come back next week. Gonna be ..........DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! ⛷️❄️❄️
    1 point
  41. Was at blue this morning, the snow started hard with a lot of groomer blemishes, then mostly turned to sugar, then when it warmed up the snow improved to a more manageable sugar. ROTD was the falls. Tut's lane from the 6 to lazy was top half sugar, bottom half flat and hard. The bad snow conditions push you to be a better skier.
    1 point
  42. Day 3: Smuggs (BOGO) Got a PM from Moe Ghoul offering to show us around. Pretty friggin cool! Arranged to meet after lunch. We started on some groomers off the Madonna chair to warm up. It was apparent smuggs got a bit More snow than MRV. A lot of the black runs are still closed off the Madonna chair but FIS and Doc Dempsey we’re open. FIS has whales and weird bump line on each side of the whales so only did once. Doc Dempsey was loud up top but had some pretty friggin good snow after that so opted to do a couple of times. Hooked up with Moe Ghoul after a quick lunch and we went to the sterling chair. Moe explained the snow at this time of year can be better than Madonna and true dat. A non- groomed blue off the top had epic crud piles which were awesome. After Moe peaced out #2 and I stayed on the sterling chAir and ran that top blue and (kinda sorta poached bootlegger) a bit then hit highland powder keg glades which made for great bump skiing. I knocked it off a little before last chair and #2 got one more. Awesome day and many many thanks to Moe Ghouls generosity, it is appreciated!
    1 point
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