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Staying overnight in the ski lodge, sleeping on a patrol gurney. We won't get the big accumulation that was initially forecast, but it should still be fun in the am to skin up before work. It's 30 minutes home and 30 minutes back all to do 4 hours of work and then sleep. May as well work here by the fireplace. And the open beer taps.6 points
Any real Delco native from the old school can admit the following... Wawa today is not the Wawa of old. I remember going to Wawa and them pulling the meat out and slicing the shit right onto the non-frozen Amoroso roll straight from the bin. Now they are baking their own bread, (Amoroso can't keep up freezes their shit and sucks these days...Liscious across the river in NJ has clearly taken the reigns there) Wawa is still the best overall Convenience store period without any questions or legitimate argument. I still can't hate on Sheetz....sure their coffee can't compete... but it's different and they have their niche no doubt. If I grew up in Central Pa and came to experience Wawa as it is now .... I could possibly see myself saying. It's good but what's the big deal?? Now if it was 2 for 3.33 sizli time or hoagiefest or I had a coffee...or I was shitfaced and wanted to indulge in a quickie carb load while eating on top of a fine trash can out front checking out the clientele in DelCo creeper form... ..there is still no argument whatsoever. Wawa takes that crown. wawa ain't got no quesarito though...and after a bunch of hi test brews and bullshit in the PASR commemorative lot.. It's hard to beat a good Sheetz stop to see how the other half lives... Skiing was great today.... Beer was on point as always.... add that all in with... Hanging out with the PASR crew....makes life worth living. Cheers, Beers, Powder, and all that good shit. Just Glad to be a part of it... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk6 points
The finale to the return from Chicago trip from Hell, only 3 hours late... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk5 points
Hey All, I’m back from a fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain I arrived at the lower lot at 720am and Phillycore was already in the house Also in attendance were Shadows, Nastar Glenn, Root, MBIke Mike, Mute, Ryan, Toast, JFDan, NMSki, Matt Edge, TheDude4Bides Antman, Justo, Rose, Indiggio and many many more.. It was around 30 degrees with overcast sky’s and light winds Was a little bit of the usual fuckery getting at the six pack and I was on second Chair and as Nelly says nobody remembers number 2 or something about taking off clothes woo. First run the six in the chair in front of me went for razors so I went for challenge so I could have my own run and it was a great run and I enjoyed the pigs lipstick skied challenge again while the PASRs were on a spicy nightmare to dreamweaver... Run of the day was Main Street..it was like the Princess and got slayed like another nelly song over and over and over again...Paradise was also pretty nice no SP3000 on it and lazy wasn’t bad falls was nice...I returned to the parking lot with a box box of Girl Scout cookies from Antman saying to save him half a sleeve..JFDan also bought elite chips and Mutes friend Ryan brought cheeseballs..since there’s no sausage Sunday I did my own on the way at home at Sheetz where I saw Phillycore..JADIP..in the words of Ice Cube today was a good day...4 points
sweet spot has tracked north and we are in ground zero. south and central VT may end up with a mix. totals bumped up to 24" +. I'll take my powder neat, hold the ice.4 points
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Gonna be tits deep in the 802, south and central VT looks like the sweetspot. We should see at least a footy or more in the notch. Got my new mittens and gloves. Hiking over to Stowe for a couple hours Sunday and meeting up with a crew. Then a few finish laps at Smuggs. Monday might be a wind hold/frostbite situation with (-20) - (-35) windchill. Advanced spiciness! Midweek has another potential powder dump in the wings. Best January evah!3 points
Today was pretty awesome, new trails, pretty good snow and an excellent parking lot scene.2 points
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Light to moderate snow in Albrightsville right now. Probably at least a foot by now at JFBB.2 points
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Glad everything is open except Sidewinder. Grooming was special, but I’ll take it. PC - thanks for the beer.2 points
Props to the groomers for being able to groom the 6" base on lower sidewinder. Glad NM/DW, and Switchback are open, but they were pretty ruff. Low light and trail weirdness on them make for a sketchy run. Upper Main was money for quite a while. Parking lot never disappoints.2 points
Nothing yet, we don't expect heavy snowfall until after midnite into Sunday AM and tapering off Sunday evening. We got a coupla inches off a clipper that sailed through last night. Otherwise, calm and overcast. Skied 3 pretty untracked glade runs this AM and came back to stack wood. Heading over to the pool and hot tub later to chill. Made some super potent infused oil that Mrs. Moe has been tripping on lately. Everything is funneh.2 points
Any midweek day should be fine. Usually Fridays are the busiest of them, but still no trouble. I've got a doctor's appointment for the 8th, but I'll change it if that's the day that is chosen. I'll show you the "half-way" house where you'd be able to all get together inside the original lodge and set up your "parking lot" festivities in warmth by a fire (ski-in/ski-out). Hell I'll even smoke some ribs for the crew. Should be fun....2 points
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Putting some cold temp wax on now. Stowe gondy rides are gonna be sweet for the next coupla days.1 point
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Today was fantastic. First runs of the season down Razors Edge and Challange. Main St still holds the ROTD title.1 point
Nah save it for a legit day. I might not even go up tomorrow. Depends on how shitty it is1 point
My wife and I do a lot of "parking lot picnics" at random Wawa stores during riding season, a table or two would be wonderful.1 point
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Agree, Agree, and i hate Amoroso rolls. I think this is why i might be tired of Wawa, but pretty soon, all of their deli sandwiches will be pre-made. IMO, they dont make a really good sandwich, they just make a sandwich fast, shits just normally slapped together. There are way better sandwich shops. Hell, the gas station i kept telling Tomcat to go to has way better sandwiches. The Wawa close to me at one point had Taco Bell in it for a while. Mexican fiesta!1 point
I like how people use the wawa trash cans as tables when they eat lunch.1 point
Who doesn't. But in the end there is always a question: "Did you enjoy it, or did you survive it?"1 point
I talked to Phillycore about Sheetz before and he said he likes the variety.1 point
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The car I had before that was a 1999 Saturn station wagon, so the CRV feels like a Porsche in comparison! Haha can’t complain about that Saturn, hauled lots of kids on ski trips. Fun times.1 point
he wouldnt go if the ticket was free, blue was closed, and a new teleportation machine was available1 point
Lots of family in town for Dad's 80th Birthday Celebration. So finding time to ski is tricky.1 point
This morning is good. Looks and feels like winter. Conditions are 8/10. Best snow is on paradise. @JFskiDanand @Shadows Are somewhere. Important to note: RAZORS IS OPEN Switchback could be pushed out to go. NMDW is close to being ready to go. Lower Sidewinder needs more time. Sidewinder still snowless. Ski y’all tomorrow morning!1 point
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Fun night. Decent pretty much throughout with some slick spots to keep things interesting (crowds also kept things interesting). Snow cannons were on and in full force. We're only days away from Razors, NMDW and Switchback all being open. Exciting times!1 point
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Best day of the season for me so far.... Loving life Skiing better than I have in a very long time....getting some confidence back I guess. Challenge is chalky Main street is money and I hate main street. Whoop whoop... Damn I missed this shit! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
Conditions on Burma have been pretty good so far this year. I think I have skied it more times this year than I did in the last three years.1 point
Today was pretty crazy. They were reporting 5” when I checked at 6am, but it was nuking all morning and that total ended up at 13” when I checked at lunchtime. The place was totally empty too. I didn’t cross a single track until about 11 am. I got first tracks down Bob’s again thanks to my sneaky route around the lift shack and it was knee to thigh deep and got a couple face shots. I repeated the limited terrain, but the limited terrain wasn’t even an issue because of the free refills. I hiked 4 times to west blitz and it was so good I wanted to do it all day but the legs eventually were saying hold up. A picture is worth a thousand words I guess. Every single track in these pics is mine! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk1 point
What a great surprise today was! They reported 2”, but it continued to snow all day. Skied like 5” on much of the mountain. I guess I’m the luckiest son of a bitch in the world, but today was the first rope drop on highline ridge and west basin hike to terrain. Highline was only open through Juarez and west basin only through west blitz trees, but I was probably the 20th person to ski Juarez this year and it was really deep. Bottomless. I hiked once more to do Juarez again and made 2 hikes to west blitz trees which was so nice but not quite as bottomless. Played around off of bobs, moes and walkyries again. Skipped all the lift 8 bullshit. Word is more terrain opening tomorrow as they are looking at another 5-8 inches tonight, although it never really stopped snowing today aside from a few quick breaks in the clouds. I only brought my all mountain skis because conditions were expected to be so bad. Having fun in the 3D snow on my skinny skis!! Here are some scenery pics: Shots of Juarez and west blitz: Action shots Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
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