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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/19 in all areas

  1. When you go on a date and pay your part of the bill with your Frontier MasterCard I imagine it’s a real panty dropper.
    7 points
  2. Fun night, a few (rare) runs with Niko & mrs snowbunski, first sidewinders of the season, first down razors after racing, surfing pow bumps and DIPA 4X watchin the truck show! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  3. First tracks down pics Top of White Cap... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  4. Found! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  5. You could be like this guy. Taken at Denver airport (not by me) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    5 points
  6. Oh Salty this reminds me, another tip is to hang around trash cans in high traffic areas. When people throw away unfinished food you can grab it out and save on meals!
    5 points
  7. Rent boots. Lol. No. Why the fuck would you rent boots when you can (and always should) carry them on? Dont be a cheap ass. Make your trip the best experience it can be. Forget trying to nickel and dime everything.
    5 points
  8. Another 12-14” overnight of fluffy to compound the suckage in VT
    5 points
  9. Left 635 from the little town o’ Bethlehem. Wet roads on 512 that turned to big flakes and covered roads by 946. Left at 31° and arrived to 28°. Got into line at 730 and it was back to the gates. Heard later it was down for 10 minutes right before I got there. Didn’t help they were sending chairs of 2 up. Razors was closed for racing. Did Challenge, Main, Lazy, Switchback, Sidewinder and then Razors opened. Did that 3 times and was hoping for a 4th but when I got on the lift at 855 and by the time I got to the top, they said it was already swept and that whole side was closed. Did Main instead. Thought I was the best skier on the mountain until I heard@nastarglenn wooing on Razors while on the lift before my first run down it. Didn’t see @m-bikemike biking until the lot. Snow was great. Some scraped icy spots but mostly fresh push piles. Lazy was the smoothest but razors was the best because the racers kept the left side clean while the 5 of them practiced on Razorback. Had a couple beers with Mike and Glenn in the lot, and met Ryan the bartender from the slope side outside bar. Gotta hit him up at some point. Great night. Drive home was way easier then the drive there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  10. Please please please wear your helmet on the plane!
    4 points
  11. 1/29/19 Up at 4am, made breakfast, fought w/ stupid condo coffeemaker, pooped and made my way down to White Cap lodge to get my daily ticket on Ikon pass. Of course, way too early and the shop wasn’t open yet, not until 8:30. Got ticket and up the WC quad I went, staring at White Cap Peak, but unable to get to it since the lift was down for maintenance. This and what I found at Sunday River that a ton of really good expert slopes were closed with a ton of fresh on them. If only I had someone else to poach them with... The ticket girl said she lapped Barker yesterday and it was good, in addition to it having a high-speed quad, I made my way there. Took a few high-speed runs off the Barker lift, but was disappointed with the lack of steepness of this peak despite the double-diamonds. Made my way over to North Peak, but I was 1/2 hour early for the cinnamon buns & got text from wife that she made it to the South Ridge lodge, so went down there. Got her situated and made my way back to North Peak for fresh cinnamon bun which was delicious, but a bit too well done for me. While I was sipping my hot chocolate/coffee, a lady asked me what I ride, which really took me aback and made me pause, oh, my Harley sweatshirt, whew! Headed out over to Aurora peak, but i found that less than exciting, so went down towards the Oz lift. What? Closed? WTF? Continued on down to the Jordan Bowl Express. This place is full of high-speed cruisers and any exposed skin felt like it was on fire. Went far left of Jordan and found some fun glades with lots of untouched from yesterday’s little storm, but it’s prett pokey out here and a level 3 shit started brewing, probably from the cinnamon bun. Bolted outta there quick before it got any worse. Luckily I made it back to South Ridge before it got to a level 4! After destroying a toilet and warming up a bit, made my way back up and down to Spruce Peak triple. The run underneath was full of bumps and lots of untracked fresh, so I lapped that a few times as it was a ton of fun. Along side of the lift there was a bunch of trees that few had touched, so it was all mine! I could see the snow off in the distance and flurries had started to fall. The light was crazy flat and the damp cold had got to me, so headed down to South Ridge to meet up with the wife in the Foggy Goggle for a brew. Decided to head out to the Mountain View, but it’s not open on Tuesdays, so back to the condo it was. Went out to check out a couple of local ski shops for kicks, as the on-mountain shops left a lot to be desired. After a bit of looking around to see what else was around for apres ski, we headed back to the Matterhorn for beers, dinner & music. -5 this morning! Fresh cinnamon buns! They wear trench coats up here. Some kinda hut I ran across in the woods. Here comes the snow! Foggy Goggle bar Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  12. And the skiing is Fantastic!! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    3 points
  13. Friends don't let friends fly Frontier
    3 points
  14. @saltyant here is exactly what you shouldn’t do. Glad to hear you are interested in going out west! I still think you should do Stowe and plan a good west trip next year or later this year.
    3 points
  15. This. I think combined they are still supposed to be under 50 lbs tho, or overweight charges. Salty, are you going to be at Blue this weekend? Can lend you a ski bag, it’s a double but that just leaves more room for clothes ETA: although I think you should suck it up and ski the Stowe trip you have planned. Worst that can happen is you come out the other side a better skier.
    3 points
  16. When that squall blows over the hokendauqua Bethlehem is gonna get buried! Hope they don’t have to close the bridge!
    3 points
  17. Salty be careful at Stowe. Thought this was you.
    3 points
  18. I didn't understand how boot bags work so I took 2 different brand boots off the shelf and put them in the boot bag (see below). Wasn't sure how the helmet fits until the shopkeeper told me the boots go on the sides. First gaper move of my 2019 trip.
    2 points
  19. Found out today my day off was approved, so I expect to be there for this. No pops, so I have to try to fix the heat in my car this weekend, lol
    2 points
  20. I like having my own equipment cause I hate having to stand in line to rent, especially if I want to go to multiple ski resorts
    2 points
  21. I wear mine on the plane all the time! I’ve been looking for a picture another guy took of me on the plane with it on, but I must not have saved it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  22. I actually laughed out loud at this, and am still chuckling 😆
    2 points
  23. You fly Frontier that carry on costs you like $160 round trip. Never find I have any problem getting good fitting rental boots and they are almost free if renting skis anyway. Saves $ and saves carrying crap. Sorry I like going on ski vacations not piss away money and carry stuff in airport vacations. Pack smart in a personal item sized backpack and afford more western ski trips that way. Fools and their money . .
    2 points
  24. Snow squall added a fresh 2" to the existing PA Perder..... not as cold as expected, but temperatures are dropping now as wind is gusting. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  25. Go to Utah. Its going to snow on the 6th/7th, and 9th. Utah can be a better option if you dont want to drive/rent a car.
    2 points
  26. That sounds like something Ski2Live would do. I know Ski2Live shared a suitcase with his buddy on his 1.5 day ski trip to Colorado a few years ago.
    2 points
  27. I think salty should go out west. He has the time and the means. Not to mention all the hot skier chick pussy that will be thrown at him when he shows up on the slopes with his RTMs....101 less than the length will be on tap for SaltyBalls
    2 points
  28. Seriously considering ditching Stowe and making a yolo trip out west next week. Frontier yo. Just have to figure out how the hell to fly with ski gear (???). Like do I pack my clothes in the ski bag so I dont have to check 2 bags? Where does the helmet go? Going to Buckmans later to look @ ski bags.
    2 points
  29. I was hoping you can clear that before 2/28 so@toast21602 can do the Physical in Jackson. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  30. Today was a lot of fun. It was zero degrees when I pulled into the lot at 8:15. 1st few runs were pretty chilly, but with 5 layers, I managed to stay pretty warm. Razors was good for the 1st run, but quickly cookied up. Race team on Razorback and bottom headwall later in the morning. Challenge lasted a lot longer and was super grippy. ROTD was Main St, which was silky smooth, Lazy was almost as smooth as Main St. Switchback, NM/DW closed, Lower Sidewinder for resurfacing still. Sidewinder was had great snow, the rollers are starting to grow on me. Paradise wasn't that good. Around 11 it was full Toms, Dicks and Harry's. Plenty of idiots shredding the rocks, poaching Lower Sidewinder, and the marquee root. I wish I could have stayed longer for the entertainment value and the squall that moved through. I unfortunately had a 1pm appointment I needed to keep.
    2 points
  31. Very cool..one day I’ll live in a hotel in ski country..but maybe I’ll make friends with people like you with cool houses to hangout in.
    2 points
  32. The drift near Lehigh township elementary school is probably epic..
    2 points
  33. Mrs SnoBunSki might know someone, PM sent
    2 points
  34. Sounds like Atomic Jeff back before he got a job. Make sure you meet up with Moe Ghoul. Maybe bring him some Pennsylvania beer. Perhaps rolling rock.
    2 points
  35. Gotta be part of the group chat for the elite updates.
    2 points
  36. No updates from Root..WTF!!! He’s probably too busy exploring the best glades south of Jackson frost.
    2 points
  37. Especially after picking up moisture from the Susquehanna River and Beltzville Lake.
    2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. I hope to ski with you tomorrow.
    2 points
  40. It’s 6 days away. Don’t worry about it and just enjoy yourself..
    2 points
  41. Wow just wow I’ve paid more than that for a Pizza..WTGAI...how many ski days do you have? Maybe you can meet up with Barb or Jordan when you’re out there. I’d go easy on the marijuana edibles due to the altitude..
    1 point
  42. I’m glad somebody caught that!!!
    1 point
  43. It takes zero time to deal with skis at baggage claim times two. Salty isn’t gonna rent skis. He’s not a gaper anymore and you aren’t a gaper any less
    1 point
  44. If you are going to multiple resorts, save money by renting at a ski shop not at a resort. The time it takes to rent skis is less than the time it takes to deal with skis at baggage claim 2x.
    1 point
  45. Aaaaaaaaand it's a white out. Not the good kind either
    1 point
  46. Looks great on the webcams and the serious cold hasn’t set in yet. Enjoy. There could even be a snow squall around mid day.
    1 point
  47. Indiggio wow. I didn't know you had that in you. So much epic in the write up. I was thoroughly entertained...the toilet destruction part was icing on the cake. Well done my friend.
    1 point
  48. All to myself! Place is vacant! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  49. Since Indiggio is northbound today I felt obligated to put in a major session. Skied with my tele friend and his kids from 9-5 with a break for lunch. Longest session at blue this season. Bumps got fun around 1-2 or so when boiler plate softened. Ditch on challenge was pretty good and guns n hoses on main was $ once the slab wall was stomped down. Edges on lazy were pretty good too. Fuck-shit run of the day goes to switchback. So bad I was laughing. All round great weekend at blue.
    1 point
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