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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/19 in all areas

  1. Thanks for all the well wishes everybody. I ended up going right into surgery and once they opened me up the surgery went from an estimated hour to over 3 hours. All the surgeons and staff all commented on how it was pretty freaking bad break. It happened on the jump at the bottom of comearound, did a 540 and landed on my feet but way way in the backseat. Thank goodness I was with my cousin and he handled the situation like a champ. My main objective personally was to be level headed, calm and respectful of others in a time of pain. Btw Jen the ski patroller was great. Took a loooong 90 minute drive (low pro tires for the loss dawg) to Doylestown hospital and I’m very happy I made that decision (no disrespect to other hospitals). Surgery went well, stayed the night and was released this morning. Looking at a potential 6 month healing process so it’ll be a long road back but I’m looking forward to the challenge. Heavily ace bandaged with a splint in a sling. No hard cast and they want me doing PT in as soon as 2 weeks. You guys are all awesome people and the comments in this thread prove it. Part of my motivation is to heal up and get back out there to see you crazy a holes in the lot.
    8 points
  2. Yeah, there's tons of new snow everywhere. Last time I've been here, off piste snow was only in select high elevation areas. Now it's basically all white, no matter where you are. Sunny all day. People on the lifts in the morning were talking about yesterday snowfall horrors with moguls THIS big. Well, today the groomers lasted until about noon, right when I got to Marmolada area. They still couldn't open the very top segment, but snowfall and clear skies attracted way too many people to that area. They trashed the soft groomers, and made lines unbearable. I guess, this is understandable given that often there is either fog, snow or wind on top, and today it was beautiful. Everywhere else where I went lines were non existent. Tons of off piste skiing opportunities today. Tons of avalanche warning signs as well, and personally I thing people were often skiing borderline crazy, esp in that Marmolada area. 8:20 to 4, I'm totally beat today. I'll need to stick to peripheral zones tomorrow. They're much less trafficked, and snow stays good all day long.
    7 points
  3. Only Salty would take a ski trip out west and use a potential ski day to visit government buildings.
    7 points
  4. People are saying about a foot fell yesterday...
    7 points
  5. Day 4: Highlands today was a semi powder day, still a lot of fresh and maybe more than yesterday as highlands gets a lot less traffic than snowmass. Covered most of the mountain and every lift. Rode everything from groomers to glades to bowls. Temerity lift was my favorite...a lot of fresh in the glades and some of the steepest glades I've ridden. Took the cat up to the highlands bowl and started my hike. 5 mins in i ran out of breathe and realized I'm too out of shape and old for hiking, so I went back down and rode the glade as close to the rope separating the lower part of the bowl...this was the best run of the trip as not many people took the cat up to ride the woods next to the bowl. After this I went to Olympic bowl for a few runs. Highlands has some legit terrain and I certainly recommend it. Rode from 9-3 with temps in low 20s with clouds. Im debating whether today or yesterday was better, but it doesn't matter cause they were both awesome. I have a decent amount of lifetime days out west, but can count on my hand the number of significant snowfalls. Definetly enjoying some fresh this trip. Probably the windiest day of the trip but nothing crazy. Temp has been great this trip...low 20s is perfect in my opinion. Quick 1.5-2 hour session tomorrow before early afternoon flight. 6 inches supposed to fall tonight.
    6 points
  6. We are all expecting to see you in the lower lot for the season end party. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  7. Found one of Salty’s crew on Paradise.
    5 points
  8. Hey guys! Back outta surgery and relaxing for the night catching up on some Super Bowl coverage before falling asleep. Thanks for all the well wishes and I’ll be back to update tomorrow. I’m in good spirits so no worrkes!
    5 points
  9. Snowing hard at snowmass village right now. Eating at groovin bbq. Lady behind me has huge fake boobs hanging out to the point I can see areola.
    4 points
  10. Not the worst seats I’ve been in.
    4 points
  11. If they did, only use then as a last resort. The opioid addiction is fucking bonkers right now and it’s so easy to get sucked in when presented with the means to do so. As someone who works in healthcare I see this way too much, especially with orthopedic related injuries. The last thing I want to see is a PASR friend go down that route. I said it last year when @RidgeRacer got hurt - were a family of a bunch of assholes, but we really do care about each other, especially in tough times. Hoping for a quick recovery. Keep your positive attitude and you’ll be good.
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. I can guess what the 9 minute delay in your reply was for . . .
    4 points
  14. Challenge is shit. Sidewinder is better, as the cookies are smaller. Main St is just ok. Dreamweaver has rollers similar to Sidewinder. Pics for likes
    4 points
  15. Keep your head high and your heart even higher. We may never ski in the Olympics or get dope movie footage but we play a dangerous game. Humans are weird, to describe snow sports to aliens or even other animals would be very strange. We aren't chasing prey or running from predators, while the occasional women or man may be interested in us for our abilities 99% are not turned on by making good turns or dope tricks. We get no medals or trophies and for the most part our triumphs are personal and difficult to describe to others. Injuries are the downside to playing this dangerous game, you go out time and time and time again and you roll the dice, from a certain perspective it's amazing we can survive at all but such is the wonder to be human. There is a human sort of purity to going out and risking your body for the simple pleasure of sliding on snow, putting ligaments and bones on the line to chase the ephemeral beauty. Most of the time we are so used to doing highway speeds or bad ass tricks its not even thought about in any real sense, today was a good day because the snow was good, the integrity of our bodies never enters our minds. If your mind is right and your will strong there is no injury that can keep you from getting back in the game before you know it. Rest up, hit the PT HARD and you'll be back ripping before you know it. While patting one's self on the back is the lamest of past times remember what it is you do and maybe more importantly why you do it, let it be that nagging little voice in the back of your head that says I fucking rip and I'm Matt Edge bad ass so lets do 5 more whatever you do for a busted arm in PT. The road may seem long now but before you know it you'll be back out there because attitude is everything and you got the right attitude.
    3 points
  16. You certainly march to the best of your own drum salty. Enjoy your trip
    3 points
  17. I like the picture of Heidi.
    3 points
  18. Currently observing democracy in person. This is fun!
    3 points
  19. I have a salivary stone, that I’m getting an Ultrasound on when I get back from Jackson. Will post pics when I get it.
    3 points
  20. Day 3: snowmass woke up a little disappointed as the projected snow hadn't fallen, but instead was sleeting at both the condo and snowmass village . Luckily, it was snowing at mid mountain. Prob 2-3 inches had fallen. All upper mountain lifts were on wind hold til early afternoon. No biggie, did some laps off SAMs knob lift, then went to campground lift. This area was great as it was empty and protected from the wind. Snow was starting to fall much heavier and glades were filling in a little. Upper mountain lifts were still closed other than elk camp lift, so we made our way from one side of snowmass to the other. By this time 6 inches had fallen and elk camp area was getting really fun. Soon we got word that the upper mountain lifts were opening. Made our way over there and got great runs off sheer bliss lift and big burn lift. I'd say these areas got about 8 inches (Not 100% on the accuracy of this, wind started getting rough after 2:30 and blowing snow everywhere). By 3:00 the visibility and wind at the top of big burn lift was getting pretty bad, so we took one more run up and made our way to base. Ended up riding from 9:00-3:30. Snowed almost the whole time, varied between light, moderate, and heavy at times. Probably my best day out west in years. Wind got tough at times but temps weren't bad at all. Pictures will be lacking a bit as visibility got rough at times and I only snapped a few during breaks in the snow
    3 points
  21. NS Jay and I did it in 22 minutes last time We even got help up at the rocks because a dad took his 10 year old and she was having a nervous breakdown. TP4...Oly bowl is pretty fun. Aerobie is great to lap over and over. Glad you enjoyed highlands...definitely a different vibe than the other 3.
    2 points
  22. Cabriolet. Not the 1970-something musical. Dotard.
    2 points
  23. Going on a tour of the mint in 2 minutes. Always wanted to go and finally have the opportunity. Skiing Winter Park the next 2 days and it's supposed to dump !!!
    2 points
  24. Fuck no. I got all weird when they told me they were going to test me for Gout and Lyme's with my knee thing. I would make your radio repeat Barbara Mandrell.
    2 points
  25. I would fuck your radio up so bad it would be stuck on the Bee Gees forever.
    2 points
  26. It is no more difficult than checking a regular bag. Not sure why Ski2Live gets all turnt up about it....
    2 points
  27. **Warming** X-ray with a broken bone below.
    2 points
  28. I’ve had to “work” the last 4 days but yesterday afternoon and today we finally got some time to get out and explore Barcelona and the surrounding area. I’ve had some amazing food and some great wine. Flying home tomorrow and back to the grind on Monday until leaving for JH Tuesday 😂 The last pic is from one of my pre-dawn runs up to the Olympic Village looking over the city. The first 3 pictures pics are from today where was visited a monestary at the top of a mountain. Even got a pic of the insane funicular for @toast21602
    2 points
  29. As is standard flying out of philly, they usually have no idea about the ski bag boot bag policy. Today was somewhat different, as the agent told me this only applies to skis, not snowboards. As you can imagine, I handled this very maturely. They refused to check my bags and I had to pay for an extra. By this time there was not enough time to get a supervisor. I paid it and immediately sent a firm but polite email to United. Props to them, by the time we landed in Denver I had received an apology and refund. Landed in Aspen after a 25 minute flight, got a Ford Explorer, and went to mawa's restaurant near the airport. Just go to the condo in snowmass. Not sure what mountains I'm doing when, but looking like highlands on Sunday. Also, I'm going to a restaurant in Saturday that requires cross country skiing. This will be my first time ever on skis
    1 point
  30. Hey All, I’m back from another fun day at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot before 720AM and Phillycore was already in the house. Also in the house were Toast, JFDan, NMSki, MBike Mike, Mrs Snowbunski, Gary, Gary’s son, gahskier george, Enjorales, Enjorales Dad, Johnny Law, Justo, Rose, Ty, Matt Edge, JFDan, Antman, Root, PARidge and many others.. The temperature was in the mid 20s at the base which felt really nice although it was moist. First civilian six pack and challenge was great, hit that the first three runs and switchback was amaze balls as well, did challenge again later and Main Street was also pretty good and I skied that multiple times. Crowds were about the same as yesterday but lifts were running fairly smooth. The temperaturw has climbed through the 30s for parking lot thirty and was a fun time with some great meat and even cheddar chick flat bread. Parking lot on fleek.
    1 point
  31. Agree. No reason to waste time driving place to place and switching hotels. Enjoy WP.
    1 point
  32. Enjoyed staying there last March
    1 point
  33. @saltyant enjoy your trip! You are gonna love skiing out west.
    1 point
  34. Antman sounds really familiar to what happened to me 3 seasons ago (happened differently of course). Barb is 100% right... gotta stay positive. Know that next season will come and you'll be back and better than ever.
    1 point
  35. Winter Park has a lot of fun terrain. You could definitely spend 3 days there. They don’t groom much. Mid week should be pretty empty. Enjoy!
    1 point
  36. Out for a couple of hours this morning, 24 degrees, cloudy, light very flat. Race on Challenge closed the glade also. First run down Rivershot and Floyds. Snow was in great shape, Elevator still iffy. Took off around 10 when the rentals and lessons started hitting Tbolt.
    1 point
  37. He’s skiing the next four days..I approve if that’s what he likes. Only hardcore folks ski everyday of a ski trip. Salty where did you stay in Denver and take pictures when you drive over berthard pass.
    1 point
  38. No. if you guys wanna start a thread for xrays, and disgusting things that have come out of your body, have at it. i can choose not to look at it.
    1 point
  39. So I shouldn't post pictures of my broken femur?
    1 point
  40. I have pics of mine...metal plate, screws and all. Won't post it though because Dan will hate me forever if I did.
    1 point
  41. It was probably just sitting in the oversized luggage area the whole time while he stood at the carousel waiting. Is @saltyant skiing today?
    1 point
  42. I'm glad you guys talked me into the SUV. It's supposed to snow mid week (!) and driving around the snow in a compact would have caused me a lot of stress. I went with the Payless reservation you found on Orbitz.
    1 point
  43. Arrived at CBK Lodge Lot at 8:40. On mountain skiing by 9:00. Started on the Stevenson express with no lines. First run was Nile Mile snow was great. Next run was Pocono Raceway even better snow and a fun run. Real wide-open trail to ourselves. I convinced my son to do cliff hanger. He was a little tentative because of his first run on a "double Diamond" this year but managed himself well and wanted to do a second run which was much better. The lift line started to get a little crowded. We did another run on Pocono Raceway and took a look at the new trail scarab which is just a 30 yard connector. We then skied Julius caesar to honeymoon to get to the Sullivan express. We planned to take a break at the upper lodge now Called Kartrites summit house. I always liked taking a break there and having a coffee/hot chocolate. Apparently it is now a little more upscale restaurant and we were told it was closed until 11:00. We went down Rocket to get to the main lodge. Snow was pretty good with soft snow but a few hard pack/ice spots from people using it off earlier. My son made it through the more challenging headwall but ended up falling after hitting a soft snow bump and crossing his tips. He was ok but it aggravated his ankle that that he tweeted yesterday at basketball. It also hurt his confidence. After our break the lines were definitely longer and I found some people doing annoying things like not moving in line when it was there turn to alternate as well as some people not taking turns. At one point I pushed in since a group of guys was not waiting their turn. I ended up falling in the lift line which was crazy and a little embarrassing. I am pretty sure one of the guys behind me either popped me binding or got their ski on top of mine. Either way I have now fallen twice on the season on a bunny hill last week and now the lift line. I am becoming a worst skier as I get older. We ended up skiing King Tut and then we skied Big Pocono. Both were fun runs but my son said his ankle was giving out on him and he didn't want to ski any more steep trails. We finished by skiing Upper Cleopatra/Lower Cleopatra back to CBk/Lodge. My son said he was done and didn't want to push his ankle so we called it a day. We went to Billy's dinner in Tannersville on the way home. Pretty good food and reasonable. Today was my first time at Camelback since the Hotel was opened. I have always skied on Sundays and it was clear that the crowds on the Lift lines arrived earlier then the past. I always felt lifelines got long around 11:00 on Sundays but it happened around 10:00 today. I have 2 more visits this year since I purchased the triple ticket.
    1 point
  44. I’m gonna say today were the best conditions and grooming of the year. Challenge was $$ first thing. Always a grand time when great skiing turns into a solid sausage Sunday.
    1 point
  45. I miss the parking lot. Hope you all are well and gettin' after it! VT is great; fell into a great community here in Brownsville. Amazing people, outstanding beer everywhere, unbelievable mountain biking and skiing when I can steal time from work. Headed to Magic for two days tomorrow!
    1 point
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