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  1. Day 1 of 7 February 6th 2019 Hey all, I’m finished with a fun day at Jackson hole the start of my 16th trip here since 2002. In the house were me, Atomic Jeff, MBke Mike and Jack Frost town. Arrived in the village just after 8am and secured our tickets..then got in line for the gondola which opened four minutes late due to avalanche bombs. We saw our pal Dennis...no lifetime regaee or doobie Dan. Was on about the fifth gondola. First run I had my wipeout on amphitheater that is explained above. I wasn’t hurt except for my ego and got pretty sweaty hiking back up for my ski. Next run was the grand..pretty nice snow and a couple inches fresh on the sides on top of chowder. Then up sublette and Atomic Jeff hiked to the head wall and me and JF Dan and MBike skied Bivoac woods. Nice snow a little tricky..up sublette again and did cirque which was way better than expected. Some nice fresh along the trees. Met back up with Atomic Jeff at the bottom of thunder. Up Thunder and did Laramie bowl which had lots of loose snow but no untracked then up sublette and the cirque a second time. I was feeling tired, dehydrated and was hot and cold from sweating earlier so I went to the Casper lodge for soft pretzel and Powerade on ice..then doodles around a little in the Casper, apres vous area then went to the base and hung out for a few while the boys were finishing up the hobacks. After skiing went to the Mangy moose had a beer and Long Island and NMSki is back at the hotel now where we’ll arrive in a few minutes. All in all a fun day..I could write up an entire the good the bad the ugly just from the last two days so all y’all should really follow this thread because I’m just getting started. It’s now snowing a bit in the mountains with 3-6” predicted by tomorrow morning.
    11 points
  2. I did a quick 15 minute hike up to the headwall for some untracked turned as it snowed 26” since it last opened. It was pretty good. Unfortunately I did it alone so I didn’t have a photographer, so I took a pic of my line at the bottom
    10 points
  3. 10 points
  4. 8 points
  5. Down in the lobby downing coffee right from the pot. 4 am arrival.
    8 points
  6. Ok next season when Root and Nastar Glenn come to Jackson hole. Right now ca ca ca covered in sweat and taking a little break at the Casper lodge...instructor is saying how the groomers are amazing packed powder..well that amazing packed powder contributed to my first fall of the season on my very first run when I was going at the fastest speed I’ve skied today. Wasn’t even a snowsnake that bit me but with 3-4 feet of new snow in the last couple days it’s just so soft that there was a hole in the groomed that ripped my ski off. Next thing you know I’m skiing 55mph on one ski..ended up diving on my belly and did st least a 200 yard slide down the steep part of amphitheater like a slip and slide with other ski in the air. A nice lady lady brought me my poles had no idea where other ski was..I was nervous I wouldn’t be able to find my ski..but it was in the gully to the skiers left of amphitheater and I hiked up the couple hundred yards to retrieve it on a pitch about the same as razors. My legs were fine with the hike but my lungs weren’t and I was out of breath followed by sweat plus was all covered in snow from the fall. Fun start to the day. The whole ordeal took about 4 minutes. More report later. JFDan and MBike at end of cirque and this years Kardashian mobile.
    7 points
  7. Rummy's Ribs R Rubbed.... Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    7 points
  8. Its pretty good, thanks. i had it drained and shot up 2 weeks ago, but thats really kind of a band aid, as thats the second time for that in a pretty short period of time. I aggravated it a little today, but all and all, still good.
    6 points
  9. I no longer have any regerts about skipping VT. Though the powder day i have at Stowe last year was excellent also.
    6 points
  10. Today was nuts. I went to explore Seiser Alm - another secluded area about south west of Sellaronda. It's worse connected than yesterday's Alta-Badia, but it seemed to me after studying all the printed maps that a day tour was very possible. So in the morning I went straight in clockwise direction along the main circle never stopping anywhere and never taking any side trips. Took me 40 minutes to get to Val Gardena area, from where I was planning to go down to St Christina, use tunnel to cross under the town, go over the ridge to Ortisei and from there take the lift up to Seiser Alm. Once in Val Gardena I relaxed a little, well perhaps a little too much since I noticed a sign to Seiser Alm with a bus icon, so I thought I knew where to go. Also I discovered a nice trail surrounded by untracked slopes and skied on them like half a dozen time enjoying the quiet. Meanwhile the masses were attacking the main Sellaronda trails nearby like crazy. It's unbelievable how strongly many feel about conquering that big circle no matter what. Skiing is so much better on the sides, and yet people are just committed to doing the 360 degree tour. Anyway, I kind of got used to Lasers off piste, and even started to enjoy them despite the 78mm. Tomorrow I'll try Stormriders 88 for a day, let's see how that goes. Finally I got tired skiing the same place over and over again no matter how quiet it was and went all the way down following the signs to the bus and what I thought was the tunnel. With my luck there was no tunnel of course. But there was a bus. Full of Germans. With a driver who would speak German only. Who wanted money and was kind enough to say Seiser Alm a couple of times, so I shrugged, paid and went in wondering where the hell the tunnel was and why I had to pay for a connection within the big skiing area. The bus departed and instead of tunnel went through the forest along a snow covered road. I should have known better because I've noticed chains on the wheels and chains would be a weird choice for a ride through a tunnel. With nobody speaking English around me (WTH, even signs are in German, enough is enough!) I turned to my phone. And yep. I followed the wrong road down. The signs were right, it's just that it was an alternative, not the planned way of getting to Seiser Alm. But the good news were that apparently the bus was taking me to the far-far end of the Seiser Alm area, which was perfect as it was allowing me to cross it only once on the way back and return to Sellaronda using the path I plotted on the maps. So I fired the app, plotted the course, cursed at the 47km combined distance and weird 01:81 hr lift time, and went on to explore. That was an amazing area. So quiet and beautiful. Way more spread out and logical than yesterday's Alta-Badia, with decent groomers, and little people. It even had a clearly plotted and named route through it, and it was way more pleasant to follow it than Sellaronda, as other people didn't have this mad determination of sticking to just the trails on the route, so I didn't feel crowded. Once I yelled on a lift in desperation if anybody spoke English, and hooray, I finally had someone to ask about why was I surrounded by Germans. Turns out, this entire area once belonged to Austria, and only after WW1 was it added to Italy. Some towns adapted better (like Canazei or Alba), some cherished their roots more, and as a result there are now these places in Italy with German schools and people speaking German and Italian, which apparently leaves little place for English in the heads. This gets as crazy as towns having dual names, e.g. Ortisei on my path is an Italian name, and its German counterpart is St. Ulrich. These funny details make navigation all the more interesting of course. Anyway, I made my way back through Ortisei (quite colorful town that I had to cross on foot in order to start climbing over the next pass), St Christina and its tunnel and finally through the quite trashed Sellaronda. Frankly, I was worrying about timely return up until I reached St Christina around 3:20. From there I knew that I was crossing back into familiar territory, and indeed managed to descend to Alba by 5 just fine.
    6 points
  11. 6 points
  12. Well travel day isn’t over until I check into hotel room but close enough. Could have been way way worse. MBike probably won’t be here for five more hours as he’s landing in SLC now and then taking a rental car here. A welcoming sight.
    6 points
  13. A classic album from Nirvana that single handedly defined a musical genre IMO.
    5 points
  14. I'll be back at some point. Despite that incident I had a lot of fun and many memorable runs from that trip (hobacks, the Cirque come to mind and a ton of others thanks to you and Jeff showing us around). Created Butte has moved on high on my places to visit and I kinda miss Utah but we'll see. Have a great time today and for the rest of the trip.
    5 points
  15. I’m resting for ten more minutes before I shit and get suited..I’ll get booted in the P lot. No bus like the old days. We have a $70,000 GMC Yukon Denali..with Atomic Jeff as driver and JFDan as backup in case Jeff has more than a pitcher of beer.
    5 points
  16. 4 points
  17. Salty just stay at WP tomorrow Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    4 points
  18. Props to the locals for telling us out-of-towers about were the best goods were on the powder day. Every piece of advice they gave was spot on. I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to give away the best spots to tourists, but they were nice as hell. also, Aspen has a great ski town vibe and not stuck up at all in my opinion
    4 points
  19. Awesome. Pumped for you to be getting some snow in real mountains!
    4 points
  20. Taking a much needed break from some physical exhaustion. Spent the morning in the Parsonn's area and there was so much untracked deep powder it was insane! I got lucky and skied to Panoramic Express lift the exact second they opened it, so i got second chair. I was a nervous wreck the first run not knowing where the hell i was going in low visibility, but it wasnt that hard and was epic! Also got stuck on a bump run and made it down really slow, but didnt fall or even take off my RTMs. Probably the best skiing day of my life. Just kidding about probably...
    4 points
  21. Doug gave Jeff a bagel sammich and Jeff probably gave Doug the money shot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  22. Wow Salty...I'll bet you're not regretting skipping VT now. Nice pics and WTGAI
    3 points
  23. I’m hopeful, but I know that’s not your bomb hole off that cliff [emoji20]. Such an easy hike and looks like it was definitely worth it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  24. Salty why don’t you demo some wide skis.
    3 points
  25. I murdered the perder. It was epic! Up to my knees I think. After a few slow greens in midafternoon I was bored out of my mind so I went up to Parsonn's and had the time of my life. Western perder isnt so hard to turn in, I found myself seeking deeper stashes before no time.
    3 points
  26. And for the love of God, Demo some real skis.
    3 points
  27. I've talked to a lot of great people here also. Everyone has been really friendly and helpful here.
    3 points
  28. +1 More on trail pics please ⛷️
    3 points
  29. You really need to re-think your daily driver car game sooner rather than later. Just look at all the awesome features GSS has in his new ride.
    3 points
  30. That’s not a bagel, that’s a roll
    3 points
  31. You going to help him wipe? WTF?
    3 points
  32. 6” new in the last 24 hours. 30” new in the last 48 hours. I expect a few people to say you should have been here yesterday but that’s often the case for tourists. Heading to the bagel place in ten minutes. First meal since light lunch yesterday in the United club along with an obligatory blurry shot when we drove by the cowboy bar last night.
    3 points
  33. 2 points
  34. Copper is available on TicketsAtWork for $103 per day. If you don’t have access I think I can purchase for you and put your name on them for pickup.
    2 points
  35. We ain’t in Jew York but of course I found a quarter in the parking lot earlier. I always find money.
    2 points
  36. Looks like it should be a nice day! Have fun and be safe out there! Can't wait for the mangy moose beer pitchers pictures!
    2 points
  37. What about the snow? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  38. STFU GSS Nastar Glenn is your Dad
    2 points
  39. He is Doug's adopted little brother after all.
    2 points
  40. MBike is gonna need a nice nap after skiing. Maybe save the cowboy bar for tomorrow night. I forgot my sheriffs badge, black duct tape and non prescription sunglasses. That’s pretty decent. I even brought the red long sleeve shirt Root gave me and the eagles t shirt Ryan’s friend Mute gave me. I was a little disappointed he said here’s an Eagles shirt and I was expecting Don Henley lol oh well we are the Boys of Winter ready to merder the perder that was already murdered
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. Salty you might just be dehydrated...harden the fuck up. It’s a cold not malaria.
    2 points
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