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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/19 in all areas

  1. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    9 points
  2. looking like they are planning to stay open during mid week next week. had me worried for a bit
    7 points
  3. Arrived at Gore around 9:15. Ride from Lake George was a little dicey with the snow but not horrible. Saw a fender bender and got delayed by a tow truck flipping over and towing away a Subaru that was stuck in a ditch. Mountain was pretty empty again. Got at least 4 inches with more snow at the top of gondola. Continued to snow on the upper half the entire day. Might have been the best skiing that I have experienced. Tons of untouched powder and then choppy but fun snow on most trails as day progressed. Spent most of the day on the intermediate trails next to saddle lodge. Really enjoyed powder pass today. Lots of soft bumps and challenging for all of us. Awesome day and legs are burning. Last run was interesting we started in a nice snow storm and great conditions but about 2/3rd way down it got slushy and we could see bAre spots. It was rAining at the lodge. Hoping for another good day tomorrow it we got spoiled today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  4. OMFG, what a day! Too tired and buzzed to write a report but will try to at some point Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  5. Tomorrow with the kid, Sunday funday is for dad. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  6. 5 points
  7. Current location: continued, mildly, crowned #what3words
    4 points
  8. Yea man skiing tomorrow and Sunday. I need to hook up with the family mid morning but would be interested in a game plan to make the best out of the early am for some fresh tracks. I guess north is Ellen - we’re based out of Lincoln on the access rd some that might be tough, I’ll pm in any case On to today, so sick! The reason we’re here is my oldest daughter has a friend with a place her so her and their peeps are here for the weekend and invited us up. We got or own place and this morning I dropped mrs snobunski off with them and Niko and I headed to MRG to check a box off my bucket list. Got their e a few minutes after opening a and headed for the single chair, maybe 3-4” dense by then, started with antelope and ran a bunch of stuff through glorious cream cheese bumps before I started sweating like a pig and and lost viz with the gogs. Swapped lenses and worked the trails and woods skiers left of the single chair - paradise was roped off. gogs effed up again - fuck this shit getting me some of those fancy fan thingy’s NMSKI has! Snow is boot deep and drifting to knees up top and getting lighter. Third goggle swap to Nikos spares, the kid has to eat which is the kiss of death fo me. Eat/beer and head back up and paradise I’d open so we hit it. I’m stoked (haha autocorrect but really soaked) to the bone and stiff as shit and tumble the first section, shit was DEEEEEEEP, ankle to thigh over rocks, moss and ice. I quickly get my shit together only to get separated from JR and get choked out in some steep(!) bramble, find a escape chute and let ‘em run to catch up with the kid. We’re hootin it up in the trees left of Moody’s when Jr catches a snow snake and takes a scary fall. I hoof up and get his skis and poles, seems to be ok but shakin up for sure. 3rd pair of gogs fucked though... Jr wanted to sit down and check out his knee /ankle, I ran back to the car for another gog swap and watch a Honda lose his exhaust on the parking lot woo de doo formed in front of our car. Kid was toast so we called it at 1:45 - quality over quantity. Met the mrs and kids at their place for beers and laughs, then dinner at mad taco. A top ten day for sho’ Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    4 points
  9. FKNA!!! We got a foot so far and it turned to pow about an hour ago. Heavy mank of 8-9", now zee pow................gonna be deeeeeeeeeeeeeep!
    4 points
  10. Don’t feel bad. Spent the first two hours of my shift thinking today was Thursday. Last 6 hours are gonna be a lot happier.
    4 points
  11. Go Salty... My thoughts are; Elk will groom almost all their trails. Upper Tunk and Chippewa will probably be ungroomed on top of their natural, not seeded, bumps. Skiing will be excellent. You will have uncrowded slopes and uncrowded slow lifts. Enjoy! Enjoy! Unfortunately, our crew will be among the missing this weekend. However, we are planning on spending all next week at our own private resort! And TLCITW!!
    3 points
  12. Go to Elk. It will be better than Blue.
    3 points
  13. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  14. Yes. Getting the kids out with me this weekend. Just need to figure out when.
    3 points
  15. Went out at 1and it was amazeballz. Upper mountains were deeper and a bit drier. Pretty much straight line the run outs to conserve the legs. Could top out close to 2 feet by tomorrow PM. Temps are near perfect and the snow is much lower dense through the night.
    2 points
  16. Elks' lifts are protected from wind by the many pine trees planted over the years. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    2 points
  17. Nice pictures and report. Maybe tomorrow you can get the wife or kid to take an action shot of you.
    2 points
  18. I"m blaming Daylight Savings on not knowing this.
    2 points
  19. Nice pics, hope you get a nice powder day today
    2 points
  20. I'll be there tomorrow morning for opening (although I have to get my pass so I may not make first chair). I have to hit the road by 12 since the wife will be out of town tomorrow afternoon/sunday.
    2 points
  21. Salty, you’re sad because GSS doesn’t play skin flute?!
    2 points
  22. Awesome day. Skied from 8:45-3:30. Really fun mountain. Son loved riding gondola for first time. Pretty good conditions although some big slush/ice spots on certain trails. A few trails were fast hard back and some were groomed perfect. A lot of varied conditions. Mash potatoes towArd end of day. Mountain was empty except for a few people and would have been even less people except there was a race. Talked to a lady with a BMR coat on. Her daughter was racing. Spent most of day on intermediate trails. Sleeping bear was the run of the day(snow was groomed perfectly with no ice). The only diamonds that I did were Fairview and Uncas. Not to challenging but a little technical with icy spots. I really liked the mountain and look forward to 10 inches of snow tonight/tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  23. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  24. March delivers again......looks like a great family trip. Timing...yada...yada....
    1 point
  25. Dood, why drive? Spend it on the slopes down there. We will prolly ski both sides tomorrow Stowe/Smuggs.
    1 point
  26. I totally checked out of this thread. Sorry I missed it. MBike, are you up tomorrow? I’ll be patrolling over at North again bright and early. I was at North today patrolling and it was stellar. Got first tracks on Hammerhead and Looking Good. Snow was wet, but much less wet at the top. 10” at base and 14” at top seems accurate as of closing. Also got to do some patrol research in Exterminator Woods and Bravo Woods. Basically got 2nd tracks in both, which means fresh tracks on half the turns. Unfortunately, North lost power at 11 and it never came back on. We were done sweep at 1:15. Tomorrow morning should be stellar again as it is already starting to snow again and we are expecting another 8”. MBike, send me a PM if you’re expecting to be at North at all tomorrow. If I can take a run, I’d like to meet up.
    1 point
  27. Damn. So jealous of everyone up north right now
    1 point
  28. Super jealous. Looks fantastic.
    1 point
  29. Just saw a Winter Weather Advisory has been posted for possibly another 2-4 inches overnight ... Salty you may get freshies tomorrow.. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  30. Have fun and post a report I’ll be skiing the icy death at blue.
    1 point
  31. Then you should ski elk or Jack Frost tomorrow.
    1 point
  32. Dont know that I will make it there tomorrow. I am performing late tonight and likely wont get home before 1230 am at the earliest, which is not real consistent with skiing 3.5 hrs away tomorrow - especially as I am typically too revved up after performing to fall asleep quickly Just giving a heads up for those who can make it. Given my schedule, a late arrival at Blue once it softens up to get some runs in before pass holders party seems more likely, but we shall see. Or if Frost gets snow more than rain maybe head there. Could get sloppy seconds at Plattekill Sunday when they conveniently allow other mountains pass holders to ski free.
    1 point
  33. I'm sure you're not serious but what's stopping you?
    1 point
  34. They’ll have the $429 price until 3/31...if they don’t it will cause a major shitstorm.
    1 point
  35. I think Uncas is the trail I took a major spill on one time because I hit some ice. It was one of those how the hell am I not hurt type of falls. I do need to get to Gore again at some point.
    1 point
  36. Uncas faces south so it can get icy. The North Quad area is fun. Powder Pass is usually left ungroomed. It's a fun low angle powder run when it snows and doesn't usually get tracked out too fast.
    1 point
  37. Should be some creamy goodness! enjoy!
    1 point
  38. Tomorrow morning for a bit. Wife's birthday this weekend so I might bounce a little earlier than usual.
    1 point
  39. Looks like some fresh snow at JFBB...set shown snowballing at camelback no real accumulation. A shame this bomb cyclone didn’t pull down more cold for blue
    1 point
  40. Looks like some fresh snow at JFBB...
    1 point
  41. Oops, thought it was a musical instrument.
    1 point
  42. I'm a fan of the isle seat lately. Easier to get up to go potty. It would behoove you to probably take the silent route on this.
    1 point
  43. Will be the same conditions this weekend at Blue as last weekend. I just don’t get it. You’ll go skiing on Root Friday when it’s cold and crowded and only one run open but not now when it’s warm and empty and everything is open.
    0 points
  44. I was done because spring is a major stoke stomper for skiing, but I looked at Elk's webcams and it looks amazing up there. Blue's webcam, not so much..
    0 points
  45. Nice have fun at Platekill..post a report and take pictures!!! Your whitetail report was your best one yet!!!
    0 points
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