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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/19 in all areas

  1. Top day of the season. The bibbys crushed it. Just the double until they opened up the single around noon. One stupid pic of catamount bowl lip and scenery cause it was that type of day
    8 points
  2. I too have just purchased a pass.
    8 points
  3. Good time today. I thought it was going to be pretty icy but it was much better than expected. Hit Challenge a few times to start off then Lazy and Switchback. Upper Main street was good, lower was a little crusty. No crowds or lift lines...few beers in the parking lot to end the morning. I hope to make it one night this week or next weekend for a morning session
    5 points
  4. Yes. With a Rossi Rooster perpetual motion machine on the dashboard
    4 points
  5. Definitely more low key tomorrow, but the flattop will be in the house. Also an attempt at creme brulee redemption. Those pics were from three different peoples plates, lol
    4 points
  6. She said exciting. I said, "but will it be epic?" But got no reaction except the table of old people next to us who looked at me weird.
    4 points
  7. I am excited about being so close to SO MUCH skiing! Still not at all sure what to do, pass-wise. I checked with Magic, and even though I'll be working in NH, I can get a Magic teacher season pass (which is an unlimited season pass that gets me on the Freedom Pass) for $319. That gets me three days each at some small areas in the Whites as well as Bolton. But I'm probably going to AirBnB my Ascutney Condo, so I'm not sure how much I'll be in Brownsville in the winter. (I want to keep it free for summer mountain biking and hanging out with friends; I'm not at all ready to part with my Brownsville residency). So maybe it makes sense to look at the New England Pass, or Cannon? Or what's the one that gets me Stowe and Okemo? That might be a good combo; I'll be 90 minutes from each place! Ah, First World Problems. I'm actually legitimately better at skiing now than I was last year. Looking forward to some sweet spring skiing!
    4 points
  8. If you break it down, it costs $0.37 per picture taken. A cost/benefit analysis reveals that it is not worth it to take the gloves off for a pic.
    4 points
  9. The last 4 posts are yours. You know you can type them all out in one? This isn'y good for your post/like ratio. Get your shit together.
    4 points
  10. Yea man skiing tomorrow and Sunday. I need to hook up with the family mid morning but would be interested in a game plan to make the best out of the early am for some fresh tracks. I guess north is Ellen - we’re based out of Lincoln on the access rd some that might be tough, I’ll pm in any case On to today, so sick! The reason we’re here is my oldest daughter has a friend with a place her so her and their peeps are here for the weekend and invited us up. We got or own place and this morning I dropped mrs snobunski off with them and Niko and I headed to MRG to check a box off my bucket list. Got their e a few minutes after opening a and headed for the single chair, maybe 3-4” dense by then, started with antelope and ran a bunch of stuff through glorious cream cheese bumps before I started sweating like a pig and and lost viz with the gogs. Swapped lenses and worked the trails and woods skiers left of the single chair - paradise was roped off. gogs effed up again - fuck this shit getting me some of those fancy fan thingy’s NMSKI has! Snow is boot deep and drifting to knees up top and getting lighter. Third goggle swap to Nikos spares, the kid has to eat which is the kiss of death fo me. Eat/beer and head back up and paradise I’d open so we hit it. I’m stoked (haha autocorrect but really soaked) to the bone and stiff as shit and tumble the first section, shit was DEEEEEEEP, ankle to thigh over rocks, moss and ice. I quickly get my shit together only to get separated from JR and get choked out in some steep(!) bramble, find a escape chute and let ‘em run to catch up with the kid. We’re hootin it up in the trees left of Moody’s when Jr catches a snow snake and takes a scary fall. I hoof up and get his skis and poles, seems to be ok but shakin up for sure. 3rd pair of gogs fucked though... Jr wanted to sit down and check out his knee /ankle, I ran back to the car for another gog swap and watch a Honda lose his exhaust on the parking lot woo de doo formed in front of our car. Kid was toast so we called it at 1:45 - quality over quantity. Met the mrs and kids at their place for beers and laughs, then dinner at mad taco. A top ten day for sho’ Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    4 points
  11. 3 points
  12. Exception: pregnancy.
    3 points
  13. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  14. FKNA!!! We got a foot so far and it turned to pow about an hour ago. Heavy mank of 8-9", now zee pow................gonna be deeeeeeeeeeeeeep!
    3 points
  15. Too cold and windy to take pix, going full astronaut, but easily having the best day of Eastern skiing of my life and better than many days that I have gotten on planes for. 18" of light fresh powder for real. 90% ungroomed. No lift lines. Absolutely perfect. Steep steps. Deep everywhere. Lots of untracked trees. Tomorrow they offer free admission to pass holders at other mountains. If you are someone that would ever get on a plane to ski, you should go to the far less trouble it would take to get yourself here tomorrow. If you dont have a pass that will get you free admission, stop on the way up at Potter Bros on 28 and you can get a $60 lift ticket there, which is what I did today. Chose this over Hunter which was closer and where I have a pass, and it was totally the right call. Also well worth missing the free appetizers at Blue to be here.
    2 points
  16. Doing these for sure, today was so fun Long lift lines do to wind holds but worth the wait, Lawson’s brewery and American flatbread FTW! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  17. Hey All, I’m back from a fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 7:18AM and it was in the low 30s under mostly cloudy sky’s with strong winds. In the house were Atomic Jeff, Toast, NMSki PSUFlyGuy, Indiggio, Enjorales, Pops, Slim, GahSkier George, Nastar Glenn, Bethlehem Ford Guy, Gary and many others. First civilian chair and I started in challenge which was very nice frozen cord..the grooming was really good I found out later that they waited until 530am to groom which may have led to a much better surface than after the typical rain freeze. I skied challenge the first five runs because it was so good, there was nobody on it and the top headwall was in the sun. I eventually skied Main Street which had soft cord on the top and bottom was kind of stiff crud but not terrible... Nightmare dreamweaver was also nice and the rollers aren’t as pronounced as before. Crowds were low and since most of the runs were straight off the peak the laps were fast. 7 runs by 856 and 12 by 940. Pretty low key parking lot had a few beers with NMSki, PSUFlyGuy, Enjorales and Pops..talk of season pass party today at 2pm and sweet and sausage Sunday tomorrow. Tomorrow is gonna be nice as well. Today was amazing because I came with zero expectations and the skiing was like a 6 out of 10..plus no people. Sure this season hasn’t had many perder days or true spring days but has been delivering!!!
    2 points
  18. If you need somewhere to ski next Saturday/Sunday, there are buddy passes at Blue
    2 points
  19. Sweet dude! I’m the foggiest MF’er you’ve ever seen, these things will change the game and are worth every penny. https://abom.com/goggles
    2 points
  20. You’re welcome!!!! And anytime!!!!!
    2 points
  21. See two posts up...and tomorrow is gonna be as good as it gets without titty sparkles.
    2 points
  22. You forgot Ryan and his kid. I’ll be up tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  23. Shadows are you skiing tomorrow?? Great spring day Sunday.
    2 points
  24. And prepare for the bite of the snow snake!
    2 points
  25. Timing is everything.
    2 points
  26. Went out at 1and it was amazeballz. Upper mountains were deeper and a bit drier. Pretty much straight line the run outs to conserve the legs. Could top out close to 2 feet by tomorrow PM. Temps are near perfect and the snow is much lower dense through the night.
    2 points
  27. OMFG, what a day! Too tired and buzzed to write a report but will try to at some point Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  28. Current location: continued, mildly, crowned #what3words
    1 point
  29. Maybe go up to Greek peak for a day.
    1 point
  30. You got a flip phone?
    1 point
  31. Loveland still does and suicide 6.
    1 point
  32. Took some pix later in the day when it got warmer. Will post later. Stayed below freezing all day so will still be awesome tomorrow, ad supposed to warm tomorrow PM. Such a cool place they kept the lifts open an hour after planned closing time as everyone was digging it so hard. In one sign of modernity they did away with the sticker lift tix since my last visit. Is there still anywhere that uses them?
    1 point
  33. But the more you do it the cheaper it gets!
    1 point
  34. How much snow did they receive? Pictures or it didn’t happen!!
    1 point
  35. Better than expected to start the morning for sure. Trying to get bronzed up tomorrow with some sun and warmth, I hope.
    1 point
  36. @saltyant I want commish on these season pass sales..Blue needs affiliate deals like amazon. Would be sickbird.
    1 point
  37. Salty we wanna see a report. Write a good long and detailed one so I can vape up first.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Natural snow when wet is gonna be a lot stickier and grabbier than groomed snow. Best thing you can do is keep your speed up and stay forward..speed is your friend in 3D snow
    1 point
  40. Awesome 😎 WTGAI!!!
    1 point
  41. No, you try too hard and are annoying. He is just the original annoying person so deserves some credit for that.
    1 point
  42. looking like they are planning to stay open during mid week next week. had me worried for a bit
    1 point
  43. Arrived at Gore around 9:15. Ride from Lake George was a little dicey with the snow but not horrible. Saw a fender bender and got delayed by a tow truck flipping over and towing away a Subaru that was stuck in a ditch. Mountain was pretty empty again. Got at least 4 inches with more snow at the top of gondola. Continued to snow on the upper half the entire day. Might have been the best skiing that I have experienced. Tons of untouched powder and then choppy but fun snow on most trails as day progressed. Spent most of the day on the intermediate trails next to saddle lodge. Really enjoyed powder pass today. Lots of soft bumps and challenging for all of us. Awesome day and legs are burning. Last run was interesting we started in a nice snow storm and great conditions but about 2/3rd way down it got slushy and we could see bAre spots. It was rAining at the lodge. Hoping for another good day tomorrow it we got spoiled today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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