Thanks Toast. Didnt take any pics. I did the full 100 last year, the hills at the end are pretty brutal. For me 6 hours on the bike is long enough anymore.
The problem is caused by inversions along the Wasatch front, so everywhere from Provo to Ogden is impacted. I have a good friend who lives in Ogden and says the air pollution is horrendous.
Do you know how saturated the death care market in FL is..the big money is shipping the bodies up to be interred in cemeteries in PA/NJ and NY where a lot of these Florida transplants and snowbirds have family cemetery plots.
Nice thanks for the report!!! My friend is actually heading to DC this afternoon for a residential real estate conference. @TT C6 she’s even carpooling.
Now the idiots in Trenton are planning to decriminalize weed instead. Up to 2oz the cops will just steal your stash and $50 from your wallet. Over 2oz they will charge you with distrobution.
The most hysterical hypocritical thing about this is this sign:
It should say “Trenton Takes” on both sides.