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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/19 in all areas

  1. Yeah we live 20 min north of where the tornado hit in Morgantown. Had hail and heavy storms but no wind. We heard what sounded like a tornado for a while so we hung out in the basement for a half hour. If it weren't for keeping the kid safe I would've been in the deck with a beer watching the storm
    1 point
  2. The last Raspberry Lemonade beer I remember having was a Leiney Lemon-berry shandy. I haven't seen one of those in years. It was quite a tasty beverage. I believe Root was mixing his own even prior to Leinenkugals releasing it, and it was a favorite of JFskiDan's there until it became impossible to find. Maybe discontinued? This is going back a few years now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  3. i was in jones beach 2 weeks ago. crazy how robert moses made the bridges so low on the parkways so buses couldnt get there.
    1 point
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