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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/19 in all areas

  1. I've never been a season chaser, but the IKON pass has given me an excuse to do so. Prior to this year, I had never skied in May, let alone June. I skied May 5 with Law, GSSucks and Justo. Today's excursion was a solo trip. After dinner last night I decided to drive to Albany. I left at 8:30pm and arrived at the hotel off of root 90 at 11:30pm. I hit the road this morning at 6:40am and arrived in the parking lot at 8:40am thinking they opened at 9am. The 8am opening could explain why there were so many people there when I pulled in and had to park in Kansas. It was a beautiful drive in the morning with fast moving cars and nice scenery. I booted up and hit the snow. A lot had melted from nearly a month ago, but there wasn't huge puddles/dirt in the lift line. There was, however, an insanely thin cover 5 feet below the top. Down to dirt/rocks. Some where watermelon sized. Tons of double ejections. I carefully picked my way down and then the skiing was awesome. Pretty smooth and soft with some glacial ice mixed in. Some nice sized bumps towards the bottom. First picture is people picking there way through the rocks. I skied a bunch of runs, headed back to the car, enjoyed a de-boot beer then headed off for a trail run outside of Rutland. It was high 60's and the trail was pretty fun. Some fire road, plenty of single track, and a massive hill. I packed it up and then set off for home. An easy 4h 45min drive and I'm back home. Short session but I wanted to get my June skiing in
    8 points
  2. Nice morning run along the Lehigh. Enjoy your weekend!
    3 points
  3. 1 point
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