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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/19 in all areas

  1. OMG I would be SOOOO happy to have you in CB! Only caveat is this place is much smaller than Winter Park and only has one bathroom (womp womp). If you decide that let me know your dates asap so I can block them out for you. And Yeah, Dan needs to come, we can make the space work.
    2 points
  2. Could definitely change but Crested Butte has been on my list of places to ski forever and I'm about ready to check that one off my list. Plus I'm way past due to ski with [mention=1419]Barb[/mention]. If, for whatever reason that doesn't pan out ADKs again, a few days and WF, will throw in Gore this time (should've skied Gore last year but the snow was actually forecasted at Blue and I drove home after WF). Who knows though...if your JH days work then maybe I'll tag along for a few days there. Way too early but that's what I'm thinking.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Days will start getting shorter next Friday, we're marking the event with Dead & Co at the BBT pavillion next Thursday night. Been super busy pimping the house and landscape for listing which should happen the 2nd week of July after some carpeting and flooring installation which I'm having done after we move out. We'll be pulling out of Philly July 4, spending the night at the Homewood suites in Newburgh and arriving in VT on the 5th. Got 2 guys to unload the truck on the 6th. What's that have to do with ski season? After I booked the Homewood reservation (Hilton property) they wrangled me into their Points program and I got 4 days, 3 nites at the Sunrise lodge in Park City for 350$, 5500 points and another $200 towards a room after I sit through a 2 hour time share presentation. No blackout period so I'm looking to book mid march. I can ski Park City and Sno Basin on the epic pass. Gonna be deeeeeeeep......
    1 point
  5. Right on was trying to remember how many miles you have on it I remember you saying 70something during ski season. My car is almost at 7,000 miles.
    1 point
  6. My parents didn’t let me go to college somewhere where I’d have to fly...I think they feared if I went to college in the Rocky Mountains, I wouldn’t graduate. You can fly to Denver for <$300 roundtrip...gotta reward yourself for raising a kid from birth to college. As for CB..I actually went there in 2000..my second trip skiing out west...but there was only like a 35” base so a lot of the advanced terrain wasn’t open....I wouldn’t go there instead of JH but perhaps an additional trip. I’ve already been bribing myself with future fun because my work has been so shitty lately.
    1 point
  7. Sounds like a lot of fun. I'd totally be down with that. You interested in a CB trip? Western trips may be tough after this year if my kid goes to college at a location that requires air travel. My travel expenses / airline miles at that point will no doubt be dedicated to that, which likely means a lot more WF / ADKs.
    1 point
  8. PARidge you should do Crested butte maybe you could get Toast and JFDan and Phillycore and GSS to come along.
    1 point
  9. You would not be putting me out at all! There is a loft w twin beds, just saying we would have to share a bathroom. When I have a full house of friends there I usually walk down to the park to use their bathrooms (I am weird). 1/16-1/20 I will be in Ouray but have no solid winter plans outside of that yet.
    1 point
  10. Let’s be real. You’re place is CB is incredible.
    1 point
  11. I assume (e.g. speculate) they will be covered by insurance to some degree? @toast21602 Thanks for the shout out!
    1 point
  12. https://paweatheraction.com/as-much-as-5-of-rain-expected-in-parts-of-pennsylvania-sunday-friday?fbclid=IwAR3cVZ56iD9VvhGh09V0qDeHSlyYUPySs9FRChugP89zCnu2GG-aOI9CPtk if you’re going away this week you might not have to hire the neighborhood kid to water your flowers wahahahah
    1 point
  13. Have a feeling the PPL surcharge was nothing compared to what will occur at the ticket window next season.
    1 point
  14. Same!!!! But 2 million for a broken leg is amazing wow. I bet Root could have got like tree fiddy when he went ass over teakettle over the root roller.
    1 point
  15. If I don't get stuff on the calendar way far in advance, my wife and kids will fill that bitch up and I'll have no open days for anything!
    1 point
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