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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/19 in all areas

  1. I bet youre right, because Blue is THE BEST place to ski in the lower 48 from 8:00a to 8:01a when they close half the mountain for race team. The best thing that could happen to Blue is Jaindl buys the place and turns it into a turkey farm, so all you turkeys could hang out with other turkeys in the lower lot.
    4 points
  2. Because when vail was looking at resorts to buy they said "how can we get blue passholders to leave"
    2 points
  3. its like having Skip Bayless or Stephen A Smith post on here
    2 points
  4. Always enjoy the poor takes that Ski2Grind brings to PASR
    2 points
  5. I’m willing to bet most blue passholders are not going to leave blue to ski jfbb just because of the epic pass
    2 points
  6. It sucks when vail buys an already popular western resort, but I see this as being nothing but good for JFBB passholders. Its not like vail passholders are going to make the pilgrimage to jack frost to ski the elevator.
    2 points
  7. It's ok, I'm just on here for ski news and to find good bargains.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. I’ll take camelback over JF..the runs are a lot faster and a bit longer and the lifts are speedy. The amount of vert you get in an hour combined with runouts on both the top and bottom is just the suck. I’ll never be back at JF or B.B. again and will ski Camelback late season if blue isn’t open.
    1 point
  10. I don’t understand the JF hate, really. I’ve been a blue passholder literally my entire life and will both defend the place and talk crap about it in the same breath, but I dunno why so many on here think it’s worlds better than blue. Blue has a little more vert and faster lifts, and I guess arguably some more interesting terrain, but on a 6” day, I’ll take frost over blue as long as there’s already some coverage in the woods. Their snow quality and grooming is consistently better than blue’s, and even on holiday weekends, crowds are nowhere near as bad. I think a lot of people are maybe slightly blinded to the fact that MOST people do not get to the lower lot at 7am and stand in line for opening of the 6pack and try and cram as many laps as they can into an hour and a half or two and then peace out. All that said, I’m very curious to see how this season pans out, crowd-wise, with the ownership shakeups in the poconos.
    1 point
  11. My take...no one's leaving Blue for this despite Ski2Lives assessment that the masses will flock to JFBB or the mighty Hunter Mountain. I think Blue will actually see more passholders in that local pass holders, who could give a shit about the "perks", look at Blue's $450 or $499 and see that being a lot more attractive than $700 for JFBB with "perks". Forget the pass holders though....I can see group pricing increasing at a Vail owned resort prompting school groups, family groups or whatever group to move to Blue and we all know how much we love seeing those busses during night sessions. Hope I'm wrong there.
    1 point
  12. I am Blue pass holder and have zero interest in JF/BB or getting an Epic pass because of it. If it had been Blue that they purchased it would have been a no brainer.
    1 point
  13. I'm all for less crowds at Blue, but i dont think JFBB will see an overwhelming increase at all. I sort of think we already covered this. The average every weekend skier with an occasional trip out west will not leave Blue/CB to go ski Frost every weekend so they can go ski 2 days at Breck on the Epic pass. The average Joe that might buy 3-5 day passes at Blue/Toe/JFBB etc that wants to ski some resorts north or west, and is content with skiing the resorts on the pass, this is really who i see buying this. Not everyone lets their skiing experience be dictated by whats on this pass or that pass. I could probably make use of the epic pass, i am particularly interested in CB this year, and there are some others that i might go to, but they arent tops on my list. It would take a power outage at Blue or some other act of God to skip Blue for JFBB.....maybe night skiing at Boulder with just the right conditions, like new snow, and free cookies or something. Keep in mind, i was a passholder at JFBB when i the late season pass sale thing.....i never went back that year. Blue has its issues too, dont get me wrong, but there is a point when you have to admit JFBB bores your face off.
    1 point
  14. Hot cocoas for both of them then!
    1 point
  15. Back on topic, since camelback still sucks and Saltyant will lick anybodys balls that likes camelback. nothing new here. Will there be a very Vail presence at JFBB? Will they put the 15 million into upgrades they were quoted on? Takes alot of dirt to make them taller. Will day pass prices go up at the new Vail resorts? Will they remember to negotiate with PPL about their electric rates? Will Blue raise day pass prices if they do? I mean, when in Rome......
    0 points
  16. 0 points
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