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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/19 in all areas

  1. I bet youre right, because Blue is THE BEST place to ski in the lower 48 from 8:00a to 8:01a when they close half the mountain for race team. The best thing that could happen to Blue is Jaindl buys the place and turns it into a turkey farm, so all you turkeys could hang out with other turkeys in the lower lot.
    2 points
  2. Epic day. Not Epic pass. That day was like a Unicorn though. Havent seen many Unicorns since then. I can tell you with the utmost amount of certainty though, that day topped any day i ever skied at Frost. And at that point, i was still a JFBB season pass holder.
    1 point
  3. Naa, Camelback is better if you value groomers and quantity over quality. The off-trail skiing at jack frost is really unmatched in PA, and is the only skiing in the state that somewhat resembles what real skiing is like.
    1 point
  4. Yeah, maybe, but really they start making snow when it gets cold, just like everybody else....its really just the fact that they can open Freedom with like 24 hrs of snowmaking. My guess is, they would continue to do this, however, i think they would look a little more into the future weather, like they might not make snow if it was just going to be cold enough, long enough to get Freedom open, but then days of above freezing temps. basically, they might not be as into just getting that trail open as BB was before. But in the long run, i doubt very much that Vail cares about BB's clain of first to open, last to close. It will also be interesting to see how they incorporate opening JF after BB, or vice-versa. I cant really remember, but i dont think they were super early with Okemo snowmaking, ie competing with Killington's early season push.
    1 point
  5. I totally agree. If it weren’t so crowded on the weekends we would have gladly made the switch.
    1 point
  6. I have friends here who work at Okemo and it sounded like absolute chaos at the beginning of this year (their first season under Vail). Their hiring process either broke down or was nonexistent; people (including patrollers) didn't know if they had jobs until literally a day before the mountain opened. The lines at guest services were long and slow because the staff was still figuring out how to do things. Benefits like family/friend passes were cut and the number of hours you have to work to qualify for an Epic pass was increased. I'm toying with getting an Epic, but since I'm teaching I'll just have school holidays free and that's when places like Okemo are insanely, unbearably crowded. I think I'm going to get a VT teacher pass at Magic ($300), which gets me on the Freedom pass, so three tix each at some smaller areas up here. I'll get to ski at Cannon once in a while on the school's dime, and depending on how much skiing I do up here in NH during school sessions, I might get a pass at Tenney, which is under $300.
    1 point
  7. Camelback is waaaay better than JF when it comes to skiing
    1 point
  8. I read elsewhere that Vails business model is to up daily prices to get people to buy the Epic pass. Should be interesting to see if thats the case.
    1 point
  9. I’ll take camelback over JF..the runs are a lot faster and a bit longer and the lifts are speedy. The amount of vert you get in an hour combined with runouts on both the top and bottom is just the suck. I’ll never be back at JF or B.B. again and will ski Camelback late season if blue isn’t open.
    1 point
  10. I’m willing to bet most blue passholders are not going to leave blue to ski jfbb just because of the epic pass
    1 point
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