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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/19 in all areas

  1. Yeah, been there done that.
    4 points
  2. We’re all very lucky to have Blue so close to home. It could be much worse.... you could live in New Jersey 😱
    1 point
  3. I’ll review the map at Copper with you sometime. Timberline area, center village and super bee areas along with a few areas in the alpine would all be good for you. At Abasin you’re mainly stuck on the herb routes as a blue square skier.
    1 point
  4. Copper is cool. Cooper is tiny...might be worth a trip there for one day if you're already out there and don't want to burn a ton of money ( I think tickets are usually pretty cheap), but you're probably better off doing Loveland if you want to just save money on lift tickets.
    1 point
  5. The last time I went to Blue to ski was probably 2010 or 2011, I had a pass the winter I was back in PA between living in CO and VT. In the past 5 years I maybe skied 10 days, all either out west or VT trips. I skied Boulder once in that time period. Gonna be interesting for sure, but I'm kinda stoked to actually ski Blue again...
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Maybe he should change his name to SkiDE..
    1 point
  8. I hate that place. Can’t wait to open up the season there in 3 months.
    1 point
  9. I agree. I've been getting really depressed in the winter, I don't do much other than work out and spin on the trainer with the occasional bitter cold bike ride. I need to ski just for my mental health alone, I really do miss it. Going out west is nice and all, but with all the money I dump into bike related nonsense I'd prefer to scratch my skiing itch with as little coin as possible. I'd be happy with 15 or so days at blue and a VT trip or two. Wanted to ski last season, but we were saving for a house...so any and all extra cash, time, and energy went into that. I can comfortably piss off now 1 or 2 days a week to go skiing. I no longer have any excuses.
    1 point
  10. I just read that Saturday was the last day with a sunset after 8 pm, until like May 20th. Just the stupid fact for the day. Continue on with your blessed day.
    1 point
  11. Going West: press buttons on computer, drive to airport, sit in metal tube, get rental car, check in at hotel, go skiing. Going North: press fewer buttons on computer, drive 6 or more hours, check in at hotel or sleep in car, go skiing.
    1 point
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