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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/19 in all areas

  1. My dad was stationed in Alaska while he was in the army. They used to get around with snowshoes and cross country skis. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  2. I could look at old pictures for hours. They’re always fascinating.
    1 point
  3. Yeah but you also have to pay an annual maintanance fee and sometimes housekeeping as well which can cost several hundred. Some like time shares because they can sometimes swap for different locations. They don’t don’t r ally call them time shares anymore it’s often called fractional ownership. For a time resorts were selling a lot of quarter shares, 1/8 shares and 1/16th shares. Essentially you get a week a month, two weeks a season or a week three seasons of the year. If you ever look up real estate for a place like Aspen you might see a condo listed for only $79,999 and you think damn and the. In the fine print it says 1/16 fractional ownership. Put that $80,000 in a 5% low risk investment and can just take a baller trip every year with the interest. Fools and their money.
    1 point
  4. For a time share you mean?? You pay $19-$36k and you get a week a year there for life or until the company goes bankrupt. Time shares are a fucking rip off. It’s usually someone who is already a time shareholder who convinces a friend to join in...
    1 point
  5. Finding a 100 year old picture of a skier with familial connections is pretty damn cool!
    1 point
  6. Came across this cool pic over the weekend addressed to my grandmother on the back, to my "dear friemnd”, she would have been in her late to mid teens Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. Got my Letter today.... As previously discussed; new pond for more snow making capacity. New Windows in restaurant. Tree planting continues. Season Pass prices unchanged. (Second year in a row.) Operating hours changed; closing Monday and Tuesday at 4:30pm, and Sunday at 7:30pm to allow for more snowmaking. "Certain weeks" we will continue to be open until 10:00pm.... #ElkaholicRummy....
    1 point
  8. I’m sure they’re installing lights and snowmaking on new trail.
    1 point
  9. I guess they couldn't wait for Black Friday? For anyone not getting a Blue pass it seems like a good deal. $99 for off-peak or $129 unlimited. It does seem pretty early in the season, but I don't think they're discounted more than usual.
    1 point
  10. OK, but I won't allow you to ski them...
    1 point
  11. I fucked it up extra a few years ago when I put my last name in first name box so now there’s two of me in the system.
    1 point
  12. I’m already having anxiety wondering if my pass will work and then waiting in customer service line to get it sorted out while the PASRs get a lap or two extra on cookies. That means ski season is coming soon. Anybody know if the lights are on. Now we have to pray for rain so the snowmaking ponds are full...
    1 point
  13. You must've missed the whole false advertising thing because Blue use stock ski marketing pics on their website that depict what appear to be Rocky mountains in the photos. Then there was the whole Gift cards fiasco. That was a modern PASR classic. I know I'm missing a few others... most likely involving Salty.
    1 point
  14. By: UnofficialNet | September 4, 2019 Brattleboro Reformer is reporting that John Field, an investor in Mount Snow’s parent company, Peak Resorts, is seeking to stop a vote on whether it will merge with Vail Resorts. Field’s accuses Peak Resorts executives and its board of directors of not fully disclosing information pertaining to potential conflicts of interest of management and the board concerning the $463.6 million transaction. Field’s attorney Matthew L. Dameron of Williams Dirks Dameron LLC said in a statement that Peak Resorts management and the board have omitted or misrepresented material information concerning, “the valuation analyses prepared by the company’s financial advisor Moelis & Company LLC in connection with the rendering of its fairness opinion; and company insiders’ potential conflicts of interest.” Field’s believes stockholders need to understand potential conflicts of interest of management and the board, as that information provides illumination concerning motivations that would prevent fiduciaries from acting solely in the best interests of the company’s stockholders. The company runs 17 ski resorts in the country and has not yet filed a response in court.
    1 point
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