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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/19 in all areas

  1. yea fuck you guys 😝 lol Ive probably been up there there 3 times in the last 5 years, been tough snow years for them. But I just got a $32 check for last month! Fractional ownership can be but is not always a "time share", our 1/4 share is deeded real estate. It came with RCI time share privileges for the first few years but we never used it and let it lapse rather than keep paying into it. Ours is set up as a hotel condo so we get use 13 weeks / year, if we don't reserve or use our weeks we get rental revenue less housekeeping and admin fees. If we want use other than our designated weeks we just pay $30'ish/night housekeeping fee as long as there not over 85% occupied, which never unless its a holiday or event. It worked out really well for this dumbass over the years when the kids were small and the the lake effect machine was pumping as well as alot of nice trips to the finger lakes region for wine tasting, mtb, and leaf peeping.
    4 points
  2. My dad is way into timeshares, has months worth but I think he actually uses it all. He'll do a few weeks in Hawaii and a few weeks in NYC, Palm Springs and Vegas. He's retired so he's able to travel a lot and actually use it. I sat through a timeshare sales pitch to get free tickets to a luau on my honeymoon and it was the worst thing ever! The sleazy sales guy was claiming it was "romance insurance", then when I said no thanks, he told me to "be a man" and was trying to emasculate me in front of my wife. I wanted to kick his ass so bad. Remember folks, whatever they are offering you to sit through the sales pitch is not worth it!
    3 points
  3. I guess nobody is getting an invite to @mbike-ski's timeshare at Greek Peak 😂
    3 points
  4. My dad was stationed in Alaska while he was in the army. They used to get around with snowshoes and cross country skis. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  5. Just for the record, i dont think you lack common sense. My comment is based off my buddy and his wife buying (or whatever you call it) a timeshare in Florida. Its a ridiculously small time they can use it....like 3 weeks or something. I never understood why this would appeal to anyone. Keep in mind, one of my buddies most famous sayings is "its only xxx$$$ per month." So, i know they used it the first 2 years they had it, and then he told me dragging his son, daughter in law and their 2 kids down to FLA was really expensive, and pretty much, not feasible to do every year. His is also "use it or lose it", which i think he has done the later more so lately. Never made sense to me to be tied to this thing, without any real ownership. Oh, and now he and his wife are divorced, so god knows how that works.
    2 points
  6. It would be a hell of a story if you did kick his ass.
    1 point
  7. Yes, I never understood why people got timeshares. Seemed like a terrible idea.
    1 point
  8. Yeah but you also have to pay an annual maintanance fee and sometimes housekeeping as well which can cost several hundred. Some like time shares because they can sometimes swap for different locations. They don’t don’t r ally call them time shares anymore it’s often called fractional ownership. For a time resorts were selling a lot of quarter shares, 1/8 shares and 1/16th shares. Essentially you get a week a month, two weeks a season or a week three seasons of the year. If you ever look up real estate for a place like Aspen you might see a condo listed for only $79,999 and you think damn and the. In the fine print it says 1/16 fractional ownership. Put that $80,000 in a 5% low risk investment and can just take a baller trip every year with the interest. Fools and their money.
    1 point
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