2% in VT. One of my biggest reservations about the pizza shop was getting good help. Current crew is dubious. Seven Days, a free newspaper out of Burlington (think City Paper in Philly if its still printed) had a front page about the shortage of workers in the F&B biz up here. I got bank approval for the money, but decided to hold off until the New Year. This is the slow time of year for them, why suck wind? Plus my offer is going to disappoint them since i have no interest in paying for good will. Philly house officially sold today, check's in the mail. Hot tub and sauna are operational. Possibly snow in the higher elevations by Friday. Leaf peeping has about another 10 days left. Gained back some weight from late night pigging out on homemade apple pie and ice cream. And almond M&M's. Been eating them by the bushel. That's your up to date report from the Notch.