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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/19 in all areas

  1. Post pictures of the trees. Lawn pics are getting old.
    2 points
  2. Interview is at high noon tomorrow. Rally some positive PASR vibes for me.
    2 points
  3. Yer the anal retentive yard guy. Did you knit a cozy for the mower for the off season?
    2 points
  4. pretty much. Best. case scenario would have start enforcing the tax now moving forward, not charge for the previous years. It gives him notice, and the town gets money, business from the operation, etc. But, everybody had to swing their dicks and now nobody wins.
    2 points
  5. im not sure who is ruining what here. Who knows what the truth is, but i have read just about enough stories on who to blame here, i think the next one will have zombies, or aliens in it. Basically the guy running the tourist train says he "does it for basically no money, and just a way to thank the town". Thank the town? thats what flowers are for. My money is on this - the guy makes plenty of money with the tourist train, but in the past the town has waived the tax. Now he cant afford to put 20's and the alligator skin leather seats in his porsche.
    2 points
  6. I successfully transplanted a 7 foot monster that's close to 8 foot now, less than a foot from the garage ceiling. It's Yooooooge and loaded with buddy goodness. Should be ready to harvest in 2 weeks.
    2 points
  7. show them the picture of my yard and tell them you'll lay down lines with the groomer like you do in your yard.
    1 point
  8. No trees. The most depressing part of developments.
    1 point
  9. What ever gives you a woody, so........but, what the fuck makes your lawn grow? I'm in leaf mode, and thats all on me, so wish me luck. I can not stand having leaves on the ground when it snows.
    1 point
  10. Thats not quite the information i got off FB. Remember, thats where i get my news from. Most people on FB are blaming the local government. My guess is, another local business person figured out he's not really paying all of the taxes he should, and is finding that unfair. (as would i) i have read on FB the "guy" is making plenty of money riding people around on his train. Its on FB, so, you know, all true.
    1 point
  11. When are you gonna harvest the corn?
    1 point
  12. The typical 3 sides to every story... I think the town never really bothered to enforce the taxes, mainly because it was symbiotic. Now something happened (who knows what?) that pissed off the town, auditor, mayor, whomever and they decided now to stick it to the guy, so he's just gonna give them the finger, take his toys and go home.
    1 point
  13. @JFskiDan I had to cut agin this afternoon. Just thought you’d want to know.
    1 point
  14. I’m other news, here is a shot of a LVRR when it used to run those lines. This is in Jim Thorpe.
    1 point
  15. I’ve always believed you need to have a good balance between work and leisure. If all you do is work you’ll get burnt out and won’t even have a chance to spend your money. If all you do is have leisure time you’ll get bored and you won’t appreciate it. I know if I have a long weekend where I go out to dinner a few nights and party rock my wallet hurts and I’m happy to go back to work and earn more money and have a few cheap days where I only spend a few bucks. If I didn’t have to work I better have a lot of money..I don’t know how much maybe like 2.35 million. When I was like 25 I used to help out with delivery guys wife’s catering company on weekends. There were times she needed me Friday night and Saturday night..it was like wow instead of spending $50 each night on food and drink I get paid $100+ and get to take home a prime rib or something..so working those two nights I’m up $300...do that 30 weeks a year that’s an extra $10k and it was 15 years ago so more in today’s dollars. Fuck it’s a hell of a lot easier to spend an extra $100 than make an extra hundred. So for me work is only to make money but if I’m not working I better have plenty of money..enough money is fine when you have a paycheck every other Thursday but when there’s no paycheck that shit makes me nervous. It’s what keeps me from telling customers to fuck off and only roll my eyes occasionally.
    1 point
  16. Oh, snap. Good Afternoon Mr. Bxxxxxxx, I wanted to inform you that I have received your application to the position groomer. I would like to offer an invitation for interview and informal discussion about the job and your motivations for becoming a groomer. I am available Thurs this week from 7A-4P and Fri 12A-3P. The following week of 10/20 I am available Mon-Thurs 7A-4P. Let me know when you might have availability to come up to Smuggs' for interview. Best Grooming Manager Smugglers' Notch Management Co. 4323 Route 108 South Smugglers' Notch, VT 05464-9537
    1 point
  17. I can't remember the last time I filled out a W-2. 80's most likely. Blasting tunes and smokin doobies. But i'm getting ahead of myself.
    1 point
  18. Took the bike out this afternoon ...Wound up at Blue for a short break....
    1 point
  19. sad.. we were just commenting when we went by Sunday how fun it was with the kids. Bike train ride 10/9 or 10/11?
    0 points
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