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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/19 in all areas
Dont burn up a pass to ski the same run 4-5 times over. We can put up a cardboard cut out of you in the parking lot to make it like you are there. I think i know somebody with some cardboard cut outs.5 points
5 points
Gotcha I always wonder what kind of stuff married people with kids have up on the weekends..I just donated $50 to charity so let’s hope that gives some extra good karma for skiing on Sunday.4 points
Solo trips are great. I’ve done plenty, just not skiing related. I would be much better served to have someone with me for the terrain I prefer to ski for safety reasons.4 points
The 5 most mountainous states in the Country are... 5) California 4) Wyoming 3) Colorado 2) Utah 1) Alaska The more you know....4 points
Cell phones don’t work in a lot of places. And you don’t have to be that far out in the sticks.3 points
I'm chaperoning a school trip Saturday. I was specifically requested so feeling pretty special. I like Blue Mountain being open like my 5th favorite Beatles song...8 days a week.3 points
Nothing important, but the wife has an all day event so just standard dad stuff with my son and I don't want to burn a buddy pass on an early season day. Plus he has activities in the morning that I probably shouldn't let him miss.3 points
Be sure to get up to Strawberry Park hot springs, preferably on a clear night to see more stars than you thought imaginable.3 points
3 points
It would be nice to have other people to go with. Is that for real or are you just being fucking stupid like usual?3 points
Montage announced that Gin Blossoms will headline their Mountainfest on March 7th, 20202 points
I think I heard some guy on the news say that but I was too distracted by his swaying to and fro to remember exactly.2 points
2 points
I think they'll stay. JT says it will be in talks with them about the tax in future years. unfortunately for JT, the railway knows that it has huge impact on the economy there and they will never, ever pay that tax. good for the railway for telling JT to get fucked. its a beautiful story of business vs bullying govt where the underdog won.2 points
Obviously a ski trip with friends is tough to beat but solo ski trips aren't the worst thing in the world either. Saltman if you hike to the top to ski the bowl (above morningside??) be sure it's not sunbaked first. Looks can be deceiving.2 points
1 point
I don’t think I’ve even typed the word Pendulum before. Did you ever read the Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe??1 point
Did you have a cell phone on you? I never ski with my phone at blue unless I’m doing a real time report but on ski trips I do. They actually say you should ski woods in groups of three...if one person were to get hurt then somebody can stay with the injured skier while the other person gets help. Tree wells are pretty scary. Matt Stunts dad died at Steamboat from getting stuck in a tree well. Even this last season at Jackson hole I got pulled into one just off the side of the trail to take a piss...1 point
Had a friend fall into a tree well at Jay and he was even skiing with a companion. I always have a whistle in my jacket pocket, even if I'm skiing w/ friend(s).1 point
1 point
I had a binding break on me one time skiing trees solo at stowe in dick deep powder. Spent about an hour looking for my ski, couldn't clip back in, spent another 2 hours or so wading through dick to chest deep snow of varying densities back to any sort of trail since skiing tight, steep trees with one ski wasn't gonna work. When I finally found my way out of the woods, the only option to get back on the trail was to jump down a 10ft or so cliff, or else turn around and keep fumbling through the woods to find a better exit, so I jumped. I legit thought I was going to die out there, since I got stuck around noon and would lose sunlight. I would have been seriously pissed if I died skiing VT.1 point
1 point
1 point
I don't ski glades alone because a minor injury can quickly turn fatal if no one else skis by. That's why I stick to groomed runs with other people around. I told Enjoralas that if he comes to Steamboat we can ski some glades.1 point
I hope they open at 8, i signed up for a friends blood drive at 11:15 Sunday in hopes for an 8:00 am opening1 point
Agree 100% I hope they stay because Jim Thorpe is a perfect location for them, but at the same time I'd love to see them (Jim Thorpe) get screwed because the operation leaves. I wouldn't want the businesses and residents of the town to get screwed because of the council's decision, but they are the ones who voted them in.1 point
most of you are prob aware that the train in jim thorpe was threatening to leave because of the amusement tax. jim thorpe has dropped the lawsuit.1 point
Just booked my flight to Steamboat, 2/23 to 2/28. They inflated the price by $40 since yesterday so I decided to jump all over it. All comparable flights are more expensive and have 1 stop. I read if they lower the fare I can call United customer support and they'll send me a gift card. @GrilledSteezeSandwich This is tubular!1 point
"just kidding, I have a few non-haters like Ridge Racer)." I called you a jackass the other day and you got all emo.1 point
1 point
Lol, you simply don’t understand the difference between a liquid asset, and merchandise, which is what you have. The reason they WOULDN’T give you cash, is because WHAT THEY GAVE YOU ISN’T WORTH $1500! The Blue bux or whatever they call it is their way of rewarding their front line grunts with something that feels like it’s worth a lot more than it is. They give you mountain credit knowing that you will have to trade it in for things that ACTUALLY cost them far less than the price on the tag. And if they get redeemed for passes, even better, because the marginal cost is negligent and the reduced potential liability (this is what a gift card truly represents to a merchant) is significant. Look, I’ve been real nice to you in this thread so far, but I can tell we’re simply not playing on the same mental plane here, so for this one last post, i’ll speak your language: You are a ignorant moron who doesn’t understand the basic concepts of economics. I fear for you to think that sandwich slinger at Blue Mountain might have been your primary source of income, but considering racking up that much Blue Bux at 4 bits an hour – well, I just pray there are no dependents. You’re obviously not the sharpest edge in the ski shop because if you had more brains in your head than shit in your pants you would have at some point in the 5 alleged years you were employed at Blue found some way to get yourself into a more lucrative situation there than hairnet jockey, maybe giving lessons and hustling for tips and picking up some real coin instead of drowning in the grease trap and thinking you were getting one over on the man every time you snuck a chicken finger when the boss wasn’t looking. I’ve never spoked pot (sic) in my life, not that I give a rat’s ass what some toothless zinc-y no name coward on the Internet thinks of me anyway. Have fun trying to hawk your gift cards on the elsewhere of life; realize that you came into the middle of a hangout of a couple dozen of the most hardcore Blue regulars that exist, people who are at the mountain literally every weekend, and couldn’t comport yourself with enough decorum, intelligence and dignity to get a decent cash return for your non-cash (I really can’t stress that too many times) asset, so good fuckin’ luck with the Toms, Dicks and Harrys of the world. I hope you get your kidneys harvested in a Craigslist sale gone wrong. Fuck Off And Die, and please try to center all the toppings on my Quarter Pounder the next time I come through the drive-thru, I hate it when you fuckers just sling that shit in there all willy nilly and I get a half a cheese slice stuck to the package.1 point
0 points
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