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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/19 in all areas

  1. Saw they were in the jackpot zone for the storm, so I set my alarm for 4am, checked the thruway cams to see the road conditions, and headed up. No traffic at all on the way up and roads where clear until you entered the Catskills themselves. I gave myself more time than needed to get up there so I hung around in the car and listened to a few podcasts once I arrived. It was puking snow at the mountain The 6 pack was down. So you had to take B lift to F lift to get to the summit. The lifts didn’t open right on time but I got pretty close to first chair. There were some skinners coming down too. I realized I should get a split board if I’m gonna keep up with storm chasing. This is the base of f lift. The snow was heavy but extremely deep. Never bottomed out. Poached some closed trails with some people, it was great. No photos or video because I’ll probably not ride pow this deep again for a long time. The crowds were pretty big for a weekday. Lots of people saying they have epic passes from Vermont or nyc that followed the storm. It got tracked out pretty quick and with the heavy nature of the snow it made for some interesting conditions later on. I bailed a bit before noon. The snow came down hard until I got to the six flags exit. The Catskills are nice. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    12 points
  2. I guess I will contribute. I skied today. Jadip! 😀
    5 points
  3. Guns are on. Just in case anybody doesnt have access to the webcams.
    5 points
  4. I like cutting through their snakes just to torque them. Guns back on!
    4 points
  5. No, Dr appointment I can't miss... But I will ski Friday and Saturday.
    3 points
  6. Looks like lazy and Main Street should open by the weekend. I’m guessing they crank the snowmaking cannons on homestretch, lower park, paradise, widowmaker and Burma during the colder snap later this week before the next warm spell.
    3 points
  7. Good night. Still here. Some squalls passed through here and there for stoke. No one's here. Snows good. I love ski season. Xoxoxo
    3 points
  8. Get torqued brahhhh
    2 points
  9. Finally! I've been waiting for entitled racers to be all over the place!
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. He usually bumps 5 year old threads.
    2 points
  12. Just announced..... Opening Thursday Dec 5. 8:30-4:30. 8 slopes and trails
    1 point
  13. When you get to 100,000 posts (all terrific) I'll split a Yoohoo with you in the lower lot.
    1 point
  14. Looks like you just hit warp drives...
    1 point
  15. Guns on is great.
    1 point
  16. Despite all the posts Root deleted my post count remains the same.
    1 point
  17. Report of the year so far!!!
    1 point
  18. That won't clutter up the already limited terrain at all!
    1 point
  19. Plus the roughly 100K that you already deleted.
    1 point
  20. Just contributing to his 60,000+ count of worthless posts.
    1 point
  21. Trying to bring cold Vibes +++++++++
    1 point
  22. They said today totaled 27. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. Sick ! I like just going to the hill and seeing it look like a ski place, all the green and brown messes with the feng shui
    1 point
  24. Socked out at the peak and almost full snow globe. Trying catch up to@jfskidan but he’s fast Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Fire on whiteface mountain at the mid mountain lodge....home of the legendary veggie burger. Sad. Thankfully no injuries.
    0 points
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