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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/19 in all areas

  1. PASR must maintain an independent voice and will not bow to corporate demands!!!
    5 points
  2. Not a cloud in the sky for the 9am start. Big time inversion (37F at the top, 28F at the base) to start with a freshly opened Challenge ready to go right from rope drop. In the house were @AtomicSkier @toast21602 @JFskiDan @Benm @Johnny Law @Mixilplix, @JBS, Johnny Law’s “twin” brother, and another one of JLaw’s brothers. Rodney, the other crew in our row, and a couple other regulars. There wasn’t a cookie to be found on Challenge even at 10:30am, but it was rock hard from the get go with only minor holes. The ROTD of the day, and after that first Challenge, the only run I skied the rest of the day, was Main Street. It was sunny, totally empty, and boner doner tits mcgee. Conditions were slightly looser today on Main Street compared to Sunday, but even fewer people. Hard to beat today’s conditions, mild temps, and lack of crowds. The only issue today was a wardrobe malfunction by @toast21602 forcing him to wear a slightly different outfit.
    3 points
  3. Merry Christmas you filthy animals!
    2 points
  4. Merry Christmas, Merry Chanukah, may all your days be tits mcgee
    2 points
  5. Happy Holidays PASR! My gift to all of you is continuing to pay the PASR bills for yet another year. 😍
    2 points
  6. Thanks Tarponhead... Although my main mode of transportation down the hill is a single plank...I occasionally get out on two.... Joyous Holiday season to all.....
    2 points
  7. Truth. Merry Christmas guys and gals.
    2 points
  8. You’re all good people. Enjoy the holiday with family and friends! 🥃🍻
    2 points
  9. Sounds like this song. Merry Xmas all
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Stuck workin blah blah blah. Will be a while before I’m back up searching for blue water. Anyways, want to say happy holidays to the valley of the misfit crew whose company is something I always enjoy. Best to you and your families! Played this one on wfuv this AM, never heard before. This is for Brendan, Matt and all the other single plankers... (Bumps for Barney’s!!)
    1 point
  12. They’re blowing snow...
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. It’s a little slice of Americana like apple pie with raisins
    1 point
  15. Your band sounds a helluva lot better when you don't sing!
    1 point
  16. Looking forward to skiing Snow, Okemo, Attitash, Wildcat and maybe Crotched on 5-6 of the next 8 days. Think I will do Mt. Snow tomorrow. Got a place in Brattleboro starting tonight. Merry Xmas
    1 point
  17. It looks good on you, though 😶
    1 point
  18. Top of Zuma. Beautiful sunny day. Crowds starting to pick up. They are scanning at mid mountain because they said people skinning up are cheating. It is slowing everything down. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  19. You could also rent skis for a whole season from most ski shops, then you would always have skis with you and not have to visit the rental shop every trip. A good ski shop will rent skis based on your ability and seasonal goals. Also, get a lesson of two this season. The more you ski the better you will become.
    1 point
  20. I think you may be mistaken...powder looks like this...
    1 point
  21. https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/berks/year-old-dies-after-skiing-into-snow-blowing-equipment/article_edfef54e-275c-11ea-89e7-bf34f30e6654.html not a good start to the year for bear creek. Prayers to the family.
    0 points
  22. Because it’s stupid.
    0 points
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